The scary encounter

When Bo Guang turned to meet the third person he was quite thrilled because it seems to be like a lifetime since they both met together. Though his presence could scare people off, Bo Guang was unaffected by it.

The thing that surprised Bo Guang was that this time it was not a happy encounter with Jun Wang. It was really a scary encounter. Just by seeing his face, Bo Guang felt that he was out of Grace. he could literally feel his hands trembling but he hid them in the long sleeves. the tension between his muscles were intense. But still, he tried his best to not show his weakness

Bo Guang initiated the conversation since just by staring nothing good is going to happen. So he went near Jun Wang, he put up a smiling face and asked

"It's my pleasure having you here after a very long time but what's the problem with you? Why is you face so dark?"

'You were about to kill my Bonny and now you are asking for the reason?' If it wasn't for her act on time do you think she would be alive? But Jun Wang stood there without moving, staring at Bo Guang as if asking for an explanation.

"she stole my eggs," Bo Guang said it out loudly.

'was that omelette which I ate stolen food? no wonder it tasted so good' she thought

"did you lay those eggs?" Jun Wang asked

Bo Guang "...." does it mean that it was my fault to lose my eggs and starve! experiencing all those losses?

Since actions speak better than words, Jun Wang went near His bony, picked her up and carried her inside the room.

Bo Guang"..…."

What the hell is happening over here? Why is everything turning its back against me? what an unfortunate day! What am I supposed to do? But wait how could a cold person like him carry a girl personally? Wasn't he the one who gave executive orders to kill anyone who saw him? When did the story change?

Bo Guang was brought back to reality only when Jun Wang said "MEDICAL KIT"

Jun Wang was really angry when he came to know that His teacher wanted to hurt his Bonny.

Anyway, teacher ordering a student is different from student ordering a teacher right? But the point is that he can pass his energy to her right? What is the use of the medical kit and that kind of stuff?

"Here it is," said Bo Guang and handled the medical kit and he was simply standing there not knowing what to do. Just as he was standing like a statue, Jun Wang ordered

"Bring warm water"

What? When did I even become his subordinate? Why on Earth is he ordering me like that? Anyway, it was his fault to start the attack but who knew the little one would have liking to that little thief?

By the time Bo Guang was fetching some warm water, Jun Wang knocked out his little Bonny and started to undress her because he knew that the impact was hard.

Just as when Bo Guang was bringing the water, to his surprise Jun Wang was undressing a girl without knowing how to. He could no longer control his laughter. Just at what speed he was arriving, the same speed he went out of the room and started laughing, clutching his clothes. He was really unable to control his laughter but what to do.

If he was anymore later he knew what would happen to him so he controlled it for a while and just as he was about to step in, here comes again. The mighty one who could do all things could not even undress a girl.

That was the funniest thing people could ever hear. Bo Guang withdrew himself and again laughed to his heart content.