The next member was Hobi, sitting in the middle while Jungkook sitting at the end.

Also I noticed that Tae now wasn't sitting on Hobi's left but Yoongi was and Jungkook and Tae were sitting together.

"Hey there beautiful!" Hobi smiled at me, his personality always made me happy, he gives away such good vibes that I always automatically go into a happy mood whenever I'm around him.

"Heyyy" I pushed back my hair, tugging it behind my ear while speaking.

"So this what you escaped for huh?" he gave me a fake angry look.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to but" I pretended to be sad. We were just playing along and it was kinda fun. We soon ended our fun act and I moved on to Yoongi.

Yoongi, can be sweet sometimes. He usually doesn't hold hands with fans so i wasn't expecting anything more from him than just a wave but unexpectedly he held hands with me and gave them a squeeze as well.

"Hi Yoongi oppa" I looked at him " did you like the breakfast?"

" was fine...but" he looked down as though sad "it wasn't the same without you at the breakfast table" he winked at me.

Was he flirting with me? I slightly chuckled at his comment and apologized for not being there.

I barely talked much to the members, it was a short talk, considering the number of fans in waiting.

Now I moved on to the most anticipated member, Taehyung.

I wasn't looking at him. Somehow I had these sudden butterflies in my stomach, I pretended to look here and there, anywhere but at him.

What he did next, I swear I could kill him for that. He placed both hands at the side of my face and lifted up my hair from both sides, shaking them, in order to make me look at him

"stop it Tae!" I whisper yelled at him and giggled a bit as well. He let go of my hair as Yoongi slapped him in the arm.

"So this is where you wanted to go to huh?" He smirked and took my hands in his.

"I wanted it to be a surprise" I tilted my head and gleamed a smile at him. He shook his head.

"Let's play a game" he spoke out of the blue.

"What game?" I questioned him, not knowing what game we could play in such short duration.

"The expression game" I tilted my head confused, that's the first time I've heard of this game.

"What's that supposed to be about? How do you play?" I asked him.

"I'll say any emotion and both of us have to enact that okay?" quite simple it is so I nodded in agreement.

"First cute" he rested both his arms on the table and his face on his hands and waited for me to start.

I did a small cute act and he pretended to have a mini heart attack. I giggled and blushed at the same time at his sweet reaction.

"Your turn" I pointed at him.

He brought both his hands on face and acted cute and the fans went wild.

That's what you get when he does it. He shook his head and laughed.

"Okay...hmm how about sexy?" he smirked at me as he said.

"You go first" I pleaded as I wasn't really the one who could easily pull off a sexy look.

So he held his head back and then slowly moved his head in a circular motion towards me, look me deep in the eye, and moving his hand in his hair, pretending to chew a gum.

I was so damn intimidated, I just stared back at him and bit my lip in order to prevent myself from fawning over, I gulped.

He then broke into a laugh as he was done with being sexy.

Now it was my turn. I took a deep breath and gently flipped my hair to one side, moving my hands through my hair, licked and bit my lip and tried giving the hottest look I could.

I didn't know I could pull it off, but clearly did, given how they all reacted after I did.

It wasn't just Taehyung who was looking at me open-mouthed but all the other members as well.

Good thing the fans didn't notice, as everyone pretended to just go back to being normal.

I coughed a little, in order to remind Tae to shut his mouth. He shook his head and smiled at me and then we intertwined our fingers while saying bye.

"See you backstage" he whispered and I nodded smiling.

When I moved on to the last member, Tae shook his head again and looked down and giggled at himself, I found that extremely triggering, that was so cute.

I looked at Jungkook and be looked back at me. He started biting his lower lip and just plainly looked at me.

"Jungkook," I took his hands in mine and continued "The night we went out was one of the best nights of my life." I gave him a smile and a squeeze.

"You don't have to remain this way you know? Let's jus-" just as I was saying I was cut off by him.

"Don't pity me hikari" he moved closer and whispered in my ear "I don't give up that easy" he moved back and gave me his bunny smile and winked at me.

What's with all the members and winking today.

"Also you look" he sighed as he said "Beautiful and " he coughed "hot" He looked me deep in the eye as he said.

Why do they have to be so damn intimidating.

"T-thanks Jungkook" I fumbled on my words. Ugh. Now I look stupid.

"You're easy to trigger" he clicked his tongue and smirked at me.

I was moving back to my seat as I suddenly remembered that I forgot to give Taehyung the bracelet.

Should I just go back and give him now?

Yes I should, I might as well forget later, better now than later. I turned around mid stairs dominantly and ended up twisting my ankle, I was about to fall hard on the ground when suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed me.

It was Jungkook. He was quick as he was the closest to the stairs.

I tried to stand up but I couldn't, my ankle was twisted bad. I almost had tears in my eyes.

Jungkook noticed that so he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the staff to take care of me.

The fans literally went crazy at that.

There were flashings of camera and the over excited and slightly jealous, or should I say completely jealous crowd of armies out there.

And there was a swollen dull face out there.

Taehyung was so annoyed, maybe because Jungkook took me to the medics and not him.

I don't want these misunderstandings between them.

Yuna told me sit in the dressing and said she'll be back with an ice pack.

Just as she left and I made sure no one was watching, and I stood up and walked towards the mirror, or should I say limped towards the mirror as my ankle was literally swollen at this point.

I stared into the mirror, stared at my image, the person I was, the person I am now, the person I become when I'm around him. I want to let go of this mission.

"I don't want to do this, I don't want to hurt you all." A tear escaped my eye, "But I have to." I heard footsteps and hurried back to the sofa and winced in pain.

"Yaaah~ can't you be a little more careful" Yuna slapped my arm as she placed the ice pack on my ankle, I simply smiled at her. She's so considerate and generous, just like an older sister.
