WebNovelAgent S33.33%

- BABE -

Jimin woke up with someone shaking him forcefully, shouting his name. He groaned.

"Jimin! Wake up!" the familiar voice shouted urgently.


"Aish, it's not exactly the right time to moan seductively. Wake up now!"

Getting pissed off with all the urgency and noise, Jimin cracked one eye. He saw an unfamiliar face...then seconds later, his mind finally worked properly and he realized that it was Suga. His Suga-hyung.

"W-why?! What?" he said in a panicked voice as he abruptly stood up, recognizing that something wrong was happening.

"We've been followed. We need to leave. Now."

They've been followed? Ugh, not this type of shit again. Once a day was enough.

"Aish, I can't believe I've been so careless. I was never like this. It was damn protocol! I've never missed this before. Why now?!" he heard Suga frustrated murmured under his breath.

He stared at his hyung with unblinking eyes until Suga turned to him. The agent lifted his hand as if to show Jimin something.

His eyes widened. "That's my-"

"This has a damn tracker. This was the reason why we have been followed," Suga stated in a dry tone as he scowled. He was holding Jimin's friendship bracelet that he had won with Tae and Kookie a few months ago from a mini-game in an amusement park.

"This is all my fault, really. I should've checked, I always checked. I just... Aish, I don't know what's wrong with me. Probably distracted with some shit," Suga complained.

"Distracted of what?"

Suga looked away and glared at the bracelet. "Just things."

This made Jimin frown because he couldn't really understand what his hyung was talking about. His frown was then met by Suga's irritated eyes. "Get up now. We need to move."

With quick movements, the younger boy stood up. He looked around with wide eyes, not really knowing what to do. His eyes fell on flat screens on a wall that was blank before he slept. It looked like it was a view of security cameras, and there outside was...no one.

"Are they still far?" he asked, unsure if Suga even knew the answer.

"They're here already."

"But...there's no one."

"If you're an agent, you don't exactly just go to the front door and knock, Park Jimin. You hide somewhere and you'll find a way to get in," he explained as he stuffed strange things unto a duffel bag.

"How can we escape them?" he asked in a slightly panicked tone, eyes blinking fast in his nervousness.

Suga paused in his movements and regarded Jimin with curious eyes. "Chill, babe. There's no need to worry because we're safe here. This place is equipped with all high class security shit. The only problem we have is that most of the security measures I installed here are from AC, so we couldn't really rely to those since our pursuer is familiar with them as well."

Jimin blinked, trying hard to ignore the fact that the older boy called him 'babe'. "So that means that they could break through and enter?"

"I only said most, not all. I've prepared for this kind of shit long ago, I didn't even expect that I'd really be fighting a fellow agent, but here we are. Since our pursuer is also an agent in AC, they would be able to crack to the security somehow. But. I've also placed security measures I made myself, some made by Agent H, that could very well stall them into breaking through the locks and the system itself."

What the heck was all of this? Jimin didn't understand a single thing. Why couldn't he just wake up from this nightmare?

"You couldn't see anyone in the security cams because they know how to hide from it, just like me," Suga continued, pointing at the screens on the wall that Jimin noticed awhile ago. "But Agent H made these sensors that are not registered as an official AC device so our pursuer doesn't have any idea about it. According to the sensors, someone had been staying on the same spot near the bushes meters away from here. I'm not sure who this is, but I know that they're just waiting for the right timing."

Suga then stepped forward until he was once again invading Jimin's personal space. The older boy leaned in and poked Jimin's nose playfully, making the younger scrunch up his face. "The thing here is, don't give them the right timing."


The older's eyes were so close to Jimin's that he was getting cross-eyed. He's not really sure if he would die because these people wanting to kill him or if he would die because of this boy's intense stare. Jimin blinked his two widely opened eyes.

Suga smirked.

"Don't cry. You're gonna live. I'm with you," the agent said as he smirked and pinched Jimin's cheek lightly.

Jimin became indignant and glared at the boy. "I was not about to c-cry!"

His qualms were barely heard though, because the rude boy only chuckled lightly and turned away, going back to the duffel bag he was busy with awhile ago.

"So here's the plan, babe. Listen carefully because hyung doesn't really like repeating his words. If you don't, I might punish you," Suga said in a playful and slightly suggestive manner as he now walked towards what seemed to be a control desk filled with buttons and levers that was under the screens on the wall.

"Stop that," Jimin blurted out suddenly.

The older boy turned with one eyebrow raised.

"S-stop calling m-me babe..."

Jimin wasn't sure why he said that, but he was sure that hearing the word babe from this boy was making him feel strange things. So yeah, he got to stop it.

But looks like his complaints were not even near to being recognized as the older boy only continued and started to narrate his plan. "I know where exactly our pursuer is standing because of the sensors, so I'll aim poisonous arrows and small missiles at his direction to keep him busy while I control my car which is parked at the front to drive to the back. You stand near the backdoor and when I give the cue, I'll unlock both the door and the car, and you should be quick in going out and entering the car. Everything should be smooth, Park Jimin. One second late, everything will be ruined. Understand?"

All the business-like talking was making Jimin feel like he was a soldier being ordered by his commander. He was even standing straight right now. He couldn't help it.

"Y-you can do all that while just standing there?" Jimin asked, instead of obediently saying 'yes'. He couldn't help it, he was just a healthy curious young man.

Suga snorted. "Yes, I could control everything from here, and also with the use of my AC Watch. I'll be shooting the arrows and missiles and will be unlocking the back door using the controls I have here, but I'll be driving the car and unlocking it using my Watch. Any more questions, babe? Cause really, we have all the time in the world and are not being chased by some unknown enemy. Go ahead, take your time," he said sarcastically.

