Chapter 4: Are You Really A Hero?

(A/N) Hi guys! It's me Chris. I decided to put the random (but important) info before starting chapter to learn more about my story! And without further ado. Here it is


"Stardust Sphere"

The Stardust Sphere is an endless space with an everlasting night full of colorful stars. The Stardust Sphere is a special monitoring room that resides in Celestia, Dimension of the guardians. The owner of this room is HOPE, Guardian IV. She lives and works here as a guardian

The unique feature of this room is every star that appears here represents a person's hope somewhere in the universe. The more hope the person has, the brighter their star becomes. Conversely, if the person loses hope, their respective star will fade. HOPE uses this mechanic to monitor the balance of energy of the entire universe. The universe's hope determines the maximum energy output that it could handle before it becomes unstable

While HOPE can summon any object in this room, she usually only summon a single hospital bed to rest with, an old TV set in order to monitor the universe and a white closet for storage

Currently, the room's brightest stars are 5 specific colored stars that always stick together as a group


~200 years later...

Meanwhile in the Stardust Sphere...

HOPE is laying on her hospital bed while watching at the old TV set

"Let's see" HOPE began to change the channels in the TV

The screen showed 2 skeletons. One has a big brush and the other one has glitches around his body. They're holding hands while walking. The one with the big brush is blushing

"Whoops, wrong universe" HOPE changed the channel again

The change in the fantasy world. It showed a boy in a tracksuit carrying a PC. The boy seems surprised and dropped his PC, thieves start to fight over the PC parts

"Close but not quite" HOPE changed it again and showed a mansion in the middle of the Plains

"Finally! Now, what are they doing right now?" HOPE monitored inside the mansion


Sera has finished working at the mansions workshop as she removed her gloves "It's been exactly 200 years since the 5 heroes saved me and my brother" Sera thought

The female elf exited the workshop and wandered to the halls of the mansion "I've become a master artifice tinker and Sora became an excellent blacksmith" Sera continued

"Yet..." Sera opened the door to the living room

"WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS DONE ANYTHING?!" Sera yelled at the 5 heroes who just been lazing in the living room

"Huh?" they say at the same time, the 5 heroes unfazed at Sera's outburst

"Why didn't you guys go adventuring?! Or slay the dragon?! Or defeat the demon lord for crying out loud?!" Sera complained. The 5 looked at her with blank faces

For the last 200 years, the 5 haven't done anything noteworthy. They instead lived a slow peaceful life in the middle in the plains while casually killing monsters for living expenses and fun

"Huh? What do you mean Sera? We kill slimes once in a while" Lilian said in a lazy tone

"Even so! Those monsters you guys killed are just LV1 monsters! And who knows what the Demon Lord is planning!" Sera shouted at them

"Could you guys at least try to do your jobs as heroes?" Sera asked

The 5 chuckled at the elf's response.

Travis stood up to his chair "What a foolish question Sera! We..."

"WILL NEVER WORK! Neither in our original world or this world!" the 5 said in unison proud at their laziness

"Don't underestimate the power of a NEET Sera!" Mira added as they laughed together with her friends

"I don't know what a NEET is but it's really making me angry!" Sera exclaimed

Sera sighed as she sat down one of the chairs

"To think you're the same people who saved me and my brother" Sera said

After the 5 rescued the elf siblings, they have been living with them in the mansion for 200 years. They promised to always stick with them. While they refused their offer first, they remembered that we're homeless and jobless so they agreed. Sora became the 5 personal blacksmiths while Sera became their sort of caretaker/equipment maintenance for their weapons

"You guys are lucky that we're elves and basically immortal so we can stay with you guys" Sera said her youthful appearance still the same after a lot of years passed by

The door to the living room opened and revealed the male elf

"I'm home everyone" Sora entered the living room and saw his irritated sister and 5 lazy heroes

"Lazy as always?" Sora asked his sister. Sera just nodded

Sora chuckled a bit "It's been 200 years but you heroes haven't changed one bit"

It true. Their 18-year old appearance, gamer attitude and their overpowered bodies haven't changed a bit despite living almost 2 centuries

"Well, it's kind of pointless to fight it can't use your powers properly. We just destroy everything we touch" Serena said calmly as she continued to read her book. Sora nodded in agreement

They already told the siblings about their "special condition". That they cannot fully control their power. That they're OVER-OVERPOWERED

"But still, don't you guys want to increase your rank in the Adventurers Guild?" Sera said

