I took a quick shower and dressed up normally. I took one last glance in the mirror before leaving for 'Serendipity' A plain red T-shirt along with black jeans and my hair tied into a ponytail along with sneakers.

I grabbed the bag which had the box containing our bracelets and stepped out to walk towards the park.

I left at 10:30 because I knew walking might take quite a while. I decided to take a stroll as the weather was favorably good, it was windy, not too harsh but soothing, it's enjoyable.

I reached the park at 11:05 p.m, I thought he might be here already so I looked for him around the park, but there was no sign of existence anywhere near.

It was just me and the Nightingale in the park. So I went near the fountain and sat on its edge, moving my hand gently in the water glimmering with the light of the shining moon.

I got up and walked further into the park to take a better view of the garden. The last time I was here, I was too engaged and memorized with Taehyung to notice the serene beauty of the Garden.

It is wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river. A copse (grove) of cypress pines flanks on one side, with a thicket (grove) of peaceful beeches standing guard on the other. Apple trees run through the center of the garden, casting a lake of claw shadows onto the grass. In autumn, the fiery brilliance of their leaves must be a sight: scorching-oranges, burning-browns and molten-reds. Then they would drift to the ground as silently and carelessly as an ash cloud, settling in to their eternal rest.

There's the most welcoming of scents in the air, a spearmint aroma that hangs and loiters above the wild garlic. I sit on the bench we sat on some time back and engage in my favorite past time; river gazing. The water is lens clear and it is easy to spot the speckled trout at the bottom. Every so often, they explode up through the crystal water and soar into the air.

Apart from the plunking of trout and the thrumming of wings, it is convent quiet at the bottom of the garden, a haven of peace and solitude.

I suddenly hear a giggle, I turn my head towards where the sound emerges from.

It's not a single one, its a group? Tiny giggles, like those of an infant. I see rustling behind the bushes and I slowly advance towards it. There's some glow, a bright, yet faint light behind it.

I move my hand towards it.

I move the bush aside swiftly and....

There's nothing there besides a swamp, I sigh. My minds' playing tricks.

Then I take out my phone to check the time, it's been almost an hour now, but Taehyung hasn't seem to have arrived.

Is he that mad at me? I look down at my feet and then bring my knees towards my body and bury my face in it.

"What have I done to deserve this" I feel so desolated and gloomy without him.

Maybe he doesn't like me anymore. Or to begin with he never liked me at all.