Chapter 8: The Violet Hero


"Serena Drevis"

Serena Drevis is one of the members of the MMO Club, a group of friends who focuses on playing MMORPG games. She is also one of the 5 people who got reincarnated into Fantasia with her friends by HOPE, after getting killed by a beam of laser that HOPE accidentally released

Her class is Archer. She specializes in long ranged attacks and bows. Her magic focuses on enhancing the arrow's control and skills that conceal her presence

But due to a mishap while getting reincarnated, she gained too much power. All of the GIFTS she received are the , GIFTS that focuses on boosting strength and the senses of the user.

Unfortunately, all of the GIFTS Serena gained merged and boosts her STR and accuracy of her arrows to the point of uselessness. Instead of creating the strongest archer, it made Serena one of the worst archers in all of Fantasia

Whenever she releases an arrow, that arrow will continue to fly after hitting the target and hit more things whether they're the enemy or an ally. She cannot control her arrows and she also can be hit by her own arrows. Currently, the only thing that could stop Serena's arrow is Lilian's Barrier spell or a body of another overpowered hero (such as her friends)

Serena's personality is more mature and elegant than her friends. She gives off a "public-morals-president" vibe and absolutely hates anything that is indecent, more specifically, Travis' perverted shenanigans. She also can a bit prideful sometimes but she always values her friendship with others more than herself. Despite her serious personality, she always enjoys having adventures with her friends and truly cares to each of them


Lartnec, 7:23 am…

"Guildmaster, are you really sure about authorizing this battle? I mean this is kind of dangerous even for a simple match, considering who are the ones competing" Glen said to Allister

They have been informed about Serena's and Tanya's fight and its "complications" if Serena lost. The news spread out all over Lartnec like wildfire. They wanted to see an exciting battle in this peaceful town to liven up their slow peaceful lives

"Of course, I'll let it happen. Besides, I have a feeling that the purple-haired archer won't back out of this one" Allister replied, his tone full of confidence

"Guildmaster..." Glen is still unsure about this battle

"An X-rank Rookie Archer against a Trained Elf Archer Assassin, huh?" Allister looked towards the direction to the Plains

"I wonder how many incidents they could make before we can report them to the king" Allister expression tensed as he looked at massive light from that direction


Elfiem, 8:06 am...

"What is the meaning of this, Tanya?" the elder elf said with slight anger in his tone

"What else could it mean? I'm fighting their human guardian first in order to kill your targets" Tanya said confidently

One of the elder elves slammed his fist to the large table, shaking the room "I know that! Then tell me why you need to escalate this simple assassination into a huge issue like this!" the elder exclaimed

Tanya remained calm despite the outburst of the old man, "I simply tend to have fun while doing my job" Tanya replied

"And besides..." The room suddenly became dark. Tanya's eyes glowed in an eerie magenta color

"YOU HIRED ME. You ordered me to kill by your request. And your request is to kill Sera Sylph and Sora Sylph, and that's it" Her bloodlust is starting to affect the old elven leaders. Fear is greatly rising in the room

"Don't expect me to follow every order you say other than killing them. Otherwise, I'LL KILL YOU TOO. Even if you're an elder" Tanya threatened, her expression twisted into a cold smile

"F-Fine! Just do the deed and complete job!" a brave elder screamed at her

"Sure!" Tanya expression turned into a normal one as she left the meeting room to prepare for the battle

The elf elder sighed in relief as the elf assassin left. A group of guards suddenly appeared in the room

"My king, we ready to proceed in the plan" one of the guards said

"Good, you know what to do" one of the elder elves said

The guards nodded as they quickly grabbed their weapons and left the Elfiem towards the neighboring country

The elders smiled, "All according to plan"


Plain Mansion, 8:56 pm...

Serena is practicing for the incoming battle. Her bowstring stretched in her hand while her eye is only focused on the blue target she placed among the red targets in the distance

"Only hit the blue. Only hit the blue. Only hit the blue..." Serena quietly chanted as she released her arrow as it flew towards the target

Her arrow hit the blue target...

But also all of the red targets, a boulder behind the targets, and a nearby tree as it curved toward her direction

"!" Thankfully Lilian was able to cast a shield in front of Serena, stopping the arrow from hitting her

"Damn it!" Serena yelled as she threw her bow to the ground. She still can't control her arrows no matter how hard she tried

"Serena... I think you should calm down" Lilian tried to appease Serena's anger

The purple-haired girl sighed in frustration, "How am I supposed to fight Tanya in front of INNOCENT villagers if my arrows hit anything in sight?" Serena said

"Think Serena! Everyone is depending on you to save Sera and Sora" Serena said to herself

Lilian saw her friend getting impatient to all of her failed attempts to control her power. When Lilian saw Travis came back with Serena, she saw her eyes glow with determination. She knew that Serena won't stop trying until she gets want she want, she's stubborn like that

And honestly, Lilian is worried for Serena. She tends to do rash decisions when like that. The time she died protecting Sera is proof of her rashness

Lilian took a deep breath, "Serena, I think you should calm down" she said in a reassuring voice

"How am I suppose to calm down Lilian if I can't even control the power to save them?" Serena said

"Serena, I'm sure you'll find a way to control it. And if you find it, we'll do our best to help you" Lilian replied with a calming smile

"After all, you're always there to protect us" Lilian added. Serena's eyes widen in realization as soon as Lilian said that

