WebNovelAgent S71.43%


Suga sighed, his body propped on one arm sideways as he stared at the sleeping boy beside him. It was almost afternoon and yet, the younger boy was still asleep.

Jimin, being the hyper baby he was, was always the one up first in the mornings. There was even that one time when Suga woke up with the boy poking his cheeks playfully. Now though, the younger boy was deep asleep, probably very tired from all the crying he had done the previous night.

Suga sighed again while carefully ran his fingers through Jimin's soft hair.

"Mhmm," the younger boy grunted, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

The fingers on his hair stilled, and the two boys stayed frozen as they stared at each other's eyes. Jimin looked weary, Suga thought. Almost lifeless.

He didn't like this kind of look on the other boy's face.

"What time is it, hyung?" Jimin asked in a slightly monotonous voice.

"It's almost noon. Are you hungry?"

Jimin slowly sat up, Suga following suit. The younger boy scrubbed his face with his hands wearily as he heaved a deep sigh. He looked so unhappy that it made Suga hurt.

It hurt.

Seeing him like this.

"I don't think I want to eat," Jimin almost-whispered after awhile.

Suga stood up, held Jimin's hand, and pulled him up so that he was forced to stand. Jimin looked at him with confused eyes. The boy was so subdued that Suga had this sudden urge to do everything just to cheer him up. Just to see that eyesmile again.

"You need to eat whether you like it or not."

And with that, he dragged the complaining younger boy into the small round table at the corner of their room, pushing him to sit on one of the chairs. "I have ordered all of your favorite so eat well."

Despite the annoyed scowl plastered on the younger's face at having been forced to eat, a small smile slowly crept in, making his gloomy aura brighten up a bit. He stared up at his hyung with thankful eyes that almost made Suga's heart stop beating all together.

The older boy did not smile back though, being the salty monster he was. He only looked away and scratched the back of his neck. A person looking at him might say that he was blushing but really, he was not. It was just the hot weather making his face flushed.

While Jimin was eating silently, Suga chose to settle on the bed and turn on the TV. He couldn't focus on what was showing though, because his mind couldn't stop thinking on Jimin who seemed to be forcing each swallow. It was hard, looking at Jimin like this.

Damn it, he'd surely drag the intestines of those people who kidnapped Jimin's best friends. They were the reason why this cute boy was frowning.

Finally finished with his food, Jimin stood up and went to sit beside Suga silently. The younger boy placed his head on Suga's shoulder, sighing deeply as he did so. They stayed like that, just watching TV and breathing evenly. Not a word was spoken as they were both deep in their own thoughts.

Then Suga felt something wet on his arm.

When he turned to see what it was, what he saw made his breathing stop. Jimin's head was still leaning on his shoulder and his eyes were gazing blankly at the TV as if lost. There was no emotion on his face but tears were slowly streaming down his face. All the tears landed on Suga's arm.

"Jiminie..." Suga said helplessly, feeling so useless at the moment. He gently lifted Jimin's face, making the younger boy look at him directly in the eye. More tears were now falling from his eyes and the once expressionless face was frowning. Suga desperately tried to wipe away each tear.

"Jimin... Everything will be okay, trust me. Please don't...don't cry. We'll get them, we'll get your friends. Don't... Please don't cry, Jiminie..."

However, Jimin only cried more. His breathing was now ragged and he was biting his lip to prevent a sob to escape. His eyes were still trained to Suga, as if he was pleading him silently. He was in pain, Suga could tell.

Jimin was in pain and he couldn't do anything about it.

Suga suddenly had the strong urge to comfort the boy, to make him feel safe, to make him believe that everything was going to be fine and to ensure that indeed, everything would be fine.

Suga wanted to protect Jimin so badly.

Yoongi frowned when he heard a familiar voice. It was... it was the kid's voice.

He was crying.

"Come on, give us that ring. It looks expensive," an older boy spoke, his voice wicked and annoying to Yoongi's ears.

Yoongi did not waste time and ran towards the voices, and what he saw there was what he exactly expected.

It was a dark alleyway, and in a corner, the cute kid with chubby cheeks was being crowded by two bigger and buffer kids. The kid was crying helplessly, clutching his hands unto his chest and backing away slowly with fear in his eyes.

Yoongi fisted his hands, feeling rage develop within him as he watched the kid getting bullied by those rascals.

"Hey you!"

The two bullies turned, hearing Yoongi's call. One of them raised an eyebrow. "And who are-"

But that boy was not able to finish his sentence anymore because Yoongi had already thrown a punch at him. The other bully attempted to attack, but Yoongi was quicker and did not think twice to kick him on the balls. He spat at them with a furious glare, making the two look up in fear. The two bullies scurried away.

Weak brats.

Yoongi might just be living in the streets, but he had learned the hard way that it's important to defend yourself from the harsh world. He had taught himself how to fight, and it did become handy. The two bullies were bigger and far stronger compared to Yoongi's lanky form, but he easily defeated them.

It's not about strength, it's about not being a fucking idiot.

