I followed Bang PD to his office right near the corner on the left of the hallway.

I had gotten used to scrutinizing new environments, due to the kind of working world I was in.

When we entered the room, Bang PD motioned me to sit on the chair that was right across his desk, So I took a seat and smiled brightly, but he didn't return the smile, he had expressions similar to that of a critic.

He seemed serious as ever, he glanced at me and then continued working on his laptop

"So listen here, Miss Yi. You start working as a caretaker starting tomorrow morning, and before you start, it would be better if you clearly understand and absorb the guidelines you need to follow!" he spoke in a very serious, grave tone and I swear I was a little scared at first.

"Alright so first things first, you will have to get up as early as 5 in the morning and get all the members out of bed by 6!" he read out from his laptop and then glanced at me to see whether I agreed to the first condition or not.

So I replied quickly, more like in a haste "Yes sir" showing a thumbs up and nodding my head at his words with a small smile.

"Moving forward, make healthy meals for them!" he continued and I nodded in agreement. Although that would be a problem for me as I don't know how to cook a single thing, although I live alone I've never learned how to cook due to the circumstances of lacking time and the inability to learn without a teacher.

"You can't be seen out with any of the members as a caretaker or a close person but just as a staff, for that we'll provide you with a fake staff card. And on top of all the other rules which you can read later there's one rule which is the most prominent one!!" he said with a slight increase in his tone implying that this condition might be consequential

"I'm all ears" I replied paying all attention to whatever he intended to speak!

"DO NOT GET ROMANTICALLY INDULGED WITH ANY OF THE MEMBERS!" he said expecting a shook or disheartening expression from me however, I was good at keeping a poker face.

"That's well understood, Sir" I replied plainly.

"Well, that's surprising, I had supposed you might seem to have objections with that rule but you seem calm....very calm! Are you doing the job for money or the likes?" he questioned with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

I wish that was the reason, but I have a reason much more profound and heavier than that.

"Yes, that exactly. Money can solve all your problems, as they say" I faked a chuckle before continuing

"Should I return to my house and start packing up my stuff?" I asked him, scrolling through my phone, making him believe that I wasn't a fan or I'm quite certain he wouldn't provide me with the job.

"No dear, you don't have to bring your material we've already made arrangements for that. A room for you and new items of clothing for you as well. Yet if you require anything from your place, you can grab that later tomorrow" he replied with a smile, a freaking smile, I smiled back at him.

Does he think I'm a poor lowlife or something? Cause money isn't something I'm worried or concerned about at the least. Not to brag, but I have plenty of it.

"Oh hehe okay.." I sheepishly giggled and tugged a strand of my hair behind my war

"So am I supposed to go to their house right now?" I questioned with a glint of embarrassment, it was almost 9 and it would be flustering to arrive at this time of the day.

"Yeah sure... the driver is waiting outside for you!" he said with a plain face and dropped me to the entrance gate of the building after which I entered the black SUV, standing right in front of the building and I turned around to wave Daichi a goodbye, which he returned with a head bow and smile.

I was filled with content at the thought of meeting them, a euphoric feeling spread across my heart, exhilaration took over me and I screamed inside while had an unadorned expression on the outside.

It was gonna be one hell of an adventure I could say that for sure.

My phone buzzed and I checked the phone instantly, already having a hint who the message might be from.

"Got the job?" It read

"Affirmative" I replied and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. I was brought back to reality with that message, I wasn't here neither by choice nor because I was employed out of the blue. All's going according to plan which I despised at the most.

Not allowed to be in a relationship, I sighed at the thought.

Well, it's not as if any one of the members would be eager to be with me anyways.

But I knew I had feelings for this certain someone, and I knew I had to suppress in order to carry out the task I'm here for.

God, just let this pass with ease, I've got a gut feeling this isn't going to be.