"Of course! Lilian, you're brilliant!" Serena said in excitement as she grabbed Lilian's shoulders

"Ah! S-Serena, what's wrong?" Lilian is surprised at Serena's sudden action

"Lilian! I found out a way to beat Tanya!" Serena said in glee


The next day... Lartnec Village, 10:45 am

The day has finally come. The day where the fate of Sera and Sora is at stake. Its time for Tanya and Serena to fight

Serena and her friends are already at the Town Plaza. It the largest open space in Lartnec. While its mostly used for merchants to sell their goods, today is an exception. A crowd of people already gathered to see the fight like it was some kind of amusement

Tanya really spread the word, there so many people in one area. So many targets that Serena could accidentally hit

"Hey Serena, you do have a plan? Right?" Travis said in a worried tone

"For once, I agree with the pervert. There's a lot of people here. Can you really beat Tanya without hitting them?" Mira looked at the crowd. She saw a girl with her mother smiling at each other

"Don't worry, I have a plan. I'll make sure no one gets hurt and beat Tanya in her own game" Serena said reassuring her friends

"Serena, I'm starting to have second thoughts" Lilian said

Lilian was the only one who knew her plan. They have been bugging Lilian all night to tell them about Serena's plan. She was told by Serena to never say it to their other friends

"Don't worry Lilian, I won't do it unless it's necessary. Can you trust me on this?" Serena said to the blonde

Lilian is still worried but she agreed, "Sure" she said

"Ahhh!!! I'm so jealous! Why does she trust you to tell her super secret plan while we can't?!" Mira playfully stretched Lilian's cheeks while she softly said stop

Serena smiled at the playful image. Lilian has always been this cute

"Hey", Serena turned around to see Brian

"Good luck out there, you need it" he said with an encouraging smile

The purple-haired girl gave a small smile, "Thanks Brian" she replied

She looked at the elf siblings. They seem nervous

Sera began to speak "Hey Serena, whatever happens, we won't blame you on your decision" Sera said

"That's right. We okay on what's going to happen to us. Whether it's good or bad" Sora added

Serena stared for a bit in shock, "Sera. Sora" she suddenly said


"I'll definitely save both of you!" Serena declared

The two elves are a bit surprised at the purple archer's declaration. They softly smile back in response

Suddenly, the crowd silenced as Serena saw the short-blonde elf

"Tanya" Serena said

"Serena" Tanya reponded

"Rena" she heard Travis, and look back at him

Travis made a cheeky smile, "Don't forget our promise, okay?" he said

Serena paused for a bit, "Sure" she quickly replied

The 2 competitors walked forward, as they meet face-to-face in the center of the plaza

"You know the rules. No outside help, just our strength, and skills. That means no buffs or protective shields around the battlefield" Tanya said as she looked at the crowd

Serena was a bit hesitant but she agreed with the rules

"Before we fight, let's show our STATS" Tanya said

"!" they both said as 2 violet colored boxes appeared in front of them


"Tee Tanya" LV 47 (730/12000 EXP)

Class: Mercenary

Rank: A

HP: 257

MP: 113

STR: 305

AGI: 111

DEF: 15

MAG: 75


, , , , , , , , , , … (Unable to identify more skills, LV25 is required)


"Serena Drevis" LV MAX

Class: Archer

Rank: X

HP: error

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: error

DEF: error

MAG: error

Skills: None


Some of the crowd is confused at Serena's STATS. All of the stats displayed Error

Serena paid no attention at murmuring of the crowd. Tanya however, is a bit angry

"Oy! You can't fool me with that! Quit your hiding and show your true stats! Or else the deal is done!" Tanya demanded as the chains connecting Serena and Tanya glowed intensely

"How did she find out?!" Brian exclaimed

"Serena, don't show your stats!" Mira warned

Serena clicked her tongue, "I guess I can't really hide it forever, huh?"

"Fine" Serena said

"!" she chanted

"Serena, wait!" Lilian said, but it was too late... Serena glowed for a bit as the box glitched and displayed her true stats


"Serena Drevis" LV 1 (1/1 EXP) MAX

Class: Archer

Rank: X

HP: 110

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: 34

DEF: 11

MAG: error


, , , , , , , , , , , … (Unable to identify more skills, LV 52 is required)


"Damn it" Travis uttered as he saw her true stats. He saw the crowd loudly gossiping at Serena's stats

All of them made a pledge to never show their true stats. They're not stupid. Gathering unnecessary attention is really bad in another world. It would risk them attracting "certain people" that would try to use them as weapons

"So you're LV1 after all? And it's maxed out? How are you able to keep up with me?" Tanya said

"I don't know. And about the level, I can't seem to raise no matter how much EXP I gain" Serena replied

Tanya looked at her suspiciously, before nodding her head, "Alright, I believe you" she responded

"The rules are simple. If you get hit by my arrows, I win. If I get hit by your arrows, you win. Is that clear?" Tanya said

"Yes" She replied

"Good. Because I've been itching to fight against you!" Tanya pulled out her bow, her eyes glowing violet

"This is it. There's no turning back on this one" Serena thought as she pulled out her bow

"On the count of 3" Tanya said

"3!" Tanya immediately shot 3 arrows towards Serena. Serena quickly activated her to dodge the arrows. She moved her body away from the arrows


A small wound appeared in her cheek. Serena could stare in shock as a drop of blood dripped out of her graze