The 5 heroes froze

"The Adventurers what?" Lilian said clueless face

Sera and Sora also froze

"Y-You mean..." Sora stuttered


"Wait, there's something like that?" Brian said


The 5 looked at Sera's menacing glare and started to get scared

They all bowed to the ground and apologized "We're sorry about our blunder!!!" all of them said in fear

"Now get registered in the town's guild! And. Go. Do. Some. Real. ADVENTURES!" Sera ordered the 5 heroes

"YES MAAM!" the 5 heroes ran off and headed to the town in fear

"To think Sera boss around 5 god-like heroes that easily" Sora sweatdropped at his sister

Sera glared at her brother. Sora shivered "I'm going... to organize my inventory!" Sora ran nervously


The 5 heroes are now walking the path to the nearest village. If nearest, I meant it's far away from their home but still considered as "near" due to the vastness of the Plains

"How much longer are we going to walk?" Travis complained

"Much longer and quiet down. We don't even get tired anymore, right?" Serena said

"Yeah, we don't get tired but still! Walking is so boring!" Travis replied

Travis suddenly had an idea "Hey guys! Why don't we use the wagon to-"

"NO" the other 4 heroes said immediately with a dark look on their faces

"Fine" Travis pouted. He looked up in the sky "To think it's been 200 years since we arrived in another world"

"It's seems nothing really changed" Mira looked at a bunch of small blue slimes playing around

"I wonder what HOPE is doing right now." Lilian said

"Maybe bringing dead high-schoolers like us to another world?" Brian joked. Lilian giggled a bit

Suddenly a giant boar appeared out of nowhere. It was the same boar they encountered the last 200 years

It roared at the group

"Feral Giant Boar" *LV 20 Boss*

HP: 50000

MP: 25950

DEF: 500

AGI: 1000

MAG: 300

STR: 2500


"A really hogging boar that smells like cats"

"Alright guys, you know what to do" Brian said. The 4 nodded

"Ok, everyone! Items now!" Brian commanded. Everyone chanted "". A small rectangular window appeared in front of each of them. Everyone grabbed something inside their own item box

Brian grabbed 5 wooden swords


DUR: 12

ATK: 7

AGI: 2

MAG: 0

"Better than nothing"

Mira grabbed an old broom

DUR: 75

ATK: 11

AGI: 5

MAG: 20

"Does not induce flight"

Lilian grabbed a grey potion

ATK: -1000

MAG: -2500

Effect: Weaken MAG and ATK


Travis equips old rusted blade gauntlets as he slipped them on his arms

DUR: 2

ATK: 5

AGI: 12

MAG: 0

"Tetanus inducing blades"

Serena grabbed a broken bow

DUR: -50

ATK: 4

AGI: 1

MAG: 0

"It was reliable"

Lilian chanted a spell on the potion ""

The potion glowed yellow and turned black

ATK: -???

MAG: -???

Effect: This is a bad idea

"This is SERIOUSLY a bad idea"

"Brian, I finished enchanting the potion" Lilian said

"Good, now let's start!" Brian ran towards the boar. The roared as it saw Brian and started to chase after Brian

"Mira, now!" Mira chanted a spell using her broom


A blade of the attack emerged out of Mira's broom. But it wasn't made out of wind, it was made out of light

The gale shined, blinding the boar while Brian covered his eyes. The boar stumbled stunned by the bright light

"Is that enough Brian?" Mira asked as she rubbed her eyes

"Yup, good enough!" As he grabbed one of the wooden swords

"!" Brian slashed boar's legs with the wooden weapon to strike one of the boar's legs. And with a single attack, the leg was cut off clean from the boar's body using only a wooden toy. The boar roared in pain as it lost one of its limbs as it splattered monster blood to Brian

The sword immediately broke due to Brian's power "I'm not done with you yet!" Brian said covered in blood as he used 3 more wooden swords to amputate the rest of its legs




The boar plopped down without any legs to move

"Great, now I need to take a bath after this" Brian looked at himself covered in blood

The boar suddenly roared as it used one its skills,

A pack of LV 10 boars started to go over the mid-level boss, surrounding the heroes

"Lilian put a barrier around everyone before the pack comes. Travis and Serena, go do some piggy slaying" Brian said

"Ok, Brian!" Travis said, Serena just nodded in agreement

"!" Lilian chanted putting a dome-shaped barrier around Brian, Mira, and Lilian

Outside of the barrier, Travis and Serena just readied their weapons as they both charge directly to the pack of enemies