Jimin was not easily fazed though. He did not even care that he was called 'babe' again. He was just too curious with all that's happening. And also, Suga looked quite adorable when pissed off. "Wait, so you can control your car using that...uh, AC Watch thing?"

Another eye roll. "I believe I just said that a second ago. Thank you for helpfully repeating. Yes, Jimin, I can. You can't find a boyfriend who could do that kind of awesome shit anywhere, so what are you waiting for, grab me now! I'm on sale, by the way."

The heavy drip of sarcasm was so rude. Jimin scowled at him. "Whatever."

Despite being crossed by this guy who seemed to not know the existence of manners, Jimin still obediently walked to the back door and waited for Suga's cue. He looked back to observe what the boy was doing, and if he was being honest with himself, he was taken aback by what he saw.

Suga was leaning carefully to the controllers, his eyebrows drawn and tongue slightly poking out in concentration. His sharp and perfectly chiseled jaw was on display and his hair was perfectly settled between quite fixed and slightly messy, making him look more...enticing. He looked so serious and focused and shit did he look so handsome like that.

Jimin looked away.

He had to.

Err, that was quite a weird thought.

Pft, handsome.



He looked back again, unable to stop himself.

He really is very handsome, Jimin thought as he stared at the pale complexion of the boy, very opposite to his olive skin. He couldn't even stop staring at the boy's eyes because they look so intense with that serious look.

"Jimin, get ready."

He almost didn't catch that. "O-okay."

Some more seconds passed in which he realized that he had missed that fact that there are already sounds of explosion going on outside. There were also gunshots and thudding sounds. Heck, he wondered what was happening. He couldn't really see the monitors from where he was standing.


Without wasting any moment, Jimin twisted the doorknob. When he opened the door, he found that the car was parked right in front of where he was standing. He walked with quick and long strides across the few meters distance of the car and the door, and then slid inside as fast as he could. Once he was inside, he heard a clicking sound and noticed that the car was once again locked.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

All he needed to do now was to wait for Suga and hope that he would be okay.


Suga narrowed his eyes as he watched from one of the monitors a cloaked man expertly rolling over to the side to avoid one of the arrows. He was indeed an agent.

If that's the case, then it meant that Suga's attacks were useless. He needed to go out now. They needed to leave now. Who knew what other shit were hidden on these people's sleeves? There could be more of them and Jimin was alone in the car now.

Although Suga was pretty sure that Jimin would be safe there, the car wouldn't exactly run without him. Clicking his revolver, Suga swiftly ran to the back door with a duffel bag clutched on one hand, throwing system and plan out the window and just going all-in right now.

And anyway, they couldn't just keep on running away. Suga needed to at least get a glimpse of their pursuer's face.

The moment he was out the cabin though, a shot was fired. The bullet would've hit Suga's knee if he was not quick enough to jump over to the side, just narrowly missing the bullet and ending up stooped in front of his car. At least he could use his car as a shield of some sort.

He could vaguely hear the man's feet running over the grassy ground, going to the west direction. Ah, the large statue of mermaid. So the idiot was going to hide there, as it seemed.

Crouched down in front of his car with the duffel bag still securely held by one hand, he positioned his pistol below the car to aim for the enemy's feet. He did not need to see the enemy to shoot, he only needed to listen carefully in order to predict where the person was and where he was going. Then shoot.

And Suga just did.

A painful grunt was heard before a struggled shuffling came. Suga knew very well that he had shot one of the man's feet and that the said man was now hiding behind the mermaid statue, just as Suga expected.

Now, the problem was, if Suga would make a run for it to go to the driver's seat, he would be openly exposed. The man's position from behind the mermaid was just perfect to shoot Suga if he'd attempt to go for it. So, staying where he was, Suga thought for a good plan.

He looked up the sky.

A flock of birds where coming.

Mmm, easy.

It would give him only a small amount of time, but that would be enough. He was fast.

He fired several blind shots at the mermaid statue's direction to perk up the enemy and heighten his vigilance. The more careful a person was, the more he would get freak out to a sudden ambush.

And that's exactly what Suga would do.

The agent reached into his jacket and grabbed his .500 S&W revolver that was especially made for him. It was a revolver but it was designed to handle a long-range shot just like a shotgun or a sniper rifle. He only needed to change the settings by flipping the small switch near its nuzzle.

He looked up at the sky and watched as the flock of birds came nearer, waiting for the perfect timing. He smiled, imagining the scolding he would get from Jimin once the soft boy would find out that he killed a bird.

Oh well.

Pointing his revolver upward, Suga tilted his head. He was thinking of literally killing two birds with one stone. In one shot, he could kill two birds if he would just get the right timing. But then again, the big baby he was protecting which was now safely inside the car would be very disappointed, so he would just shoot one then.

He waited for the perfect timing....

When it did come, Suga quickly fired a shot, not really needing a telescope or whatsoever despite the fact that the birds looked like mere dots and was too far. He could handle that, psh. He could even shoot a damn fly. Literally.

The shot bird fell unto their pursuer, earning a surprised shriek at the sudden interruption. This was enough for Suga to hold the duffel bag he was bringing more tightly and quickly run to the door and slide into the driver's seat. The moment he closed the door, a shot was heard and it hit his bulletproof glass windows. Haphazardly throwing the duffel bag unto the backseat, the young agent did not hesitate and turned on the engine, stepping heartily unto the pedal and driving away fast.