WebNovelAgent S19.05%


In Suga's peripheral vision, he saw Jimin swallow nervously.

The man was now facing the bed and Suga just knew that whoever he was, this person was currently looking around and would soon peek under the bed. They were in deep shit now.

Many options came to Suga's head. It would be easy to defeat the man when it came to hand-to-hand combat, with or without weapon. The problem was, Suga didn't know how Jimin's crazy mind worked. This kid could do something dumb while Suga was trying to disarm and tackle the man. Worse, he might run downstairs where there's a big possibility that a bunch of other bad guys were waiting.

Well, he could also fight this man whilst keeping hold of Jimin. Suga could do that. Tsk, easy.


In a circumstance like this, Suga was wise enough to know that it was not good to take risks. Despite how smoothly planned all his missions were, he still enjoyed taking risks. It's just that in a situation where you also barely had any idea what was happening, you really couldn't take a shitty risk.

His mission was to keep Jimin safe.

That's it.

Seriously, Agent Y should've given me more details. Aish!

He could feel Jimin's panicked breathing below him as the perfect idea struck Suga. He shifted a bit and turned on his AC watch, a hologram hovering over it appeared. He noticed Jimin's eyes widening as the younger boy stared incredulously at the watch which probably looked so amazing for the naive kid.

Suga turned to Jimin. "What's your home number? I'll call it."

Without a pause, Jimin quickly narrated his phone number. Suga called the said number using his AC Watch and immediately, a loud ringing resounded throughout the house. Just as he had expected, the man turned away, exiting the room to probably go downstairs and check the phone.

It was pretty stupid of him.

Suga was glad to know that their pursuer was an idiot.

The moment Suga was sure the man was already on the staircase and out of the room, he quickly crawled out, Jimin following him hesitantly. When they were finally standing again, an awkward moment ensued as Suga finally had the chance to look at Jimin from head to toe. Seriously, who would wear that small of a towel? He's practically just steps away from being naked. It's a miracle that the towel still managed to hold on after all the fiasco.

"We have to move now. Fast," Suga said after a second of staring at the younger boy.

Jimin, who was looking away and blushing hard the whole time Suga was scrutinizing him, turned his head to face him. He blinked. "W-what?! Who says I'm coming with you?"

Of shitting course. He just had to be the most stubborn person in the whole world.

Suga was really tempted to pull out his revolver now and point it to this kid's head, just to make things easier and faster, but there's just something in this boy that stopped him. If possible, he wanted to finish this shit without needing to scare Jimin.

"Aish! Will you stop being so-"

"G-go away! I'm w-warning you!" Jimin said as he quickly reached for the scissor that was on top of his side-table, his previous weapon of destruction which was a badminton racket now forgotten and left under the bed.

Suga rolled his eyes, because really.

The older boy moved forward, swiftly and easily grabbing Jimin's hand that was holding the sharp object. However, as Jimin tried to back away, something tragic happened.

Everything was so fast that it took a second for them to realize what just happened.

Jimin's towel fell off.

Suga looked down.



Like...really wow.

He looked back up again. Now the boy was definitely naked.

And shit, he looked so awfully hot.

"Wow..." Suga uttered in daze. If he was in his right mind, he wouldn't have said that, but even Suga's sturdy walls couldn't refuse such a scenic view.

Just then, the knob of the room turned, snapping him out of his embarrassing and highly inappropriate thoughts. His body worked by itself without the help of his mind and he quickly pulled Jimin using the wrist he was already holding. They made it into the bathroom just as the door opened and the man shouted "Yah!", having seen them already.

It was just a glimpse but Suga was able to memorize the man's features. He's good at that.

"Jump out of the window!" Suga ordered in a whispered tone, opening a small window inside the bathroom.

"What?! I'm gonna die! We're on the second floor!" Jimin whispered back.

They both turned to the bathroom's door as the man tried to open the locked doorknob.

There's no more time.

"Do you want to live, Park Jimin?"

Jimin nodded.

"Then listen. I will jump first, then go next. Don't think twice because just a minute from now, that man will be able to open the door. I'll catch you, don't worry." Suga stepped one foot on the lid without hesitation, glancing how far he should jump before looking back at Jimin.

He reached his secret pocket that was inside his jacket and fished out his .500 S&W revolver, the most powerful one in the world. He handed it to Jimin.

"In case he will be able to open the door before you're able to jump, just shoot. Shoot or you'll die first."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something but Suga wasn't able to hear it as he had already jumped. He landed on his feet neatly, having already jumped from higher windows before. This was barely a challenge.

Looking up, he saw Jimin's mouth hanging open in shock, probably awed by how Suga jumped without effort. He saw the younger boy glance back for a second, then gulped nervously before jumping with eyes closed shut. Suga smiled a bit at this, feeling oddly warmed that the younger boy really did trust that he would catch him.

And yep, he was a short naked boy jumping out of a second floor window, eyes shut and one hand holding a very dangerous weapon. Just the normal everyday thing you see.

Suga caught him perfectly, putting down the boy immediately and dragging him to where he had parked his car. Fortunately, no one was passing by as Suga unlocked his car using his AC Watch and as naked Park Jimin slid into the passenger seat.

He stepped into the pedal, hearing a gunshot from a distance and knowing full well that it was aimed at his car.


"They escaped."

The moment the words from the other line of the phone were uttered, he fisted his hand in rage.

"What?!" was his angry response. "How could you be so useless, W?! You're supposed to be one of the best, right? How the heck did that boy escape when I know that he couldn't even kill a bug?! ANSWER ME!"

"He... An agent helped him. I saw the car, it was an agent's car."

"Who helped him? Is he that good that he was able to outmatch you? Are you crazy? There's a reason why you are the one I sent. Don't call me just to say that you've been beaten by-"

"It's S. Agent S was the one who helped him."

That definitely made him shut his mouth up.

Agent S.

"What do you mean by Agent S?"

"I knew because the shot I fired wasn't able to prod into the car's tires. You know very well that the cars our agents use are special and could not be easily destroyed or even scratched. But the bullets that I use are special ones and can penetrate through even with an AC-made vehicle. It was not able to flatten the tires or even graze it, however. When I checked, the bullet was deformed."


"I only know one agent that was able to modify his own vehicle and customize its system. In short, my bullets are effective to any AC vehicle except for the one owned by S. You know the rumours about S, don't you?"

He pursed his lips as he narrowed his eyes. "I know. Why does it have to be him?"

"You probably already have an idea who sent him."

"Of course. Yen. Agent Yen. He just has to put his nose to other people's business."

There was silence for awhile, the person from the other end of the line not speaking. He, himself, broke the silence. "S would be a serious hindrance. He just had to insert himself into the picture. Now it will be even harder to get it."

"Do you want me to kill S, then?" W asked him.

He snorted. "Can you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's face reality. You can't kill S. No one can."