His Courting

The banging of my door woke me up, I grumpily went to the door while scratching my head. It was still 5 in the morning and my classes for this day would start at 8 am.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The person was really annoying as it did not just knock but banged my door harshly. As I opened it the face of the smirking Nilan greeted me.

"Oh hi," I said as I decided to went back on my bed when it suddenly processed in my head. I backtracked with my steps as I looked at the smirking face of the jerk while he was looking at me from head to foot.

I was only wearing my silky pajamas and I had no bra inside so my twin peaks was noticeable as the jerk momentarily glanced at it.


I slammed at the door on his face as he chuckled outside while shouting, "Hurry up! We'll eat breakfast together!"

Hearing that, I peeked my head outside, "You're paying it?"

"No. I'll just taking you as my chaperon and you'll be watching me to eat by my side," he sarcastically stated that made me rolled my eyes at him.


"And by the way, thank you for the nice view at early in the morning!"


I gritted my teeth as I slammed the bedroom door.


We were at the Young's Town diner as Nilan chose this place. They had a specialty of blueberry pancakes and honey waffles that could make my mouth water from its taste.

"Hmow dwid woo fwond dwis? Swo dwummy."

"Can you please eat a little slowly? And don't talk when your mouth is full," Nilan advised as he wiped the smudges of blueberry sauce on the corner of my mouth with a tissue.

"Mwes… I mean yes," I took a cup of milk and drank it.

Nilan was looking healthy, though. As I had observed that his plate was full of green and leafy vegetables, and there some slices of meat, too. If you compare my plate to him, you could say that he was eating like in a diet while I was eating like a pig but I don't care anything right now as I was in the bliss of my euphoric moment with this yummy babies of mine.

"Can we order more of this?"

"No. You already ate two plates of five pancakes and six waffles. Are you really a girl?"

"Please… just two waffles?" I pouted as I gave my most practiced puppy dog eyes.

Please be swayed. Please be swayed.

Nilan sighed as he covered my face with his large hand, "Alright."


"And please let go of my face."


"So you two ate breakfast together? How was the first date?"

"It's not a date, Aria," I defended as I blushed while remembering what I just I said this morning.

Aria took out her phone and read something from it, "Nilan texted me that you thought of it as a date."

"That jerk!"

"I told you."


My bestfriend smiled as she led me to a bench in order for us to sit.

"He treats you differently compared to his past girlfriends and that's good. Even though he's a bit cold, he still treat them in a gentle manner."

I frowned as I asked, "So you're telling me that it's good that he's harsh to me?"

"Sort of--- Ouch! It's not my cousin who's harsh but you are!" Aria massaged her pinched arms as I laughed at her cute pouting. I hugged her and said, "You are my number one bestfriend so don't be mad."

"So you got a number two then?" Aria asked while she raised her trimmed eyebrow.

"Na-ah. You're the only one and you know that."

"Yes I know that you're an introvert when we were kids," she teased that made me frown.


Art Class.

Together with Aria, we went inside the room and noticed the silent stares of my classmates on me. I wrinkled my forehead at their strange stares when I suddenly spotted the reason of it while my bestfriend chuckled.

Immediately, my face reddened as I hurriedly approach my desk. A bouquet of chocolate roses sat atop my table and inside it was a small piece of card and the words on it were printed in golden color. I touched and frowned when I confirmed that it was not printed but it looked like embroidered.

"Literally, I was right. He now spend extravagantly for you."

I closed the piece of scented paper in a sudden as I glared at my cheeky bestfriend. She just shrugged and went back to her seat. I opened it again.

'You're not a goat so you cannot eat flowers. I decided to give you these chocolate roses so that you not only admire it but you can eat it, too.'

Even though his gesture looked sweet and romantic but I felt the opposite as I read again the first phrase that made my blood boil. Even he was not implying about me being a goat, I felt angry on it.

"What did he say?" My nosy bestfriend asked, I threw the paper to her as I gently put down the bouquet of chocolate roses as it was precious food.

Aria laughed and gave it back to me.

"Even my cousin is usually cold to others, he got humor!" She did not stop laughing until our professor arrived that made her restrained her laughter.

Professor Cruz eyed each one of us and a glint of mirth suddenly appeared in his expression as he looked at my direction.

"You're here, Ms. Cabreza. Mr. Song had done me a favor so I will be lenient to the both of you and act as your messenger." The professor passed a folded paper to me and I knew right away who was it from. I just smiled at the professor in responds.


After classes, I directly went to the parking lot in order to see Nilan as he stated that he would wait for me there. As I arrived, I hidden myself beside a black car as to witness a confession of a girl to the great jerk.

What will he do? Will he cheat on me?

I frowned at my idea as I erased my thoughts. Why would he cheat on me when we were not truly in a relationship? But he's courting me though.

Let's see first.

The girl that was talking to him did not look that she was from this university. I could not hear there conversation because I was too far but I could see it through their gestures. The girl cried as she ran away while the jerk still had a cold expression as his lips was on a straight line like nothing happened.

This kind of Nilan, I did not see this cold face on him because he would usually tease me but is this his true self or it's the jerk him?

Someone poke me that made me yelped in surprise. I patted my chest as I turned to the culprit. It was just Clark with his deep dimpled smile. So cute!

"What are you hiding here? I mean who are you hiding from?" He asked in suspicion as he was imitating me.

"And what are you hiding here, too?"

"I am accompanying you," he simply answered as he looked to the direction where I was staring earlier. Nilan was still there leaning on the hood of his car with his cold face.

"Oh… you're hiding from your boyfriend."

Right. I almost forgot that the jerk and I was in a relationship in this university, though it was fake but he's sincerely courting me now so it's a matter of time if we got together and it depended with my answer, too.

"Why are you here?" I asked Clark as we were still in our crouching position, hiding behind the car.

"I am here to give you the invite from the workshop. Don't forget that you promised."

"Workshop? Ah, you mean the piano lessons?"

"Yes. Are you going?"


I agreed as the handsome youth smiled displaying his deep dimples.

"What are you agreeing with?"

A familiar voice with a hint of coldness was heard behind our back.