Yoongi was breathing harshly when he felt someone hugged him tightly from the side. When he looked, it was the cute kid, still crying and soaking Yoongi's dirty shirt with his tears. Yoongi didn't know what to do, so he just patted the younger's head.

After a few moments, the kid still remained clutching his shirt tightly and crying his heart out. Yoongi finally shifted their position so that he was properly hugging the kid. The crying boy looked up at him just as Yoongi looked down and smiled, all coldness and grumpiness gone as he stared at the tear-stained cheeks of the younger boy.

"Th-thank you, h-hyung..." the younger sobbed.

"You should not go out by yourself," Yoongi said softly, looking down at the little boy.

The boy's frown turned into a bright smile as he gazed at his hero. "Yes, hyung!" Then, in a very excited voice, proceeded to cheerfully ask, "Hyung! Hyung! What's your name?"

Yoongi smiled again. He couldn't help it. "Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

"Min Yoongi-hyung!"

He didn't know that it was the last time he would see the kid.

Suga felt his heart beat wildly in his chest. His mind was full of memories of the past and Suga just couldn't help but think how he badly wanted to protect Jimin just like how he had wanted to protect that kid. He didn't want Jimin to get hurt. He didn't want Jimin to cry.

He'd do anything just to comfort him, to make him forget.

"H-hyung... Please save Taehyung and Jungkook," the younger finally spoke, now crying even more. "Hyung, please..."

Suga couldn't handle this. He couldn't watch Jimin cry and break into pieces. He didn't want to hear him say those words as if he'd die if he wouldn't beg Suga.

He was miserable.

Yoongi hated this.

"Hyung, please sa-"

And then Suga did it. Suga did it without even thinking. He just leaned in and kissed the life out of Jimin, interrupting him from his pleas and making him shut up. This was the first thing, and maybe the only thing, that came into Suga's mind. He needed to stop Jimin from begging him.

Jimin whimpered in surprised, but quickly relented as he slowly melted at the kiss, submissive and just letting Suga guide him. Suga's hands found its way to Jimin's back and he drew circles there, soothing the younger boy as he continued to move his lips carefully over the pliant boy's own.

Suga could taste the younger boy's tears as they were still falling and some were landing unto their joined lips. It was salty, and miserable. Suga wanted to stop those tears.

He wanted to stop the muffled sobs.

The older boy moved his tongue to swipe Jimin's lower lip, silently asking for entrance. Jimin granted his wish without much resistance and soon, Suga's tongue was everywhere inside the younger's mouth, tasting and exploring every corner. He tried his best to make Jimin moan, to make him feel good and forget all the troubles of this harsh world. He wanted to make Jimin forget.

It turned out that it was not as hard as he had thought it would, because no sooner was Jimin moaning and groaning, and even arching his body towards Suga's, desperate to close the gap and feel every inch of each other's body. Suga, now with his hands shamelessly roaming the younger's hot skin under his over-sized shirt that he used to sleep with, slowly pushed Jimin backwards.

The younger boy's head smoothly landed on the couch and Suga, not breaking the kiss even once, moved so he was on top of Jimin, one leg in between Jimin's thighs. Jimin's one hand was clutched on Suga's neck, running up to his hair every now and then. His other hand was under Suga's shirt, his nails scratching harshly against the agent's pale skin.

Suga barely cared.

The kiss was getting hotter by the second, both boys trying to get more and feeling that nothing was enough. All sadness and worry long gone as nothing else occupied their hazy minds but the sensual feeling of kissing and wanting more. Soon, Jimin was tugging Suga's shirt upward.

Being the obedient man he was, Suga broke the kiss for awhile and pulled off the shirt. Both of them were panting hard, their eyes black and dilated from all the making out that was taking place. He licked his lips and stared at Jimin's dark eyes before diving in again, this time targeting the younger's neck instead of his mouth.

The moment his lips landed on the skin of Jimin's neck, the younger moaned loudly. It was so loud there's a possibility that the neighboring room heard it. Suga licked, sucked and bit. He did not stop even though he knew it would probably leave quite a mark.

It just felt so good.

Jimin's hands were once again on Suga's skin, scratching his back and arching up at him, desperate for more. He could hear Jimin panting and he also knew that the younger boy was now biting his lip hard to muffle another loud moan.

Suga moved lower to the exposed collarbone when a sudden ringing was heard.

The agent froze, knowing full well that it was his phone. He also knew to whom that type of ringing was assigned to.

"Hyung...j-just ignore that," Jimin whined when Suga detached his lips from his neck to look up at his phone.

Suga panted. Jimin tugged at his neck, willing the older boy to kiss him again on the lips.

Now, Suga might be hazy with all the raging hormones in his body, but he was still an agent. And being an agent required self-control at all times. Instead of giving Jimin the requested open-mouthed kiss, Suga only pecked his lips, then stood up from his position to grab his phone.

He heard Jimin whine childishly.

Suga chuckled.

The agent answered the call and true enough, the voice of an over-excited Hoseok with Jin's voice at the background asking if Suga had eaten anything healthy at all lately was heard.