WebNovelAgent S85.71%


Suga inspected his favorite .38 Special S&W 642 revolver, making sure it's in the right shape for the rescue mission they'd be doing tomorrow.

He sighed.

He trusted Hoseok, he did. But he still couldn't help but be uncomfortable with the fact that he would be leaving Jimin behind. He wanted to make sure that Jimin was safe every second of the mission. At least he knew that Hoseok would do everything he could to protect the younger boy.

"Hey," someone called out softly. It was Jin.

"Anything you possibly need, Peach?"

Jin rolled his eyes. "You know I don't like to be called that. I know Y gave it to me because I love Super Mario too much, but honestly."

Suga smirked, always enjoying teasing the other boy. "Why? You'd rather your code name be Pink? Or maybe you'd like Poop instead."

"Not funny," Jin said with a scowl, then proceeded to sit beside Suga. "I just wanted to ask you something. I've been meaning to ask you this, but I just keep on forgetting."

He nodded his head to indicate the older boy to keep talking. He wondered what Jin was going to ask.

"Since you're S, then that means you needed to beat R to join the org, right?"

Suga snorted. "Obviously. What's with that?"

Something changed in the older's face and Suga frowned. He had never seen Jin this disturbed. The man was always composed and nagging everybody that's at least a meter from him.

"Just... How was your fight?"

"Defeated him. Obnoxious jerk. Probably hated me for that," Suga commented, remembering that time when he tackled R unto the hard ground and pointed his gun at his head. He still remembered the rage in the eyes of the man whose dimple was so deep that even if he didn't really smile it still showed.

It was such a long time ago.

That first day when he had officially became a part of Alpha Centauri.

"It's not that he's obnoxious. He's just tired of people looking down at him," Jin said suddenly, making Suga frown in surprise.

"You know him?"

Then, as if realizing what he had said, Jin blinked. He smiled tightly at Suga as he stood up.

"A bit," he answered curtly. "We're gonna be leaving at midnight so that we can prepare everything. Are all your guns, ready? I recall you like bringing all sorts of weird firearms in all your missions."

Suga rolled his eyes, glancing at the revolver in his hand. "I'll bring what I'll need. You go prepare whatever you need, your poisons and all those shit. I'll talk to Jimin."

Jin nodded, and with that, he left.


"Are you alright?" was Suga's first question as he entered the bathroom. It seemed to be that Jimin had been staring at his reflection in the mirror for quite a long time already.

A few minutes from now, they would ride the van owned by Hoseok and they would head to the site like obedient rats stepping into the trap. But they were no idiot rats, and they would get the fucking cheese without being victimized by the damn trap.

His eyes met Suga's in the mirror. "I'm not really sure..."

Suga knew hesitation when he saw it, but this one, it's different. He could see it. Jimin was scared, unsure, probably even nervous as shit, but he was determined. He could feel his want to save his friends, to do something, to do anything.

Pretty brave for such a cute little marshmallow.

"It's alright to feel this way," Suga said as he laid a hand on Jimin's shoulder. Their eyes continued gazing at each other, never breaking. "You were living a normal life weeks ago, and just suddenly you get shoved into this situation. You're probably blaming yourself for everything, for all I know. But never think of that. It's-"

"This is my fault, hyung. No matter... No matter what you say, you still can't hide the fact that if they're not friends with me, or even met me in the first place, they wouldn't be in this situation."

And tears were starting to well up in the younger boy's eyes. Suga could see the pain, the fear for the life of the people dear to him. He had been keeping it for the past few days, smiling and laughing in front of Jin and Hoseok and pretending that he's strong, strong enough to face all of this shit.

But he was not.

And Suga was not, as well.

After all the shit he had gone through in life, he had learned to be numb. But looking at this cheerful boy crying in front of him now, Suga had to think twice. Maybe he wasn't numb enough, maybe he's not as strong as he thought he was.

Because if not, then why was his heart feeling like it was being crushed into pieces?

Why was his throat tight and his breathing heavy?

Why was he feeling the intense desire to murder the one who made this boy cry?

Maybe Suga was strong, but he guessed that the weak side of him that he had always kept hidden never died.

The next thing he knew, he was already hugging Jimin from the back, his head leaning on the younger boy's as he whispered the words he truly wanted to say, he truly wanted to do.

"Jimin, listen to me," the low register of his voice rumbled.

Jimin sobbed.

"I will save them. I promise."


Hoseok sighed for the fifth time already. Jimin chuckled. Poor Hobi-hyung.

"Suga, how many times do I have to tell you that Jimin is safe. He. Is. Right. Here. With. Me! Heck, you've asked that for the hundredth time already!"

