The thief who stole his heart

"Shut your damn mouth, Feng" Logan responded, his mood was very light until this man showed up. If the effect of the cure is indeed wearing off, Dominick knew how Logan abhors this side of him, especially when the topic of the conversation belongs to the list of the things Logan dislikes the most.

This part of Dominick Feng, Logan has been disregarding, seeing him interfere with his business does not fancy Logan that much, even though they practically grew up together.

Although it is true that after Logan saw that girl before, he can't clear the image vividly imprinted on his memory, it all came back to him, all his memories from childhood, up until now. Dots started connecting to each other, however, this time, out of the many golden-haired women he has met, including Astrid, Celestia is different in his eyes.