Cold-hearted man

A tear fell down on the lady's face, the black and white room looks so lonely and cold, like what happened when she encountered the man who once she shared love with.

Now that no one is there to distract her, every emotion she's been holding on poured, she will always have a soft spot for him, for the one who cursed love.

Her heart is clenching while thinking about what happened. She created many scenarios in her head on how they will meet, but not like that, not that harsh. She remembers Adam when they first met, he is also cold and indifferent but she managed to move him, now that all their memories together are gone, she doubts that she can do it again.

'Come on, are you going to give up now?' she whispers to herself, as tears gush out her emerald eyes.

She's always crying mostly because of him, how can he leave a mark and never come back?

"It's so unfair, why am I the only one who can remember?" she sniffs while punching the pillow...she wishes that she too, forgets, it wouldn't be this painful if she did!

However her heart tells otherwise, 'Do you really want to forget your memories with him? The way he teases you, the way he laughs and the way he looks at you while saying you are his wife?'

Stupid heart, it knows how to hit where it hurts, she knows deep inside, she'd rather have those memories with him until she dies, that way she can tell her descendants that there's one time where she fell in love with a stranger, their hearts connected without looking at each other's wealth and power. They just followed their hearts in that moment, no kingdom, no empires, just two humans.

Celestia reassures herself, she will try her hardest to chase him, she will do it not only for herself but also for their children but if his heart remains unfazed, then what can she do but to retreat?

As she closes her eyes, all she can see is his face smiling, asking her what is love...her memory vividly remembers that day where everything began.


"It's when two different people. like Adam and Eve, came together, finding the lost piece in each other" Celestia faintly said, answering Adam.

Everything went quiet, their breathing matched each other as the water continues to fall, Adam is letting all the information sink in. The realization hits him. Hard.

"Then, are you Eve?" he breathes heavily, his heart in havoc, his pupils dilated and water is still dripping all over their body.

His question caught Celestia off guard...' am I Eve?'

"Why do you ask that?" she questioned, flustered. She's not sure if what he meant matches what she thinks the meaning is.

'Is it possible, you and me?'

"I'm Adam and you have my lost piece, Celestia, you have my heart" his words burning, spreading heat all over her face, her body.

-flashback ends-

"You said that I am your lost piece yet why do you look at me with such disgust?"

That night, the wind is colder than usual as Celestia lays on her bed good for two.

She looks at the space beside her, when will she get over the past?

She shuts her eyes, hard, she can't get over the past because in the past there is Adam and in the present, there is only a cold-hearted man.