Travis twirled his dull rusty blades to the boars as he ran across the pack

"!" Travis sliced and diced the boars in just one second. Half of the pack was reduced into bloody little pieces "Good, I didn't kill Serena this time" he said to himself

Serena grabbed 5 crooked arrows from her quiver as she stretched the bowstring of her weapon

"" Serena released 5 purple-glowing arrows hitting all the remaining boars that survived from Travis' onslaught

The arrows started to seek after Serena and Travis after hitting all the boars. They quickly entered the barrier as the arrows were deflected by Lilian's barrier, losing their purple glow

"Lilian, use the potion" Mira said as she noticed what the boar is trying

Lilian threw the potion to the ground as it produced black smoke

The boar's skill was dispelled due to the Donk effect. Lilian's barrier flickered and disappeared also due to the Donk effect. The grass and plant around them started to wilt

The group started to feel drowsy and weak as the potion affected them also. "Brian, I think this is too much for me" Lilian tried to say as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Just hold out a little longer" Brian said to his friends as they were on the verge on losing consciousness

The donk effect wore off as they regained their strength and magic again effortlessly due to their overpowered bodies

As for the giant boar, it's still weakened to the donk effect. Brian held his last wooden sword

"" Brian stabbed the mid-level boss with the wooden sword. The wooden sword exploded into a thousand splinters inside the giant boar finally defeating it

Brian looked at the defeated giant boar "Looks like we're having pork tonight" Brian smiled at his friends

"Yes!" They all celebrated as they carried the giant boar and put it to Travis'


"We're here! Lartnec Village!" Lilian said in an awed manner

The "Lartnec Village" stood between the dense Lartnec Forest and the vast Plains. It is a humble village that serves as a home for the forest villagers and a rest stop for adventurers

They entered the village. The place is full of hardworking villagers. Some of them looked at the group's weird equipment and weapons, whispering to one another

They just ignored the villagers "It's been a while since we came to this town" Mira stretching her arms

"We only go to town to buy food or materials. This is the first time we're going to the adventurer's guild" Brian said while they admire the quaint little houses

"Oof!" Suddenly a little hooded girl bumped into Travis

"Sorry about that, mister" the girl apologized

Travis demeanor change into a threatening expression "Oh? Are you apologizing because you bumped into me? Or is it because you stole my bag of gold there?" Travis looked at the little girl with his eyes glowing bright green using his skill

The little thief girl started to get scared with a bag of gold on her hands as Travis caught him stealing. Travis' eyes stopped glowing and change into his usual friendly demeanor

Travis chuckled "No need to be scared kid. It's all yours" he smiled

The little thief girl was a bit surprised to Travis' generosity "Thank you, mister" as she ran away to the alleyways

"Why did you give it all away Travis?" Serena asked Travis as they witnessed what happened

"Well, I think she needs it more than I do" Travis said with a smile

"I see, it's because you have interest in little girls" Serena said as she put her hand to her chin

"What?! No! I'm not lolicon guys!" Travis complained

"😑" his friends took a long pause at Travis's response

"Let's just go to the guild already" Travis said in despair


"So boring" a woman sighed behind the counter of the guild. This woman is wearing a pair of glasses with her hair tied up to a bun

She stared at the whole guild. It's full of adventurers lounging around. Most of them are high-ranked adventurers chatting and drinking beer in the tables. Some of the low-ranked adventurers are either in a party with other weak adventurers or are going solo, which in her opinion would be a foolish idea

Most people think being the guild receptionist is easy. But they are mistaken because being a guild receptionist is a heavy burden to bear

You have to deal with over-confident newbies and greedy elite adventurers

Make one mistake in quest giving, you can cause a fight between adventurers that can either destroy the guild or the village itself

Or if you give a wrong ranked quest to a newbie, you'll be responsible for their death after dying to a high-level monster

The receptionist sighed again "Nothing changes around here. Adventurer either come here to kill or be killed" she thought

Suddenly the front door burst open and revealed a man in armor carrying a large golden sword

Everyone stopped what they're were doing and stared at the man full of fear. The man went over to the guild's counter. The receptionist bravely asked the man

"Ruse, do you have any business here?" the receptionist starting to get nervous

This is Ruse, a rank-A crusader adventurer. He is known for defeating many Level 20 bosses. The reason that everyone is afraid of him is because he uses his rank to boss everyone in the guild. He takes all the easy quest leaving new adventurers to an extremely difficult quest. Anyone tries to stop him either get extorted by him or killed by him

"I came here to retrieve my reward for this quest" Ruse held out a parchment saying to kill an entire orc village

