Adam, who are you?

They were making out when the flight attendant arrived. The woman felt her cheeks reddened at the scene. The emperor is kissing hungrily the dazzling woman next to him!

"Erhm, Your Majesty, the dessert you ordered is ready to be served"

'I'm already eating my dessert when you arrived'.

Looks like there will be another one to become unemployed again...

"I know what you're thinking, don't you dare fire her, Logan" Celestia reprimanded him.

The frightened flight attendant placed the dessert in their table. It's not Logan who ordered, but the gluttonous lady beside him.

"Thank you," she reads the name tag, "...Clara"

"My pleasure Your Majesty"

The flight attendant bows before leaving, she didn't even know that Celestia is not the empress!

Well, anyone who can see them will give the thought that they are together, especially if one saw them kissing each other passionately.

Heck, the emperor is too cold that even a fly is scared to cross his way.