WebNovelAgent S57.14%


The young boy pulled his knees closer to himself, hoping that it would give him even just a little warmth. The pavement was harsh and cold, making him tremble against his will.

He gritted his teeth.

The snow that was just starting to fall were hitting the ground softly. They looked beautiful, but they felt awful. Really awful. Especially for a fourteen-year old boy who was wearing nothing but ragged shirt and jeans.

The coldness pierced his skin, but Yoongi would like to think that he was already numb.

He looked to the side, staring longingly at a large black gate. He was waiting for someone, for a young boy who had chubby cheeks and the cutest smile that Yoongi had ever seen.

The boy that seemed to be younger than him by a couple of years usually went out at this time of day to play. Yoongi would just gaze at him from afar, from this shadowed part of the pavement where the boy could not see him. His eyes would trace every curl of his lips, every curve of his eyes, and every playful flicks of his hand. Even his laugh was enough to make Yoongi smile as well.

He didn't really smile all that much, just spent days and nights glaring at strangers who gave him a look of pity.

But somehow, this little boy's smile gave brightness to his dim life.

So beautiful.

So precious.

Just like an angel.

And so, he always came back. He always waited, just for a chance to get a glimpse of that perfect smile.

"Whoa! The snow looks so amazing!" he heard a familiar voice from afar.

Yoongi smiled and turned his head, his eyes landing at the small figure jumping up and down.

"Suga-hyung!!!" bellowed a voice, making Suga snap his eyes open.

For a moment there, he thought it was the boy with the beautiful smile in his dream.

He grunted sleepily. "Yah, go away!"

"I cooked breakfast! Come on!"

Ugh, seriously. How could this kid be this cheerful early in the morning? He must have super powers.

Suga woke up groggily, scowling as he did so.

Jimin chuckled, his eyes turning into two crescent moons as he regarded Suga with an amused stare. The kid looked so cute when he smiled like this. So bright...

Giving brightness to his dim life...

Upon realizing the weird thought in his mind, the older boy shook his head in a gesture of putting those thoughts away. It was not the time to reminisce the past, and most importantly, it's not the time to stare at Jimin as if he had hung the stars. Suga was being an idiot.

As he was deep in thought, he absentmindedly reached one hand out to touch the ring that was worn by his thumb. It was a plain silver ring, and the only leaving evidence of who he used to be.

His stomach grumbled.

"See, hyung? Your little tummy is already excited to eat the food I cooked!" Jimin said excitedly, jumping up and down as he waited for Suga to stand up from his bed, which he was doing very, very, very slowly.

His ancestors were the very first legendary and ancient turtles and snails. Nobody could blame him.

"Yah, just make sure that the egg is not burned this time."

At this words, Jimin stopped jumping up and down. He looked at Suga with a serious face as he said, "I tried, hyung. I really did. Believe me."

Suga sighed, resigning himself to his burned egg fate.

In the end, the young agent still ate it deliciously while pretending that it didn't taste so freaking awful.


"Hyung, where are we going this time?" Jimin inquired as he dug inside one of the bags that Suga had brought with them.

Jimin's training finally finished. His skill was now enough to at least protect himself when danger came. He's still really lame at using guns, though. The two of them were once again in the car, driving for a few minutes now. They needed to leave that place. It's already been more than a week that they've been staying there and Suga knew all too well that it's not good to stay at one place for far too long. It won't be safe.

This time though, Suga made sure to bring more things, including clothes and preserved food, so that they would not need to risk going to the mall if ever they needed anything unless it's necessary.

Suga's only entertainment right now was observing Jimin while he was driving. The kid was so awed with all the special features that the car can do when the older boy decided to show some to Jimin.

Right now, the kid was hungry and looking for something to eat as he dug into the bag.

"To a hotel. We'll be staying there for a week, depending on what would happen."

Jimin nodded. "Okay."

After a few more minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the hotel that Suga had chosen for them to stay. It was a good hiding place. The hotel was practically in the middle of a very crowded part of the city. People here enjoy night life, so that meant that there would still be a lot of people even in the wee hours of the night. That would just be perfect because it's easier to escape in a place full of people.

Parking the car and picking up the only needed luggage and bags, the two headed inside.

Suga smiled at the receptionist the way he usually did, just a little playful and not too suggestive. The receptionist giggled, earning a raise of eyebrow from Jimin. The younger boy looked like he was about to scowl but was trying hard not to.

Suga almost smirked.

"Park Jisoo. I've made a reservation."

The receptionist nodded with a blush. She slid the card for Suga's room, as well as a small piece of paper. Accepting it with a charming smile, Suga and Jimin went on their way to the elevator. Jimin eyed the small piece of paper as if it was a bomb.

"So, Park Jisoo is your real name?" Jimin casually asked, still glaring at the small paper.

Suga snorted. "Obviously not. So naive."