"Do you have any proof that you completed the quest?" the receptionist tried to stay calm

Ruse opened his inventory and dropped a head of an orc leader, as it tumbled in the counter. All of the adventurers in the guild gasped. Some of them even puked at the sight of the beheaded monster

"I-I see, then please wait a moment" the receptionist removed her glasses and wiped her sweat. She went into the guild's safe and brought back a bag of gold

"There you go, 100 pieces of gold" the receptionist presented Ruse his reward. He smiled and grabbed the bag and put it inside his inventory

"Oh, before I leave. I'm taking all of these" Ruse grabbed all the low-ranked quest in the quest board

The receptionist slammed her hands to the counter and stood up "Ruse, those are for the rookie adventurers. You can't do this again!" the woman pleaded to him

Ruse grinned evilly "There isn't rule preventing me from taking all quest"

One of the random rookie knight adventurers complained "Damn it! Looks like I'm not eating again today!"

"How am I supposed to pay my parents' debt now?" a low ranked wizard girl cried

Most of the low-ranked adventurers started to complain

Ruse pointed his sword to the adventurers "Did I hear someone complaining?" Ruse said grimly

All of them shut their mouths, scared of being killed

"Ok Ruse, that's enough! You need to stop being a greedy prick and give some of those quests to someone else!" the receptionist exclaimed "YOU DON'T OWN THIS GUILD!"

Ruse brought his sword to the receptionist's neck as she shivered in fear "You're the guild's receptionist. You provide the quests to adventurers like me. If you think you can tell us what to do then think again!" Ruse pushed his sword lightly to her neck causing a bit of blood to come out

"You better do your job properly or quit being one" Ruse added

"Nothing really changes around here. Adventurers are extremely selfish beings" the receptionist thought as she closed her eyes in fear

Suddenly the front door burst open again

"Is this the place?"

They all turned around and saw the 5 who caused the noise

"Finally! We're here!" Travis said

"Well, it's Brian's fault why we came into that bar by accident" Mira said as she lightly tapped Brian with her broom

"Hey! Most of the houses look the same! Don't judge me!" Brian complained

"Huh?" the 5 noticed what's happening to the guild

"Hey, what's going on here?" Lilian asked in a suspicious tone

Ruse let the receptionist go and the guild adventurers acted normal. The woman held her slightly bleeding neck "Nothing, just a minor conflict" she glared at Ruse

The 5 believed the woman "So, where can we get registered as adventurers here?" Serena asked

Everyone looked at their equipment. Old boar leather armor, a broken bow, dull rusty blade gauntlets, and a broom

Ruse laughed "Ha! You stupid little kids better run off before you hurt yourselves" Ruse mocked

Brian replied "Actually, we're already 215 yea-"

"You said all of you were signing up as adventurers?" the receptionist interrupted Brian

They all nodded in response

"Please follow me" the receptionist said before she was blocked by Ruse

"And where do you think you're going?" Ruse said threaten

"I need a receptionist to accept this quest these quest" Ruse said. The receptionist started to get scared again

Brian suddenly gets the idea what's really going on here "Aren't you taking this too far?" Brian said

Ruse snickered "And what are you going to do about it, rookie? I'm a rank-A adventurer, do you have any idea what I can do to you?" Ruse pointed his sword at Brian

"Brian, please go easy on him. We don't want any trouble" Lilian said to Brian. The receptionist was confused why she said that

Brian simply sighed. He picked up a wooden spoon laying in one of the tables

DUR: 0.5

ATK: 0.1

AGI: 0

MAG: 0

"You can escape a jail cell with it"

He lightly tapped Ruse's sword with the spoon "" Brian said causing the spoon to shatter in contact, releasing a strong force to the sword

Ruse was swatted like a bug with Brian's spoon, shattering his golden sword into oblivion. Ruse flew across the room and smacked into a wall, cracking the wall a bit

"W-What just happened?" Ruse tried to speak as he barely survived a hit from a spoon. A fucking SPOON!

