Unborn heir

"The Blue Belle of Alutia sapphire, so named because of its luminous peacock blue hue and its origins in the gem basket of a cave-in Alutia, has quite the mysterious past--"

The speaker was cut off in his introduction when a scene unfolds right at the center of the event.


A beautiful woman was pushed and thrown into the floor, the crowd started to chatter.

"Oh no! What happened?"

"The nerve of the concubine!"

"The emperor will be mad for sure"

Their eyes can't believe that someone dared to hurt the empress physically! Her perfectly curled hair is now a mess as she looks at Celestia with watering eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Celestia," she said in her soft voice, it was not loud but enough for everyone to hear.

Brielle went running to help her friend.

"I go to the bathroom one second, and you had the guts to do this to Astrid?!" she said, fuming in anger.

The two could win an Oscar for their acting skills, they deserve a slow clap!