Her ugly side

"Shit" a low yet brittle sound eludes from the woman's lips that is painted in nude color, her eyebrows meeting up as she sees how many missed calls she has from the emperor. Her heart began to pump faster, the nervousness is slowly eating her as she carefully dialed back his phone number.

Her fingertips felt unfamiliar to the new phone Logan gave her, it was thin and well, in gold color the emperor doesn't know that she retrieved her old phone, the one she used to call Ted and Lilie, heck, Logan is not even aware that she's going out with them.

With her body feeling extremely cold, her shaking fingertips clicked the call button. Not even three seconds had passed by when Logan picked it up.



"D-dearest" her voice broke, it's a good thing that Lilie is taking a nap right now, her head leaning towards Ted, who's still listening to some songs.


Still…no response.