The whole guild was speechless. The receptionist removed her glasses, wiped them and wore it again to see if she wasn't hallucinating

Lilian noticed the receptionist bleeding neck. She closed her eyes and chanted a spell "" A yellow glow surrounded the whole guild, healing all the injured adventurers, the receptionist and even Ruse

The injured adventurers were shocked at Lilian spell

The receptionist rubbed her neck and noticed her neck is completely healed

Ruse slowly stood up full of anger on his face

"I'll pay for the sword, but please leave" Brian's eyes glowed bright blue scaring Ruse a bit

Ruse, a weaponless bastard he is, gritted his teeth and ran away. Before he left he shouted "I'll get back soon! And I'll make sure you'll regret this!" as left the guild

The whole guild looked at the 5

"What?" Brian said casually

The whole guild cheered as Ruse was scared off by the 5 rookies

The 5 ignored the crowd and faced the receptionist

"What's your name?" Brian asked the receptionist

"I'm Glen, this guild receptionist" the woman introduced herself

"Well, nice to meet you, Glen! Can we get registered as adventurers?" Mira asked as the other 4 smiled

Glen adjusted her glasses "Very well" Glen smiled also

"Maybe something did changed" Glen thought


"Okay, all you have to do is place your hand to this crystal" Glen showed a blue basketball sized crystal ball to the 5

"Ohhhhhhh!" the 5 looked in awe

Glen giggled at their childish behavior "Ok, who wants to go first?" Glen asked

"I'll go first!" Brian said as he stepped forward

"Now, place your hand to the crystal" Glen instructed

Brian placed his hand to the crystal

The crystal immediately shined bright blue getting brighter and brighter in every second

"Uh, is this supposed to happen?" Brian said "BRIAN! LET GO!" Lilian warned him before finally, the crystal burst into thousand shards unable to handle Brian's overwhelming power

"WOAH!" Brian stepped back a little

Glen and the other adventurers were surprised to see the measuring crystal shattered to pieces

"Um, not to worry! We have a bigger crystal in the backroom" Glen hurried into the back room and brought back the mention crystal ball

It's so big that Glen had it roll it out of the counter. The crystal was as large as a person. Some of the adventurers gasped as they saw the huge crystal ball

"Ok, now place all of your hands into a crystal ball. You may have to put all of your hands to the crystal at the same time. This crystal only works with multiple people" Glen instructed

"Are you positive this is safe?" Serena asked

"Don't worry! This crystal ball is enough to withstand 50 rank-S adventurers at the same time" Glen said

Brian sighed "Alright guys, on 3" Brian commanded his friends




The 5 put their hands to the crystal at the same time. The crystal glowed bright white light. So bright that everyone in the guild was blinded and some of the villagers outside noticed the adventurer's guild glowing

Glen shielded her eyes as she tried to measure their power using cards

"DONE!" Glen yelled "You can let go the crystal now" Glen said at the 5

The crystal stopped glowing as soon they removed their hands. Cracks soon appeared in the crystal then it crumbled into nothing after taking too much power. The whole guild started at the former crystal faded to dust

Glen looked at the cards "DEAR LORD!" Glen exclaimed as her hands are shaking at what she saw in the cards

"Brian Bloo" LV MAX

Class: Knight

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

"Mira Rey" LV MAX

Class: Red Mage

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

"Lilian Tenshi" LV MAX

Class: Arch-Priest

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

"Travis Acer" LV MAX

Class: Assassin

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

"Serena Drevis" LV MAX

Class: Archer

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

Glen stared at the "X"s in their cards

"Glen? Is there's something wrong?" Travis questioned her. Glen didn't respond to Travis' question

"I need the 5 of you to meet the GUILDMASTER" Glen said sternly as her glasses gleamed in tension

"Huh?" the 5 responded oblivious at what's happening


The 5 found themselves staring at a huge door in front of them. The 5 went inside the guild's main office

"Why are we here?" Travis asked but it fell to deaf ears as Glen ignored him again

Glen slowly opened the door "Right this way everyone"

They entered the room and saw a long white haired man writing at his desk. The man looked at them with a stern look on his face

"Glen, what brings you here? And who are these people?" the man simply asked

"Well... they... It's CODE X" Glen tried to explain to the man

"I see" he put his hand to his chin "So you're all applying as adventurers?" the man said

"Yes, sir. We would like that" Brian said

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Allister Wulf, the guild master of the Silver Wolves guild" the man introduced himself as he stood up from his chair

"Nice to meet you, dear sir" Serena bowed politely, the other 4 followed her example and also bowed

Allister sat down again to his chair "So tell me, why did all of you decide to be adventurers?" Allister asked

The 5 remember Sera in their heads and shivered in fear

"We made a promise to one of our friends" Lilian explained

Allister nodded in response and closed his eyes like he's casting judgment on them

"Glen" Allister opened his eyes again "Yes, sir?" Glen said

"Register them as adventurers and put them in the rank-F" Allister ordered Glen

Glen tried to persuade Allister "But sir, that's the lowest rank! I saw them fight-"