"How? Why didn't I see that one?" Serena said to herself

"You barely dodged that one. What a shame. Well, let me finish the job!" Tanya charged towards the purple-haired girl, as she shot more arrows

Serena focused her senses to track the incoming arrows. Serena tried to dodge the arrows again, only to be grazed lightly in her leg

"At this rate, I'm going get pincushioned by arrows!" Serena thought as she continued to evade the arrows. Tanya released another volley of arrows

"!" Serena heightens her senses even more in an attempt to dodge the incoming arrows. Suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through her head, forcing her to cancel her skill and continue to dodge the arrows

"What's happening to Serena? How come she can't predict the arrows?" Sera said as she saw the purple-haired girl tensed her face in pain

Brian noticed Serena moving away to the sides, where the crowd resides, "I see! So that's why Tanya chose to fight in the village" Brian said in realization

"What? How's that supposed to stop Serena's overpowered senses?" Travis asked

"It's exactly because of her senses in overpowered. There's too much noise from the crowd, it's messing up Serena's senses to track the arrows movements!" Brian said

"Damn!" Serena clenched her head as the voices of the crowd is getting painfully loud to her heightened senses

Tanya continued to shoot more arrows. Serena barely dodged them the incoming arrows

"You're doing good than I expected," Tanya said

"Huh?" Serena was confused, "What does that mean?" she thought

Tanya took a deep breath before exhaling slowly, "Okay, I'm satisfied. Time to finish the job" the blonde elf said. Serena's eyes widen in surprise

"" Tanya chanted as her arrows became transparent. The crowd gasped as Sera shouted at Serena

"SERENA! DUCK!" she warned

She immediately followed Sera instructions as she ducked. She heard arrows hit behind. She turned to look only to see nothing

"It was fun playing with you, Serena. Goodbye" Tanya said as she released the invisible arrows

The crowd gasped as the arrow drew closer to Serena

"Not yet!" Serena screamed

Serena took her bow out her back and swing it forwards like a sword. She felt something hit her bow as she deflected the object

"What" Sera uttered

"What?" The crowd said

"What?!" Tanya exclaimed

Serena huffed and position herself into a stance

[You discovered how to use your weapon in an unnatural way]

[New Skill created: ]

"Did she just blocked that arrow, with her BOW?!" Brian said shocked

"Tanya" Serena muttered. The short-blonde elf looked at her with wide eyes

"You need to try a LITTLE harder than that" She taunted. Tanya's eye twitched in anger. The crowd "oooh"

"Sorry, Serena. I changed my mind" Tanya's eyes glowed deep violet

"I'm not satisfied after all!" Tanya's bow stretched it longer, making more room for more arrows

"!" Tanya yelled as she released even more arrows than before. The arrows fade in mid-air, completely invisible

Serena swung her bow and deflected most of the arrows. She jumped to dodge the rest

Tanya kept shooting more and more. Serena continued to dodge

The crowd watched in awe as the 2 archers kept fighting and showing off their skills. Serena's friends cheered for her, some of the spectators even joined in the cheering

"Yeah! Fight on Serena!" Mira cheered

"Don't Tanya win!" Brian also cheered

"Try your best, Serena!" Lilian shouted

Serena kept dodging and deflecting arrows. Her senses are still blurry from the noise but she could manage to deflect more and more arrows

[ has leveled up to LV2]

"As long as I don't get hit, I'll be fine. I need to find a way to-" Serena's thoughts came to a halt as her eyes became blurry

Sera was the first to notice Serena's expression. Her expression of hopelessness

"Drawbacks!" Serena panicked as she deactivated her eyes immediately to alleviate her drawback

Tanya also notice her expression and use this chance to shoot a special arrow

Tanya smiled, "Here's your favorite arrow" she said

"" she chanted as she released the arrow. Without Serena's Archer Eyes she wasn't able to predict the deadly arrow coming towards her

"SERENA!" Sera yelled

The purple-haired archer heard Sera and saw the arrow incoming. She flipped backward as the arrow barely grazed her side

"You're still doing it. Why? WHY WON'T YOU USE YOUR BOW?!!" Tanya said in anger, Serena stopped to looked a bit

Serena remained silent as the Tanya became enraged, "You think this battle is a joke? You think you so confident that you can half-ass this battle?! You elf friends' lives are at stake! Do you think I'm too weak to use your true power?! SHOW ME! OR ELSE!!" Tanya shouted at her as she shot another arrow, which Serena easily deflected

"I hate people who hide their true power. Their stupid pride is so revolting in a fight. I've seen it again and again" Tanya remember all of the previous targets she killed. Most of them are nobles, people who had power over people. Tanya developed a strong hatred for those who are prideful and with power

Serena thought's came to a stop after seeing Tanya's rant, "She's right. I can't win if I can't shoot a single arrow. I thought I was being humble but I was only causing her pain?" She thought

Brian looked at the blonde assassin elf, "Tanya. Why are so angry at Serena? It's definitely not about her defending the elf siblings. That anger is coming from somewhere else" Brian thought

"Tell me, Serena. AM I NOT STRONG ENOUGH?!!" Tanya's eyes glowed even brighter. Her fierce expression scaring the crowd a bit

"Tanya. Forgive me. I haven't been honest with you. You're strong. That's why I thought it would better if I defeat you with the most peaceful solution. But in reality, I was just afraid of hurting you" Serena began to say. Tanya paused for a bit

