Don't you think I tried?

A girl in a black dress is sitting on the sand without care if she will get dirty or not. The ocean wind blew her long hair, but it did not blow her pain away.

Her face full of emotions as she looks at the dark horizon, there is no more sun, no more light, even the moon is not showing up that night, it is only coldness that surrounds her.

Her fur black cape neatly folded on her lap as her golden hair danced through the strong winds.

"What are you doing here?" a voice from behind asked. A stature same to Logan emerged.

She shifts her head to see who's talking, a man in his black business suit, his hands on his pocket as he also looks at the night sky. His hair in hazelnut color, and clean-cut, his brown eyes are now waiting for the girl to answer.

This color reminds her of her best friend, Yanyan, they have the same hair color.