Is This Heaven Or Where Am I?

Wang Shan woke up and it was dusk. The scenery was really awesome that she couldn't help but admire the gentle wind blowing making the leaves dance, the clouds saying goodbye to the mountain peaks, the chirping of the birds which were endearing to the ears, the running water of the river, the color of the sky,

'Hmm... I feel like dancing WOW!' exclaimed Wang Shan while dancing. Suddenly she stopped and she recalled that she was on a plane going to America but why am I here? Her face was showing different expressions at the same time.

Don't tell me that this is what heaven looks like!! if it's heaven then where are the angels?"..."

Wang Shan looked around searching for the 'Angels'

But wait.. what kind of dress is this who changed my dress? Huh?? it can't be that I've come to another world right but how is that possible? Does anything like that even exist?

How can that be true? shouldn't there be bloody scenes, handmaid crying

"Miss wake up?" Just like those Chinese dramas!

Why is there nobody and this place is very calm? Somebody tell me where am I please!!

Ahh! my head it hurts why is my head hurting like this I want to go home somebody take me to my home please when I go home I will surely take care of you in my house itself, I will make you topper in your studies please take me home!! (hehe you can never go kiddy) Wang Shan was crying in her heart but who can hear it? She felt dizzy and fell on the grassland and dosed off.

So the original body's name is Wang MengYu and she is only 13 years old and she fell in love with Chen Yang age- 16 her childhood sweetie who got engaged to her cousin sister Wang Yiren who is 14 so Wang MengYu felt very sad and heartbroken and came to her favorite place to relax but who knew that she would die of depression in this beautiful place. But Wang MengYu wishes for their happiness and does not want to take revenge.

But people around her say that she is a vicious person who wants to trail behind Chen Yang and she is a shameless person who wants to seduce a married man. But Wang Shan doesn't know how to be vicious and the conclusions of her aunt Li Xiao who is the mother of Wang Yiren was bizarre about Wang MengYu. It could be better said that she was the one spreading all nonsense about her, the 'old' her.

Should I change my character since people say so? So… Should I go to my home or stay here? In this world, the strong people rule, and the weak are being trampled upon (that was the common saying though). To know the strength of people, the color of their eye shows their strength( cultivation)

Yellow- no strength

Red- weak

Blue- ordinary

Green- mediocre

Purple- strong

Grey- super strong

Black-genius (rare)

Wang MengYu had Red color pupil but in her hometown, Red-colored eyes were the weakest. And the strongest is purple eye but in this world, only 5 had grey eyes and most of them are Red, blue and green but purple was not common though. Even though there are people with red eyes in her hometown, In her family only she has Red eyes and her family members hate her especially her mom because she thinks that her daughter is a humiliation to her. Because all her family members have green eyes.

Wang MengYu's dad too felt that she is inferior but could not say anything. In her family only her elder brother- Wang Feng cares about her so much that he goes from place to place saying

"I need to get experience" but he goes in search of pills to help his sister get at least Blue eyes. So that at least children who are younger than her might respect her and not bully.