The crowd murmured at what's happening. The elf sibling patiently watched

Travis looked at Serena with worry, "Rena, don't forget your promise" he said to himself

"That's why I'm going fight you seriously now" Serena's eyes were full with determination

Tanya was silent for a whole minute before finally responding, "Serena. If you weren't been friends with my targets we would have been great friends" Tanya said with genuine respect

"Thank you, Tanya. So we can end this battl-"

"No" Tanya interrupted her

"Even if you are a good person. You're still protecting the people that killed my whole family" Tanya said full with hate as she glared the elf siblings in the crowd

"Crap. After all, she believes that they're the ones who killed her village!" Serena thought

"Enough talk!" Tanya quickly shot an arrow

Serena closed her eyes, "I'm sorry everyone. Looks like I'm going to break that promise after all" she thought

She immediately dodged the arrow with a sidestep and stretched her bow with an arrow on it. Serena's friends' eyes widen in surprise as they're seeing her using a bow

"She's finally using her bow!" Mira said in shock. The crowd seem to notice this too

Tanya saw Serena stretch her bow, "Finally! After all this time! That's right, Serena. Show me your true strength!" she anxiously readied herself

Serena exhaled as she releases her arrow. The arrow flew towards Tanya with a purple glow. Tanya easily dodged the incoming arrow

Then it happened. The worst outcome that Serena could ever imagine. The arrow curved after it missed Tanya and instead moved towards the innocent girl in the crowd for a new target

Travis immediately ran toward the arrow to stop it from hitting the girl. He can't use in a dense crowd like this

The girl in the crowd stood still in fear as the arrow came closer to her. Crowd yelled in fear as the arrow went closer


A drop of blood hit the pavement of the plaza. Travis never made it in time as the arrow hit its target. The crowd stopped in shock as blood began to splatter the ground. Tanya even stopped in shock as she stared at the scene. Lilian looked in terror at what she was seeing

The girl opened her eyes, she inspected her body. She was completely unharmed. But she also stopped in shock as soon she looked in front of her

"You okay there?" Serena asked the girl with a forced smile

[You are BLEEDING, Losing 15 HP per second, -30% ATK, -55% AGI]

The arrow hit her shoulder causing blood to come out. Serena's expression is obviously forced, the pain is unbearable

[You experienced a lot of pain. You started to get used to it]

[New skill created: Pain Resistance]

Serena gritted her teeth. The new skill lessened the pain but not enough to stop it. Her own arrow is much more painful than the arrows that Tanya shot in the past

Lilian is starting to remember what Serena's plan is


"You want to protect them with your own body?!" Lilian exclaimed

"There are only 2 things that could stop my arrows. You're barriers or my own body" Serena said

"No! That's too risky Serena! What if you die again?" Lilian said

"Then you can just revive me again" Serena replied

"It still feels wrong. I don't want you getting hurt, Serena" Lilian started to get sad

Seren placed her hand to her shoulder, "Lilian, I want you to trust me on this. This the only way for me to shoot arrows without hurting innocent people" Serena said

"Can you trust me, Lilian?"


"Serena! Let me heal you!" Lilian quickly ran towards her

"No! If you do that, the contract will be broken!" Serena said. The magic circle in her hand glowed as a warning. Lilian stopped and stood in place, tears started to stream down her cheeks

"You let your arrow hit you?! Are you insane?!" Tanya screamed

"Why not? I'm not going against the rules and the arrow hit me are mine, not yours" Serena replied

Tanya glared at her "You're willing to get hurt just to win?"

"Of course" Serena replied with a serious tone

"But you'll suffer or even get killed in the process!" Tanya shouted back

Serena turned her head towards the elf siblings. They're definitely distressed at Serena's wound. Serena smiled at them

"I'll do anything to save the people I care about" Serena replied with a determined smile

Tanya twitched in anger, "AHHHH!!! Why are you so stubborn?! You... You're..."

Tanya's mind flashed a memory of her younger self. She staring at her dead parents as Sera and Sora stood with the Iconoclast in their hands. It filled her with both fear and anger

"YOU'RE SAVING THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED THE ONLY PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT!!!" Tanya stretched her bow with a purple glow. Serena looked at her with determination

Tanya shot more arrows, only this time the arrows moved in an erratic pattern. Serena dodged most of them and used her bow to deflect the rest

The crowd went nuts as the fight even escalated even further. Arrows started to piled up to the floor as the fight dragged om

[ skill has leveled up to LV8]

[ has leveled up to LV3]

"Tanya!" Serena shouted. Which caught the elf assassin's attention

"I'm going to prove to you that both Sera and Sora are innocent!" Serena said as she shot another arrow

Tanya ignored her words and dodged the incoming arrow. The arrow curved toward the crowd again after missing Tanya

Serena blocked it again with her body, hitting her left leg this time. She cringed in pain as another arrow hit her body

[HP (77/110)] - BLEED

Serena shot another one which Tanya also dodged and also blocked by Serena

[HP 53/110] - BLEED

"Serena! Stop! Please" Sera pleaded

"Stop Serena that's enough!" Brian yelled

"S-Serena, s-stop" Lilian stutter as she sobbed

The purple-haired archer didn't stop. She shot another arrow. Which again, she had to block with her own body

