"Good morning Logan," it was an unusually cold voice that woke the emperor up. His long lashes can be seen under the bright room filled with sunlight. Who dares open the curtain?!

He was about to curse loudly when he saw the woman in front of him, her long hair is now tied in a messy bun while she's seated comfortably on one of the chairs, facing him. A cup of coffee on her hand.

"You look good in my shirt wifey," he said after yawning, a playful smirk on his face as he gets up to hug her.

Celestia brings down the coffee on the table beside her, she gets up to welcome Logan, only that, what she had on mind is something else.


A loud ringing sound filled the whole room, the emperor's face turned sidewards due to the impact of Celestia's hand.

"This is for what you did two years ago," she said with no hint of humor in each word. As if the artic wind just passed by that late morning, everything momentarily stopped.