Trouble maker

"There will be party once we get to back to the empire," Logan said to Celestia. They are sitting face to face inside Celestia's room. The dining table made of walnut is good for two people to dine in.

"Hmm? So?" she said while munching her favorite potato chips, her mouth full of it as she talks to Logan.

"I will announce that I will divorce Astrid" he said nonchalantly as he continued to eat his lobsters.

"Pftt--" she spat all chips in Logan's serious face.

"O my! I'm sorry hubbyyyy" she said in her most sweet voice, trying to pacify the emperor as her lips started to form an awkward smile but deep inside she is actually laughing.

'Did I just spit on an emperor? A potato chip nonetheless'

It's not even an expensive food yet it landed on the most expensive person! If she is not Logan's lover, she might already be in jail, or worst, getting her head hanged.

Logan shoot daggers at her with his eyes as he gets up to clean his face.

'If only I don't love you...'