[HP 18/110] - BLEED

[After bleeding so much, your body became more experienced at stopping bleeding]

[New Skill created: Bleed Supression]

[You are BLEEDING, Losing 2 HP per second, -5% ATK, -30% AGI]

Serena coughed a blob of blood, her vision became blurry, her body on its limits. The crowd watching her is staring at her with silence. They were speechless at the Serena's actions

Tanya is also starting to hesitate to fire another arrow. The look on Serena is just too pitiful even for an assassin like her

"Serena, just stop. Just let me win. You're on your last HP. You would just die trying to save them" Tanya said in a low voice. Her hands are shaking with hesitation, her eyes are starting to get filled with tears

Serena stood still, "No" she said

"I won't stop until I save them. My friends" Serena replied as she coughed another glob of blood

"FINE! If your too stubborn to admit defeat, I'll end this battle, RIGHT NOW!" Tanya shot another arrow. Serena moved her body to the side to avoid it

Serena stretched her bow again. She can hear her friends screaming to stop. The crowd is going wild at what she's going to do

Serena glanced at her low HP bar, "I only got one chance for this to happen. I better make it count!" she thought before releasing the arrow

Tanya looked at the arrow. It wasn't hard to dodge it or its special. Just a normal arrow. Tanya prepared to evade the arrow but something happened

"Gotcha" Serena said as she bear-hugged the assassin elf

"What are you doing!" Tanya exclaimed as her body was restricted

She struggled to break free but the purple-haired archer's grip is preventing her from moving. The arrow curved as flew toward the 2

"No!" Tanya screamed as the arrow came closer to them


The crowd gasped at what happened

"I win" Serena made a small smile

The arrow penetrated Serena from her back and came through her chest, hitting Tanya with a tip of the arrow

[HP 1/110]

[You survived a brush of death with just 1 HP left]

[New Unique skill acquired!: Survivor]

The mark on their hands glowed as the contract was complete. The mark on Serena's hand disappeared while Tanya's mark was seared into her hand

"The winner of this battle is Serena Drevis!" Mira declared as the crowd cheered and celebrated to Serena's victory

"Serena did it. She won!" Lilian said with happiness

Brian sighed, "Not bad, Serena. Not bad!" he said with a smile

Travis smiled at her, "Serena"

He looked at the elf siblings. Both of them are full of happiness

"You hear that Sera, Sora? She won" Travis said to the elf siblings

Sera started to cry with tears of joy, as Sora comforted her sister with a big smile on his face

"I'm glad. I'm glad that she saved us" Sera said, looking at the tired purple-haired archer

"Our hero" Sera added

"Yeah, our hero" Sora smiled

"NO!" Tanya shouted as Serena won the deal. She is now the servant of the purple-haired archer

Serena stood up, barely alive as she looked at Tanya with seriousness

"Tanya" Serena started, she flinched as soon as she heard her voice

"Y-Yes?" Tanya said nervously. Becoming a servant means death to Tanya. She pretty sure that she's going to die in someway

"I know you won't believe me but I'm going to prove to you that Sera and Sora are innocent" she said

"..." Tanya remained silent

"After that, we're going to find out who's the real culprit for the destruction of your village" Serena added

"Wait? We?" Tanya was confused

"Of course. You're my new servant after all" Serena replied with a smile

Tanya was speechless, this girl who she tried to kill and killed her once is trying to be her friend despite all of that

She sighed in response, "Are you sure? I did try to kill you and your friends" Tanya replied

Serena pulled her tongue out, "I still want to be friends with you. You're a bit cruel but I can see you're a good person" Serena replied

Tanya never had a person treat her like this, other than her parents

"Eh, What choice do I have? A deal is a deal" Tanya held up her hand to shake with her.

Serena reached for her hand


Serena stopped as she heard an arrow shot from one of the buildings. It was headed straight for Tanya

Serena quickly pushed Tanya out of the way, as the arrow hit her back. Serena felt the need to scream in pain but she can't for some reason

[HP -175/110] -BLEED, -DYING

[You are BLEEDING, Losing 2 HP per second, -5% ATK, -30% AGI]

[You are DYING, E.T.A. before total death: 59 secs]

Tanya's eyes widen as the arrow made a fist-sized hole in Serena's back as she fell to the ground bleeding. The hole has torn her heart and a bit of her lung. She can't breathe or speak in pain

"SERENA!" They shouted at the same time

The crowd panicked and ran away from the incoming arrows the sniper

Lilian quickly ran towards Serena's side to heal her, Travis also went to her

Tanya immediately shot an arrow towards the sniper on the top of the building

The sniper easily blocked the arrow with his shield

"Mithril Sheilds!" Tanya said as her arrow was ineffective to those shields

Sera looked in terror at Serena's body, as a pool of blood slowly formed underneath her

Sora looked at the sniper. He has a couple of men behind him with swords

"That sigil. It's the royal elf guards!" Sora recognized the sigil in their armor

"What did you say?!" Brian exclaimed

"Woah, the prince actually recognized us" the sniper said

"As much as we are grateful that the very lost prince of Elfiem himself is in front us, we're going to kill you now" the sniper chuckled sadistically. Sora looked at them in anger. They're the reason why Serena is hurt

"You. The elders sent you, didn't they?!" Tanya glared with anger

"Of course. That was their plan after all. Once you kill the human archer protecting the convict heirs, we were planning to kill the infamous elf assassin to get rid of the witness" The sniper explained

