Everything happened fast

"Dear, please let our daughter chase her happiness, she deserves it"

Marie, the third wife of the King adjured. A long sigh from the King followed.

Who could've resisted a request when it is blurted out with much intensity?

"You left me no choice Stella, then be it your way, follow your heart dear" a small smile came from King Froilan.

'I wonder what would Father responded if it was me who pleaded. If it was me who needed his approval, would he have responded the same? '

This thought lingers in Celestia's mind until after the lunch ended but she decided to just brush it off and continue with her life, after all, nothing will change with just thinking, she was never a needy person anyway.

Meanwhile, it is no secret that the king's favorite daughter is Stella even though Celestia excels more in every aspect than Stella. Maybe it is from the fact that Celestia is the fruit of a loveless marriage, a marriage consummated to prevent a war, a marriage that led to a tragedy.

Celestia is the living proof that there was a time that the King of Thusha decided to choose the power than love, a huge mistake, a colossal regret.

Celestia has been living like this for the past twenty-two years of her life, a life that can be seen by others as dull and aloof. She is like air, no, a hurricane, she might be invisible to the eyes of the King and to many people but still, they cannot ignore her benevolence, her beauty that can become a femme fatale if she chooses to.

'It is a great day to go outside,'

Celestia has been planning for weeks on how she should roam around the forest near her friend's house, Ted.

'Maybe I can find some fruits to give to the children and some medicinal herbs for the elders.'

With nothing important to do in mind, she decided to began her voyage into the forest, Celestia is a traveler and in her spare time she discovered many places on her own including a secret passageway to get in and out the palace, it's a small hole on the palace wall but then with the right equipment in hand, she decided to make it bigger enough for a person to fit in, it has a removable bush to serve as a camouflage.

People might see her as kind and innocent, little did they know she has a quirky side that shows when no one is watching when she is in disguise as a man.

She stretches her arms wide as soon as she is out of the palace, familiar faces started to greet her, "How are you doing Dave?" an old woman shouted as she ran her way towards the woods.

"I'm fine Madel, take the medicine I gave you ok? Bye!" she waved as she continued running, feeling the freedom from being away from the palace.

'This adrenaline rush, heart pounding fast and the promise of new things, ahh I love the outside world!'

She has been dreading to go out for a while now and it is the perfect time since the Kingdom is busy talking about what happened earlier on lunch.

Her emerald eyes shine every time it gets hit by the warm sunlight. A beautiful smile plastered on her face as she reaches for the fully grown apple.

Everything was going smooth, she found some useful herbs and a few fruits to give until she encountered a man, not only a man but a handsome and wounded right now type.

'W-wait? Wounded?!'

And right then, she saw a lot of blood coming out from the handsome unconscious man.

She doesn't know if it's her instincts that started to kick in or the loud pumping sound of her heart, but she managed to get closer to the man.

She has always been wandering and roaming in different places ever since and this is the first time in her 20 years of existence she found a man close to death's door.

With her shaking hands, she started to undress the man in a coat and it revealed such treasures, golden six-pack abs!

'Now is not the time to be distracted Celestia, focus on helping him'

But the six packs are a huge distraction!

"Argh!" the man groaned a little bit and that's the cue of Celestia to be faster, to save another person just like what she always do, saving others' before herself.