chapter 2: The beginning of the end

It was late. I woke up parched with a dry mouth. I stood up and stepped over all my sleeping friends, making my way to the kitchen. I opened up a cabinet over the sink and pull out a glass, filling it with water from the sink.

I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. The TV was on a music channel Playing old rap and hip-hop. I sat for a while when suddenly a national warning came on the TV. It read...

"Warning, three nuclear IBM's have been detected coming from North Korea to PA, CA, TX.

Everyone in the state's area should seek safety immediately. This is not a drill."

Suddenly, a loud alarm sound came from the TV, waking up everyone else. We all freaked out but I took command and told everyone to get in the basement. We all ran and went down into the damp basement to hide.

We sat in the basement, practically pissing ourselves. We waited at least five hours until we heard a loud, defining boom. We stayed silent until the shockwave came.

The ground began to shake as if we were having an earthquake. We began to yell as we heard glass shattering and wood and concrete collapsing. One of the pipes in the basement burst, spraying water everywhere. The washer and dryer shook wildly and fell to the ground then suddenly, it was done. The shaking stopped.

The washer and dryer sat still on the cracked concrete floor. The previously spraying pipe was now calmly dripping. We sat there on the ground, wondering if what just happened was real. We all agreed to go to sleep, we were exhausted and it would prove if it was fake or not. We woke up the next morning, looking at each other terrified we were still in the basement.