"Those old bastards" Tanya cursed

"But you failed, not only the heirs are still alive, the whole village knows the whole conspiracy of the elder elves. Oh well, we could easily kill the whole village after dealing with nuisances in the way" the sniper looked at the remaining group

"How cruel" Mira commented as glared at them

"LIKE HELL IM GOING TO LET YOU DO THAT!" Tanya yelled as she shot another arrow towards the sniper. Unfortunately, the arrow was easily blocked by the shield of the royal guards

The sniper shot another arrow towards the elf assassin. Tanya could only stare in fear at the arrow, something irked her when she saw the arrow

"Huh? Why can't I move?" Tanya's legs shook in fear

Another flash of memory passed Tanya's mind


The younger Tanya cried at the front of her of dead parents. The arrows lodged in their chest with large slashes in their gut

The arrow was made out of pure gold


Tanya looked at the golden arrow coming towards her. They're both the same arrows that slaughtered her parents

"So that was it, huh? They're telling the truth after all" Tanya thought, she remembers the trauma she went through

After her parents got killed, she dedicated her whole life training to be an assassin to avenge her fallen loved ones. She started to kill for people that hired her. Whether being a bodyguard to an assassin. She didn't care as long as someday, she'll find the people responsible for her parent's death

She soon felt empty. Her emotions dulled and her motive became blurry. Her heart became stone cold. Then suddenly, killing is the only thing she felt

"I'm sorry Serena. If I believed you earlier, none of this happened" Tanya cried a single tear as the arrow came closer and closer

Suddenly someone blocked the arrow with their hand. The arrow pierced their hand, stopping it from hitting Tanya

"Hey, are you okay?" a familiar voice was heard behind Tanya

She slowly turned around to see Serena still alive with a small smile on her face

"Serena..." Tanya said in awe

"H-How are you alive?! I shot you a hole in your chest!" the sniper said in shock

Serena looked at the royal guards with an ominous violet glowing eyes

"Hey, you're the reason why Tanya almost killed innocent elves, right?" Serena said, full with bloodlust

"FIRE!" the sniper ordered the royal archer elves to shoot at her

But Serena ignored the arrows hit her. Her eyes still locked on them. The sniper stumbled in fear as she was unaffected to their attacks

"Well..." Serena pulled out the arrow stuck in her hand and put it on her bow

"LET ME RETURN THE FAVOR!" Serena said in anger as she stretched the bowstring. The bow suddenly glowed bright purple and the arrow was surrounded with magenta flames. Finally, her eyes glowed brighter and brighter until her left eye ignited a small purple flame

Tanya can only look in awe as Serena charged more and more power

"" she said before releasing the arrow in an incredible speed. Causing a sonic boom to explode, pushing Tanya and the others back

The royal guards to could only scream as the overpowered arrow pierced through the group, leaving a clean hole in the building, completely annihilating them

The arrow didn't stop there. The arrow continued to travel even further and faster until hitting the mountainside with so much force that the entire mountain range was reduced to rubble after exploding in contact. The entire Lartnec population watched the former mountain was destroyed

"T-That's... that's... WAY TOO MUCH!!!" Tanya exclaimed


Alister and Glen looked at the destruction that the purple-haired girl caused

"Is this what you meant about people noticing them?" Glen asked the guild master

"Yes, although this is way too much that I expected" Alister said

Glen looked at the purple explosion "Noticing, huh?" she said


Among the watching crowd, there is a dark cloaked mysterious person is watching the explosion with intent

They went into an alleyway and climbed up to the rooftops to track the source of the power. They eventually found Serena and the others

The person stared at them for a bit before walking away and blending to the crowd

A magic circle appeared the ear of the person, "Hey, it's me"

"Yes, I found them" they replied before disappearing in sight


Serena stood still after she fired that devastating arrow

[Oak Bow has used all DUR]

Serena's bow shattered into million pieces like when Brian uses his swords

"Hey everyone. Are you guys okay?" Serena suddenly asked, still staring at the mountain she just destroyed

"Um, yes" Sera was the first to break the silence

"I see... I'm glad..." Serena said before collapsing to the ground in front of Tanya

"SERENA!" Travis yelled in despair as Serena's dead body fell in front of Tanya. Bleeding out from the fist-sized hole in her chest

"SERENA!" They all yelled at the same time, as they quickly rushed to her side

"Lilian! Revive her now!" Brian commanded

"!" Lilian chanted as a yellow glow enveloped Serena's body

The glow stopped, but something's wrong

The hole in her chest is fixed but she isn't waking up. Serena was unresponsive as she stayed dead in the ground, unmoving

"! ! ! !" Lilian continuously cast her spell but to no effect

"What's happening? Why isn't she waking up?!" Mira started to cry

"SERENA! SERENA! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Travis cried as her friends were at a shock to the death of their friend

"Damn it... I failed again" Serena thought as the voices of friends became softer and softer, before completely fading to black

[HP -175/110]

Serena Drevis - Status: Deceased







"Hi!" Serena saw HOPE right in front of her face

"Ah!" Serena jolted in surprise before falling down the bed she's been laying. HOPE giggled in response

"What's happening and where am I?" Serena quickly asked as she placed her hand to her chest to calm herself