Jimin's indignant face was back in action. "W-what?!"

"It's obviously a fake name. Why would I give my real name? Tsk tsk, so, so naive..."

Jimin smacked him in the arm. Hard. "Who's naive?!"

They arrived to their floor just as Suga yelped in pain. Ugh, seriously. This kid.

"Aw!" Suga screamed as they walked out of the elevator. "Do you even have any idea that you're the only person who's brave enough to hit me like that?! The only person who dared to hit me and did not get an injured spine was Y. And that was like, years ago, when he was still training me. I can't believe you."

The two boys finally arrived inside their shared room. Jimin stopped short as he was about to enter, eyes going wide when he took in what was inside.

"Why is there only one bed?" he slowly asked, as if he couldn't believe his own existence.

Suga rolled his eyes. "Because there's nothing else available when I called for a reservation."

Jimin huffed and glared at the floor. "Unbelievable."

"Whatever. You can sulk all day and I'll just be here, sleeping," Suga said as he put the bags he was carrying on the bed, slowly taking out the contents that they'd need for the day. Maybe he'd just have room service later for their food.

Several minutes passed by and still, Jimin didn't move from his standing position. In the days that Suga had been with this kid, he found out many things about him.

And that included the fact that the younger boy never backed down.

Being stubborn again, I see.

Suga sighed, then turned around to face the younger boy. "Jimin, go ahead and take a shower now. There's an arcade at the first floor of the hotel. I know you'll enjoy it there. You can play there as long as you want, so shower now, okay? I'll even buy you peppero if that would make you happy," Suga tried to coax carefully.

Jimin looked at him, eyes curious. Suga knew it. The peppero won.

"Okay..." the younger answered uncertainly. "Okay...umm...you'll not peep on me, will you?"

Suga raised a very questioning eyebrow.

Being the subject of Suga's highly judgmental stare, Jimin's face flushed. "I- I mean... You could put cameras inside the bathroom for all I know and... and watch with your AC Watch."

Jimin looked like he was embarrassed by his own words. Well, he should be.

Suga chuckled. "Oh really? You know what, thank you for giving me the idea, babe." He then walked towards the bathroom. "Now excuse me, I'll set up the cameras now."

"W-what?! No, don't!"

The older boy shrugged casually. "Well, I can just always use this coin." He then brought out a random coin from his pocket, trying his best not to laugh at how absurd he was about to say. "I could just put this on my eye and I would be able to look through any wall, including the bathroom door. So go ahead, undress nicely, okay?"

"Y-You're such a perv! I can't believe I'm stuck with you!" Jimin complained, his face getting redder every minute.

"And you're such a noisy and stubborn brat. You're the one who gave me the idea to peep on you, so fuck off."


"Aiiiiiish. Just go ahead and take a bath, damn it. I'll not put cameras and for shit's sake, this is just a normal coin. You're so stupid to believe me that fast."

"I'm not stupid!" Jimin insisted and Suga rolled his eyes. It was quite cute, actually. Jimin and his indignant 'I'm not stupid' is so cute.

Probably to prove his point, Jimin took the scandalous coin from Suga's hand and placed it on one of his eyes as if using a telescope. He then frowned and put away the coin, frowning down at it even more.

The younger boy pursed his lips.

Of course he wouldn't see anything. That was just a normal coin.

Jimin glared at him. "What if this only works when you're the one holding it!"

Ugh. Suga personally thought that Jimin was being so cute. But he was also tired of getting wrongly accused as a pervert.

"Oh for-!" Suga was definitely fed up now. "You really think I'm a sick perverted asshole just because I looked down at your dick that one time? For your information, I've got no interest at your average-looking dick. If I need to see a nice dick, I would just have to look at the mirror."

Jimin blinked, then looked down, and looked up again just as quickly.

Suga narrowed his eyes at him. "You're a pervert, I could see."

"What? W-why?!"

"Because you looked down at my crotch. That seems to be the basis of being a pervert nowadays."

"I'm absolutely not a pervert!" Jimin defended.

Suga clicked his tongue. "Yes, you are. I know you think I'm hot. I can read minds, you know."

Now, Suga was of course, just messing up with Jimin. He could predict what a person could do next, but there's no way that he had the ability to read minds. Unexpectedly though, the younger boy's face flushed red as he looked down at his feet, now avoiding Suga's gaze.

The older boy frowned, then his eyes widened in realization as he took in the embarrassed look of Jimin. He laughed mercilessly, earning a distressed glance from the younger boy.

"So it's really true? You think I'm hot?"

Jimin's blinked many times. "I- I thought you can read minds!"

Suga chuckled. "Wow, you really believed that? So cute."

Upon realizing his grave mistake and that he had stupidly revealed an information that Suga should have not known, Jimin's face became redder than before, which was quite impossible. He looked like he wanted to run.

"S-hut up!" was his weak response.