"Just shut up Hoseok and let me hear his voice," was the response of Suga heard from the speaker.

Their Tea and Cookie Mission—as they chose to call it, inspired of course from the names of his beloved best friends that he was positive would be successfully rescued by Jin and his Suga-hyung—had already started in its first stage.

Agent Hope, who was apparently skilled at doing disguises and making useful gadgets owned a van that contained all sorts of weird stuff that one could only imagine. Heck, he even created a coin that could really see through walls, much to Suga and Jimin's surprise.

Jimin now understood when Suga had boasted that time that not all his gadgets could be traced and defeated by his fellow agents, because some of them were made by the then so mysterious Agent H.

The van, on the outside, look just like other normal vans did. But the inside... Heck, it was like starring in Ghostbusters. Jimin was, least to say, amazed to the very core.

It had no horizontal seating arrangement that occupied the whole space unlike a normal van. Instead, there was a sofa and a few chairs arranged to give the center a lot more space. At the back part was a counter that held different types of controls that Jimin had no idea about. There were switches and monitors and all that weird stuff.

Most of the switches and designs of the van were green, though. No need to ask what the favorite color of the guy was.

The four of them rode the said scandalous van going to the place where his best friends were, parking at about a kilometer away from the actual place. Jimin understood the whole thing, and his really important mission of being Hoseok's side-kick in monitoring all that would happen from their position in the van. What he was so confused about were the preparations done by Jin and Suga.

As much as he knew, Jin specializes in making poisons and using any sharp weapon like swords and daggers. His Suga-hyung, of course, was so bloody good at using guns.

It was quite hot, actually.

That his hyung was good with guns.

Back to the topic, Jimin had no idea at all what his two hyungs were planning, or how they would save his two best friends. He also had no idea what was Hoseok's plan for back-up in case all shit went down. Heck, all these agents had prepared something but Jimin barely knew, or even really gave an effort to understand.

They were all just...so complicated and confusing.

And good as heck.

But they were not just excellent agents, also excellent friends. Friends that were willing to help him save Kookie and Tae.

Jimin glanced down at the revolver kept in a holster under Suga's leather jacket that he was currently wearing. Suga had awkwardly pushed it into his hands, repeating again and again that if there's an enemy, just shoot.

Jin had said it was his hyung's favorite gun, but his Suga-hyung had denied it. He wondered if that bit was true.

"Hey Jiminie!" Hoseok called. "Grumpy pants is looking for you again. Can't go by a freaking minute not hearing your voice."

Jimin laughed. Suga and Jin are wearing earpieces and collar-hidden lapel microphones so they could communicate with them. They were also wearing wrist bands that could monitor their heartbeats and a tracker behind their ears. Jimin and Hoseok could hear them through the speakers inside the van right now.

His hyung had not stopped checking about him ever since the two agents stepped out of the van and traveled the kilometer-long route going to the site.

"Hyung~" Jimin said sweetly. "I'm still breathing and alive! Hoseokie-hyung is taking care of me well."

Hoseok huffed in annoyance. "It's still been twenty minutes since you left and you've been looking for Jimin for the twelfth time already. Don't you have a trust on me?"

"I trust you, you ugly horse. I just want to make sure that Jimin is safe-"

"I know, I know," Hoseok interrupted, probably tired of listening to the same explanation over and over again. "Of course you'll want to make sure that the love of your life is safe. I mean, that's what a normal head-over-heels in love boy would do, right?"

They heard Suga snort from the other end, "More like want to make sure his nice dick is safe. And include the beautiful ass too, please."

Jimin almost choked, feeling his face heat up. Heck, he probably looked like a tomato now with how red his face was.

"Pervert..." he whispered under his breath, looking at his feet as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Heard that, babe. Can't say I'm denying it right now," Suga's voice came.

"Aish!" It was Jin. "Will you two please stop making these dirty jokes. We're in a middle of a mission here! Wait, Suga, cameras at 3 o'clock and sensors at 10. I think we should go the other way around."

They heard Suga grunted.

Jimin was blinking, not understanding a single piece of shit.

"Remember that you can hide from the sensors! Use that new gadget I gave you," Hoseok said seriously with a frown, looking at the monitor with much concentration.

Jimin narrowed his eyes. The monitor was all black, but it showed four dots, the other two staying still and the other two moving closely. That would be the four of them, obviously.

"We can't," Jin said. "The sensors are near the cameras. They would see us-"

"Peach," Suga interrupted in a serious voice. "This is one of the entrances. We found it. We're already here."