"Didn't you already recognize this place?" HOPE said with a sly smile

Serena was a bit confused as she looked around. Star-filled sky with a moon on the center. There are a bed, an old TV and a single closet

"This is the Stardust Sphere" Serena said to herself

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Your right!" HOPE said with a cheery voice

"B-But why am I here?" Serena questioned

"Eh? Did you forget? You died silly!" HOPE replied with a smile

"Died?" Serena said before she removed her hand on her chest to reveal a fist-sized hole in the middle

A flash of memories passed to Serena's mind. Before she screamed at the top of her lungs as soon as she realized that she died

"It's kinda cool" HOPE's hand went through the hole

"Hey! Stop that!" Serena slapped HOPE's hand, covering her chest protectively. The little girl giggled a bit

"Wait, didn't I died already? Why didn't Lilian's revive spell worked?" Serena questioned the white goddess

"Oh. Lilian's spell worked. I just snagged your soul a bit to talk to you for a bit" HOPE replied

"Huh?" Serena was confused, "What do you want to talk about?"

"It's about the state of Fantasia right now" HOPE said

"You discovered that the elven government is corrupted by crooked leaders. And successfully resolved that problem, so I congratulate you on your achievement. It's only a matter of time before the elves impeach them" HOPE said with gratitude

Serena is still confused, "I don't understand why are you telling me this? I just did wha-"

"Do you want to go back?" HOPE interrupted her

"Huh? What do you mean go back?" Serena asked

"I meant you can go back to your original world" HOPE said, Serena's eyes perked up to HOPE's suggestion

"Of course, you have a choice to go back to Fantasia, although I must warn you" HOPE's eyes became serious

"Fighting Tanya and exposing the elven corruption is just the beginning. Fantasia is full of problems that could easily torment you if your not careful enough" HOPE continued

"So, Serena. Would you choose to stay at Fantasia? Or live a peaceful and normal life in your original world?" HOPE offered

Serena became silent. She knows that Fantasia is a dangerous world to live in. There a lot of monsters and dangers that could kill you easily. People dying is a commonplace in Fantasia. Surely, her original world is much better in terms of convenience

"I... I... I'll stay at Fantasia" Serena answered

"Oh? And why is that? Have you suffered enough in that world?" HOPE questioned her

"I know that I'll definitely get hurt in the future if I stay there. And it's quite annoying that I have to deal with problems every day. But..." Serena remembered the friends she made in Fantasia

"I would rather stay in a world where there is someone I could protect than a world without my friends. No, my family. I want to stay with them!" Serena said with a determination

HOPE looked at her curiously. The purple-haired girl has a lot of pride to the people she cared about

"Plus, I have to keep my promise with that idiotic pervert" Serena added with a smile on her face

HOPE is smiled in response, "So that's it! Good! You can stay at Fantasia!"

"Thank you" Serena replied

"Welp, you better come back now. Your.... family is really worried about you" HOPE said as magic circle appeared at the bottom of Serena

"Wait, this is!" Serena remembered this situation

"Try not to scream on the way out!" HOPE waved goodbye before Serena fell through the magic circle, going downwards to Fantasia

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Serena screamed as she fell to a long drop

The magic circle closed as HOPE sighed, "Those 5 are going to be great heroes" she said as looked at the old TV


HOPE coughed a black fluid

All of a sudden, she started to cough violently, spewing more black fluid. The stars of the room flickered and the full moon in the middle became smaller until it turned into a 3/4 of a moon

HOPE gasped for air as she stopped coughing. A strand of her white hair slowly turned into pure black

"You're running out of time, HOPE. Why did you bring the girl back?" DESPAIR asked as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere

"She earned it. She deserves to go back to her friends" HOPE replied as she wiped the black fluid in the side of her mouth

"Still, you used too much power just to bring her back. You could've just said that she can't come back" DESPAIR said

"There's still hope.... there is still hope in Fantasia. And those 5 carry that hope" HOPE weakly replied

DESPAIR looked at the weaken guardian before sighing, "Whatever, just don't do that again. Who knows what would happen when you disappear" he said

"Don't worry DESPAIR. I won't fade just yet!" HOPE made a childish smile

DESPAIR let out a sigh, "Fine, want to eat ice cream?" DESPAIR suggested

"Sure!" HOPE happily replied


Plain Mansion, 7:39 am...

Serena is laying on her bed, the sunrise is starting to enter her room

"Ah!" Serena immediately jolted awake. She gasped for air as she noticed her own room

"Damn that little girl. She couldn't resist teasing me, huh?" Serena said in annoyance

She tried to get out bed only to find resistance in her hand

Serena lifted her hand and discovered that someone is holding her hand

"Travis" Serena looked at the sleeping boy beside her bed. He's already sleeping on the nearby chair while holding her hand

"Did he stay with me all this time?" Serena thought as she felt her cheeks blushed a bit

Travis felt something in his hand as he slowly woke up. He looked at Serena with surprise in his expression

"Um, about Ta-" Serena was interrupted by Travis suddenly hugging her

"I'm glad... I'm glad your awake Rena" Travis said softly as he tightly hugged her

Serena was a bit overwhelmed. She never saw Travis act this way. He always acted so pervertedly and carefree but now he feels warm and caring to her

"T-Travis, you..." Serena started, her cheek redden a bit

"Hmm, your chest is still as flat as ever. Maybe getting a hole blasted in your chest reduced its size " Travis said in a wondering tone. That ticked off Serena


"You absolute lecherous pervert!" Serena said in bloodlust as she punched Travis in the head. So much for a tender moment

"Sorry!" Travis bowed and apologized. Serena let out a hmph

"But I really am glad that you're awake. You've been out for 3 days straight" Travis said

"3 DAYS?!!" Serena exclaimed

"Yup, 3 days of nothing but sleeping" Travis replied

Serena groaned, "I'm sorry for worrying you guys, you know getting killed and all. Again" Serena said as she scratched her head

"No, it's okay! I'm glad that you're fine" Travis said with a smile

Serena looked at the Travis curiously as a memory flashed inside of Serena

"Which do you prefer? Boxers or briefs?"

