Bo Guang

The old man waited and waited but the girl on the study table showed no sign of getting up he just then regretted that he shouldn't have kept those soft, ball sponges on the table.

Yup, they were so soft Wang Shan felt them so comfortable just like in the modern world where the bed and the pillows are so soft Wang Shan gathered some of the ball sponges in her hand and slept even more comfortably. After coming to this world this is her first time sleeping so comfortably.

The old man regretted keeping his precious treasure 'spongies' in his table. It was so hard to find them as It contained spiritual energy but now a girl from the unknown origin is sleeping comfortably on them just like a cat!

Just then as this old man was wondering on what to do, should he keep a watch in this girl or should he get on with his work? By the way, he was still furious. I'll wait, wait patiently till the girl gets up and pay the price for sleeping on my spongies.

He was in dilemma on what to do. He preferred not to wake her up by force because he already got hit by things hanging in this mystery room. He could not even imagine getting hit another time with blood oozing from his forehead.

He went out to continue with his work but as the time passed by he only wasted a lot of time because he could not concentrate on his work instead his mind was time to time thinking about the girl who was sleeping in his spongies.

He had spent a lot of time in hunting those sponges they were treasures he went deep into the oceans to take those but who knew that the moment those sponges were cleaned, who would have thought that a girl out of nowhere would land on those spongies which were cleaned and neatly arranged on his table And sleep like a cat?

Anyway, he had lots and lots of work to do now so his main priority is to work.

"Work! Work! Work!" this man would always say the thing he's going to do for 3 times when he cannot do any work or lacks concentration it was something he was used to.

This man's name is Bo Guang he looked like an old man because his hair was white but there was no wrinkle in his face he looked like he was in his 20's upon closer look. But it was easy to misunderstand him with his lose clothes and white hair.

Anyway, his spongies got wasted because of its single-use property so he needs to go and get a few more for his own 'Let that girl wake I'll make take my revenge' with that Bo Guang went to cooking it was his hobby cause he is the only one at home.

So to make food, waste time everything was up to him cause he hated maids near him although he is wealthy he loves being independent unlike some rich people who love ordering whatever they need.

It's been hours already Bo Guang did not know what to do so he just went to the kitchen and started to cook though he could make food without fire or going to the kitchen, he especially loved the feeling of standing near the fire and cooking, adding spices, pouring water and the rest. His cultivation is high because he had purple-grey eyes but others can't see them because, in others view of him, his eyes were looking green.

He did not like showing himself off, he loved being a low profile, he does not care when others underestimate him because only he knows about his strength.

Now coming to the kitchen, Bo Guang started to think about what recipe to cook. He just arranged the utensils needed for cooking then went through the ingredients.