His New Girlfriend

I literally don't want to be slap at this moment.

I was looking right now at the reddened face of the furious girl who's name was Yuri, the ex-girlfriend of the jerk.

Aria should thank me for saving the event, as I don't want to have a scandal inside the venue so I immediately escaped there while dragging the reluctant Nilan while knowing that his ex-girlfriend was following us.

Currently, we are the lobby because there's no people around to witness something that should not be known to all mankind.

Sorry, I'm just exaggerating things.

The truth is, I drag us both here to have a clear perspective about Nilan's case. I don't want to cause a love triangle with this ex-girlfriend and get a slap.

Nilan glared at me, knowing that I put him on this situation.

"Nilan, can you explain this? Who is this girl?" Yuri angrily said with her furious eyes looking at me.

Girl, it's not my fault, okay? It's this jerk's fault.

The jerk cleared his throat and opened up, "It's none of your business."

Nice. You made it more serious.

I facepalm on this scene as I am about to get bored by this display.

Well, I'm just a bystander here because this is their fight and I don't want to get involved on this.

This is one of the reason why I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, though, and I believe in the saying that 'no boyfriend, no problem'. And it's proven and tested 'cause look at me, still beautiful and pretty.

"Is it true?" Yuri asked me with her teary eyes.

Poor girl. What did she done to get hurt by this jerk?

And what are they talking? True what?

"Just say yes," Nilan whispered at my ear.


"Why weren't you saying anything?!"

Due to the sudden yell by the teary-eyed ex-girlfriend. I yelped an answer that surely I would regret (?) for the upcoming weeks.


Yuri's face was instantly covered by tears as she cried.

What did I do?

I was about to comfort her when Nilan grabbed my arm and brought me back inside.

"I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?" He spoke up that made me snap back to reality.

I glared at him, "What did you do to that girl?"

"Oh, you're hungry, too."

He ignored my question as I followed him to where the food was located. He picked a plate and took kinds of food except for the sweet ones.

"I like desserts," I stated at him.

"Huh? This is my food, you take your own plate," he simply replied as he continued on picking.


I took a plate and didn't mind the stares that I gathered as I proceeded to pile layers of small cute cakes with various of colors.

Nilan turned to me and frowned at my plate, I mean my two plates.

"What are doing with those cakes? Are we having an eating contest here?"

I rolled my eyes at his remark and find a vacant table to dig in my babies.

These yummy cute cakes will end up at my stomach!

I setted my plate on the table and sit in the chair, and grabbed my fork. Let's eat up!

When a hand grab my two plates and replace it with another plate of food.

I looked up to see Nilan being the culprit of the act.

"Hey! That's my food! Give it back!" I was about to reach it when he stops me.

"This is mine. Eat this plate of food."

After that, he ignored my pleas so I just turned in surrender on the plate that he served.

The plate had green leaves, fruits, meat and a piece of cake. Unbeliavably, it looks healthy. Is he some kind of a dietician?

"What are you looking at?"

"Are you eating that?" I asked while looking at my two plates of cakes as he started to devour the other one. Comparing my plates to his served plate was, my cakes were truly unhealthy, though.

"Are you worrying that I would get a toothache from this?" He smirked as he ate another small bite of cake.

He surely looks like pushing himself as he frowned in disgust while tasting the sweet cake.

"No. Might as well you get a stomachache, too."

"Oh, you're hurting my feelings," he stated, jokingly as he grabbed his chest where his heart was located .

I ignored his act and started to eat.


St. Merlin University.

I walk on the hallway towards the locker hall when I find the strange stares of the students that I passes by.

Is my face not pretty, anymore?

I fix my eyeglasses and ignore the stares.

"Rain! Finally, I found you!" Aria caught up with me. She was breathing heavily like she was on a marathon which I found it similar to Nilan.

They were really cousins, the way they found me on the same location. Tsk.

"What is it?" I stated as I took out my books and put it inside my locker.

"Is it true?"


"Did you look on the students forum?" She said while scrolling on her phone.

"Forum? What forum?" I quirked my eyebrows at the question.

Aria showed me the screen of her phone and I immediately felt a cold bucket of ice was poured on me due to shock.

What is this?

'Freshmen R is now the new girlfriend of our dear Nilan. This news was confirmed by Nilan himself'

And there was a video attached on it. It was an interview of that jerk with the broadcasting faculty, as he smirked on the camera while answering their questions.

"And what it have to do with me?"

"Watch until the end."

On the video, Nilan smiled as he declared, "I am deeply in love with Rain Cabreza."

If I was drinking right now, I would be choked from this ridiculousness. What is he thinking?

And when did I allow him to be my boyfriend? Is he mentally ill?

Aria turned off her phone and asked me, "Will my ship be sailing now?"


I slap her face with my book to snap her back to reality.

"What ship?! Are you now changing course?"

"No. I'm talking about you and Nilan?"

I frowned and answered, "There's no us, alright?"


A voice interrupted us from our conversation.

Groups of girl students were infront of us as one of the representing leader of their group asked.

"Are you Rain Cabreza?" She asked me.

"Ye---" Aria instantly covered my mouth as she smiled at the leader.

"No, she's not. She's a fellow classmate of mine."

"Rain is a fine arts student, too and she's your bestfriend, Ms. Aria," The leader deadpanned while giving me a death glare.

Now I know. These were fan girls of that jerk.

I glared back at her and admitted while removing Aria's hand on my mouth.

"Yes, I am Rain Cabreza and what do you want?"

Knowing that they were right, they smirked at me and talked to each other, and finally turned to me with glowing eyes.

The leader bring out a suspicious looking object from her pocket. Is that a weapon? Then I'm ready for a fight.

"Rain sister! What does our Nilan likes? Does he like black or blue?" She read on her notepad that she brought out.

Oh, I thought I was going to have a fight here but they just wanted to interview me.

I sighed and realized I was still in trouble.

Did I know anything about that jerk? Well, let's just answer their questions. I smiled at myself while thinking of a scheme.

"Neither those two 'cause he likes pink," I stated proudly.

The leader frowned but still wrote it and she asked again.

"Does he like sweets?"

Remembering what happened that night when he didn't even picked those sweets, just one slice of cake yet I'm the one who ate it. Surely, he doesn't like sweets.

Even remembering his disgusted face as he ate it gave me a good laugh.

"He likes cake very much. Sweet ones are his favorite."

They noted it, again.

"We heard that he's mysophobic, is it true?"

"Yes. He would usually get disgusted when he touch unfamiliar things, deeming it to be dirty."

Mysophobic, my ass. He even rested his head at my shoulder just to complete his act. I couldn't even believe that he would get that far to hurt someone.

After the session of interview, they bid goodbye and left.

"I didn't know that you would answer their questions wrongly. Only the mysophobic part was right," Aria said.

I almost forgot she's still there.

"Is he really mysophobic?"


Aria confirmed and I shrugged it off.


After the two left for their class, Nilan went out from his hiding spot and smirked.

"Like pink, huh."