"Hey Travis" Serena started

"Yeah?" Travis replied

"About my promise to answer your question" Serena said

"I think I prefer boxers" Serena smiled. Travis was a bit confused at her answer but smiled as well

"Yeah, me too!" Travis said with a cheeky smile

Serena didn't realize at this time. This was the start of her budding feelings for Travis

"You prefer boxers, Serena?" Lilian said in a slightly creeped out tone. She appeared at the door with the others listening to their conversation. All of them have a weirded out expressions

"LILIAN?!" Serena and Travis said in unison

"Woah! I never thought Serena would say the word boxers" Mira said

"The archer may have some preferences after all," Steve said respectfully

"Serena, I think you should sleep more" Brian commented

"H-How... How" Serena stuttered as her face turned red in embarrassment

"HOW INDECENT!" Serena shouted with a flushed face

"Wait! Serena, please don't!" Travis pleaded before he got another punch in the head



3 days later...

"You didn't need to hit me that hard Serena" Travis wailed as he rubbed his head. Serena and Travis are walking in Lartnec, they're planning to visit Sera and Sora's shop

"You made say something outrageous again" Serena is still angry at the "boxer incident". It took a lot of explaining to fix that misunderstanding

"But still! It's still funny!" Travis replied

"Do you want to get hit again?" Serena said darkly

"No, ma'am" Travis quickly replied

Serena noticed the building she destroyed, along with the royal guard she annihilated. After the villagers saw the elf royal guards, it didn't take too long for the higher-ups to piece out the real plans of the elven elder leaders

The elders were caught and impeached immediately for assassination, and treason to the royal alliances of Elfiem. While they caught the elders, they didn't found out about Sera and Sora's true identities. So the elf siblings decided to continue living with them until they find out. "It's much fun this way," Sora said jokingly

As for Tanya, the Elfiem officials searched and searched for the infamous elf assassin but they could never find her. Some say she escaped Lartnec, some say she's already dead. No one is sure. It's like she disappeared after fighting with Serena

"I wonder where Tanya went. She seems to be a good person, despite killing me once" Serena wondered, as they arrived at the front of the shop

"Who knows. We may never see her again" Travis said in an ominous voice before entering the shop

"Welcome to S-Mart" Tanya greeted in the counter while wearing a shop clerk outfit

"TANYA?!!" they both exclaimed at the same time as they saw the familiar assassin elf

"Oh, Master Serena. Good morning" Tanya greeted with a bow

"T-T-Tanya! You're here! We thought you disappeared!" Serena said in surprise

"Nope, I hired Tanya to be our new shop clerk!" Sera said as she appeared out of the shelves. Sora nodded

"Is it a bit concerning that you hired you're ex-assassin?" Travis said cautiously

"Well after fighting with Serena, I never noticed that she would be a great clerk at my shop so we hired her!" Sora replied

"I would like to apologize to the royal siblings for trying to kill them with false accusations. So I decided to become their slaves as well" Tanya said, showing additional sigils in her hand. One for Serena, one for Sera and one of Sora

"That's great, I think" Serena said unsurely. This going to be an interesting experience

"Serena" Tanya called out

"Yes?" Serena said

Tanya came closer to her and bowed her head, "I would like to apologize to the hurtful things I said during our fight. I was blinded with vengeance that I was easily manipulated by those elder elves. You may hit me if you desire" Tanya said

Serena raised her hand only to pat her head instead, "Tanya, I know that you're confused at that moment. It's not your fault to be angry with me or to Sera and Sora" Serena said

"You're a good person Tanya" Serena comforted. Tanya's eyes widen in shock and joy

"I'm glad that I lost to you, Serena. I'll be serving you until the end, Master" Tanya bowed in front of her

Serena smiled in response, "Happy to be your acquaintance" Serena replied

"Oh, Serena and Mira have servants. Maybe I'll get a cute servant too" Travis said with a perverted smile on his face

"Not a chance" Serena darkly as she grabbed his head and started to squeeze it

"Serena, wait. This is.. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Travis yelled in pain. As Sera and Sora laughed in the background. Somethings never change

"There are 2 types of people. People with power and people who don't"

"And I hate both of them"

"That's why I'm going to be both weak and strong. And I'll do everything to protect my family with my overpowered strength"

"As the strongest overpowered archer!"


Character Info: Serena Drevis

"Serena Drevis"

LV 1 (1/1 EXP) MAX

Title: The Violet Hero (Reincarnated)

Class: Archer

Rank: X

HP: 110

MP: error

STR: error

AGI: 34

DEF: 11

MAG: error


, , , , , , , , , , , , , … (Unable to identify more skills, LV 52 is required)

Unique Skills: