'The bath' plan

Wang Shan was thinking so hard on how to pack her clothes, escape from the guards then get out of home taking the things required for her bath. This plan is so laborious but she can't miss that beautiful place right. While Wang Shan passively thought about telling the truth and going out or telling that she was going to buy something while all these reasons were not favourable for her. While thinking so on Wang Shan dosed off to sleep

The next day when she woke up, the morning sunlight came from a hole. "Huh? what about my 'The bath plan'? I should quickly think of a way to go". Then she saw the hole straight in front of her. From where did this hole come from? Don't tell me this was done by my so-called mother.

'POP! An idea! this hole is not too big but not too small either but it is enough for me to get out.'

Wang MengYu was so lean and thin when compared to the girls of her age so it wouldn't be a problem to get out of here. When they ask where did I go then I'll tell them that "I lost my way." Who would have thought that ' The bath ' plan would be this simple hehe.

Going too early will make people suspicious so after lunch will do. Right now she need to wait for her breakfast to be delivered. But Wang Shan was so hungry at this moment so she took her bag and continued eating her plucked fruits until she was full but two more fruits were left. Let it be, there may be some use of it in the future.

with that she was happy the food was delivered in her room it was rice porridge the container was small already broken and the liquid was flowing out.

'Do they want me to eat this thing? so little without any side dish?' no wonder why Wang MengYu was so malnourished thank god that she had these fruits or else she would have starved to death. All thanks to my fruits.

What should I do now? eat this or throw them out? It would be considered as a sin for throwing food so Wang Shan packed the porridge in a leaf-like container which is basically a leaf folded. What now what should I do, okay good idea pack the clothes and all the necessary things, then soap? God these people don't use the soap right ok then today it seems like I need to scrub my body with brick or mud. After finally packing, the food was delivered and it was lunch.

The maid arranged the food on the bed as there was no table. The maid was not speaking nor haughty but was silent.

" Hello, sister what is your name can I talk with you seem to be a good person."

"Miss my name is An Xiu and you can talk to me but I'm just a lowly maid"

"Hey what nonsense are you talking about you are human and I am also a human what is the difference between both of us? You will always be my best friend in my eyes you are not a maid and you are never going to be! do you believe me that I'm a good person?"

"yes Miss" An Xiu was moved and touched, never had anyone said this kind of words in her life from birth 'you are never a maid in my eyes'.

An Xiu immediately knelt down and said "Miss forever I'll be loyal to you"

Wang Shan"..."

Hey get up... get up please if anyone sees they may think that I'm punishing you Xiu'er get up. " yes Miss"

And "hereafter don't address me as Miss call me Shanshan if you consider me as a friend at least when we are free where nobody sees us ok?"

"yes Miss"

Wang Shan: stare

" yes, mis... Shanshan"

"good that's my Xiu'er.