She's coming back

Today's work ended well, she finished cooking for Logan and doing other 'business' with him.

The emperor is not always on his mansion, rather, he works all day, only going home at midnight and there are times where he doesn't even return, entrapping the beautiful lady all alone on his big cold mansion.

Celestia's golden hair spreads all over the king-sized bed, they ended up doing it again. How many times did they end up doing it? Only without feelings. Logan didn't even bother to be gentle on her sometimes.

It's been two months since the car racing and only three months left to make Logan believe in love. Bruises started to form on her dainty body. The true emperor, Daxon Logan Fergus, is uncovering right before her eyes. Before, she wanted to believe that he didn't change but now, she can clearly see the difference between Adam and Logan.

He only keeps her because she intrigues him, like spice on his life, her part in his life is that small.

"How naive of me to think that you will fall in love again easily" she whispers, looking at his handsome face, his jet-black hair spreading wildly on the soft pillow, his naturally red lips slightly parted.

She traces his nose, "If only you would remember me..."

If only he would remember her and not just hear the story of how they fell in love...if only he remembers her then he would feel it. However, he still can't. The emperor of Theavarian empire is truly ruthless and cold-hearted very different from the wounded person Celestia met in the forest.

Being Logan's personal maid is actually easy, all she needed to do is to cook for his breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sometimes Logan's driver will come just to get his lunch, however, most of the time, she is required to go to his company to deliver it although she just dropped it off the receptionist.

As for the cleaning, there are people who occasionally go there to do the chores.

Just this afternoon, Logan passed by her but with no greetings or smile, he walked down, with many bodyguards following him and everyone bowing their head, greeting the young, handsome emperor with his usual arrogant aura.

Celestia smiled bitterly, she still has no progress, she thought that his heart budged a little but seeing that his routine is still the same, she knew that deep inside, it will take more than sleeping with him.

The bitter taste from her tongue grew, she feels like a mistress by living here with him. It looks like being his personal maid is only a facade, she is after all his bedwarmer at night.

She went up, her body naked as she went on his shower. As she looks in the mirror, all she can see is a sad woman, her bright green eyes are no longer shining. Some parts of her body started forming dark spots.

She misses Aiden and Eden so much, the other day, she escaped for an hour just to visit them, the two cried hard making her heart clenched, they keep telling her to not leave but she had to.

Coldwater ran throughout Celestia's body, she's taking her usual night-time bath, water flowing from the shower as she remembers everything that happened, it's too rapid, too fast.

Three months, she has three months to make Logan believe that love exists. How ironic that Adam's last words were, "My heart belongs to you forever" when right now, she can only trace tidbits of his heart.

She's become a tough lady, crying only in front of him yet why does her heart still ache every time she thinks that her spot has been long gone since the day Logan married Astrid Vega.

Logan and Astrid Vega...if it happened in the past, she will not care who marries who, she'll just be in Ted's house with Adam, being cuddled as she lulls Adam to sleep, his warm hands all over her, treating her as if she's the most precious gem in the whole world.

She heard him that night, Logan talking to Astrid over the phone, although his voice is cold and his face expressionless, she can hear the lady on speaker, her voice delicate and soothing, the same voice she used to call Adam.

She knew, Astrid Vega is in love with Logan.

And she's coming back, the real empress.