"Just do it" Allister cut off Glen from talking any further

Glen sighed "Right away, sir" Glen obeyed as stamped their cards in approval

Allister looked at the 5 "I hope that didn't make you angry" he said

"It's okay. It would be better if we started at the bottom anyways" Brian said as he scratched the back of his head. The other 4 nodded in agreement

Glen gave them their guild cards "Here you go, you're all now officially adventurers of the Silver Wolf guild" Glen announced

"Yes!" Brian looked at his card

"Alright! We're adventurers now!" Travis looked at his card also

"It's pretty shiny" Mira commented

"And it smells like lemons for some reason" Lilian sniffed at the card

Serena just smiled at her card

"Don't lose your cards. It's very important when you take a new quest" Glen said

The 5 opened their own and put their cards there

"Storage magic? That's rare" Glen thought as she saw the 5 opening their inventory

"Well, we're going home. We'll take a quest tomorrow" Brian said as he left the room

"Do we have to walk again?" Travis asked as he followed Brian. Lilian also followed Brian

"Yes Travis, we have to walk again" Mira sighed and left the room

Serena keeps staring at Allister for some reason before she gave up and followed her friends as they went home

"Huh, that's strange. I swore I saw the guild master's eyes glowing for a second" Serena thought

"It's probably nothing to worry about" She shrug it off as they walked the Plains again

Meanwhile in the Guild...

As soon they confirmed that the 5 we're out of the village. Allister clenched his left eye "AARGGGHHH!!!" he yelled in pain and collapsed on the floor

"ALLISTER!" Glen went over to the white-haired man "What's wrong?!" Glen asked

"Ha" Allister started chuckling

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Allister burst out of laughter

Glen extremely confused to the guild master's behavior "Are you really okay sir?"

Allister calmed down a bit "I'm fine Glen. It's just hilarious to discover people like that exist" Allister said with a big smile while still clenching his eye

"My GIFT , I used it to measure the power level of any kind of being" Allister explained

"What do you mean sir?" Glen still confused

"When I'm using this GIFT, I can see people's power as lights"

"Normal people are usually just small sparks, rank-A adventurers are bonfires. But those 5 rookies" Allister

"It was like staring at the 5 suns at the same time!" Allister clenched his left eye even tighter, smiling a wide grin

Glen stared at Allister after hearing that those 5 are extremely powerful

"No matter what path they take, they WILL change Fantasia itself" Allister commented


Meanwhile somewhere in the Plains...

"We're home!" Brian said as they opened the front door of their mansion

"Welcome back everyone" Sora greeted them

"They're back?!" the 5 shivered as soon they heard Sera's voice

"So, what rank did you guys get?" Sera said in excitement

"Um... F-rank" Travis answered nervously and showed her their cards

"Huh?" Sera's excitement died down "Seriously? What did you guys do?"

"We may have... broken their crystal ball" Mira said in a nervous smile

Sera groaned "At least you guys are registered now"

"Sorry Sera" Lilian apologized

"It's okay guys. As for celebration for your registration, I'll cook you guys anything you want" Sera smiled

"Really?" They all smiled

"Of course. You're our heroes after all" Sora said

"Ok then" Travis opened up his

A giant boar carcass plopped down to the ground "Can you cook this for us?" Travis asked

Sera stared at a mid-level boss monster and chuckled "Are you guys really a hero?" Sera asked

"Yes!" the 5 flashed a thumbs up to the elven siblings. Sora chuckled at them

"We'll butcher the boar and you'll do the cooking" Serena said

"They never change" Sora thought with a smile

Sera sighed "Ok, let's get started" she said in determination

Later that night they had a feast and celebrated all night with their happy faces as they savor the delicious boar meat


Meanwhile in the Stardust Sphere...

"My, My. They never really change after all those years" HOPE giggled as she continued to monitor them to the TV set

HOPE continued to lay down in the hospital bed and closed her eyes "I wonder what will change in Fantasia" HOPE imagined the possibilities





"How long are you going to hide there?" HOPE suddenly open her eyes with her white irises glowing brightly

Stars in the Stardust Sphere starts to flicker and dim. A giant black rose sprouted in the middle of the room. HOPE look at it with no emotions

The black rose explode into thousand petals revealing an 18-year old boy wearing a black hoodie and pants while holding a giant scythe in his hand

"Hello, HOPE" the boy greeted HOPE with a monotone voice

HOPE showed no emotions and her irises glowed even more

"Why are you here?" HOPE said in a monotone voice

"DESPAIR" HOPE uttered the boy's name