I’ll call you Adam

Celestia replied reluctantly, she obviously has her saliva all over that spoon he will be using! How unhygienic and romantic, WHAT?

Well, it is, of course, an indirect kiss after all.

Celestia shook her head in that thought, an indirect kiss with a stranger? Really? She debated whether to give the half-eaten porridge to the stranger but as she asses his face, it is just impossible to say no! With him looking intensely at that bowl who else could have resisted?

"Here, it's not that hot anymore since e-er I've been eating it" she hesitantly gave the stranger the bowl she has been holding. However her hands failed to transfer the food in his, he's just looking at her face and the porridge back and forth for Pete's sake!

An awkward silence filled the room as Celestia continually reaches out the bowl but failed at every second that passes.

Now what?

"Feed me" his weak and low voice demanded. Although in a weak state, it felt like an order that you cannot ignore but wait, Celestia is a princess! The first born in fact.

She was about to feed him but is immediately taken aback.


"Excuse me Mister I-don't-know-who-yet-I-saved I am not your servant and definitely not your wife okay? You have no right to treat me like one!" she exploded, she's already at her limit this day was just too exhausting that even a nap cannot subside the fatigue. She put down the bowl at the coffee table beside the man and crossed her arms while pointing at him, after all, she's not the "perfect" princess the whole Thusha Kingdom thought to be, she's madness and perfection in her own way not in a princess way.

The man huffed a little at the sentence even though he has no recollection of who he is, it just felt like he is not used to rejection, it felt wrong, "How can a gay like you become my wife?" not to offend anyone but just a fact needed to be voiced out.

Well, he just unconsciously ordered the same food since his stomach can't take it anymore, maybe because he is also feeling groggy that's why he doesn't want to lift his hands, that explains why he still wants that guy with porcelain skin to feed him.

G-gay? Celestia almost spit out words of anger when she realized that she is still in disguise as 'Dave'

Let her tease the man a little, a small evil grin formed in her face.

"How can you say that? Didn't you know that I saw every part of your body? I even licked some of its hard parts" She said with an evil victorious laugh inside, she even licked her tongue to add annoyance the man even more.

The man shivered with disgust, he felt nauseous at the sentence,

"What the fu--" Celestia shushed him by putting a finger at his lips, "No cursing here baby" her face is so close to the man just an inch apart to be exact!

What a beautiful shade of gray! Celestia can now see clearly the man's eye color, the thing she has been wondering about just a while ago.

The wide-eyed man started rumbling and pushing Celestia although he too, was awed at Celestia's green eyes that is synonymous to a clear emerald however, he is not into gays, definitely not.

He pushed a little harder this time and a loud thud came, she fell from the bed!

"T-that hurts" a teary-eyed Celestia whimpered.

What a fragile man, the wounded man snickered. He is not apologetic in any way it is 'his' fault for getting touchy with him, he loathes it when someone touches him, especially someone unworthy!

Celestia, knowing that the man wouldn't help her, stands up on her own and wipes her crocodile tears, 'remind me again why I saved that man.'

"You ungrateful piece of a creature, I'm a girl okay? and I'm just teasing you, I have no interest in your body" she rolled her eyes upward to add a dramatic effect and removed her wig, golden locks fall from it and in that little moment, the man can't help but admire her beauty. Porcelain skin and emerald eyes are already a killer even when she is dressed as a man but partnering it with long curly golden hair is a sin!

She's like a goddess that descended from heaven but even a goddess can only nudge a little in his highly-shielded heart. Love doesn't even exist in his dictionary, marriage? wife? As far as his memory serves him it is only for the purpose of reproduction.

Still, he sighed a relief knowing that he is not stuck up with some weird person, a freaky guy to be exact.

"Thanks" was all he uttered and grabbed the porridge that had been seated at the coffee table for a while now, he started eating hungrily.

He doesn't know why but the word 'sorry' does not fit his vocabulary even a small 'Thanks' is already hard for him to pronounce.

Celestia just huffed in disbelief and changed the topic, she did not pry anymore on the way this stranger speaks, she is far too tired to debate.

"Okay, just tell me your name, it is weird to talk to someone without knowing their name you know" she demanded almost pouting with arms crossed below her breast.

His name? He doesn't even know it!

He stopped eating mid-air to response, "I don't know" was all he said.

"What do you mean?" Celestia frowned a little, it's his own name how could he forget? Unless...

"It sounds absurd but I can't remember anything lady" the man looked at her blankly and even though he is staring at an alluring lady his heart remain unfazed.

Does he have amnesia?

What a pain, how could she return him to his house if he can't even remember his own name?

"Just call me anything..." he trailed and then resumed eating.


Celestia sighed in disbelief because she wants him to have a name of his own, not just a random pronoun she could use for convenience.

She thought for a second a name that could fit his image, the first man that she had an interest in, the first man to annoy her and who knows? Maybe the first man she will fell in love with.

"Adam" Celestia blurted after a minute of thinking.

"Adam?" he asked almost innocent.


"Yes, I will call you Adam from now on, I am Celestia by the way" she softly smiled at him, although he is cold and has a stoned-heart, Celestia can't help but feel pity for the stranger, the man who was shot almost close to death and the man deprived of his own memories.