Kiss until she is about to wake up

Just like that, her sweet dream went back to the most delicious modern food like KFC, McDonald's... Yum!!!!!! all those leg pieces!!!!

'Don't... NO!!! please don't run away!!!'

Wang Shan was running after those children legs. she caught one in hand and started eating but the reality was that she was biting her lips so hard and drooling.

On seeing his little Bonny drool in sleep Jun Wang felt a little weird. He thought how could people even do that as he was a clean freak. Why on Earth is she biting her lips this hard?

Jun Wang was really worried about her, cause if this goes on like this, her lips would bleed. Thinking so hard on what to do next, he went near her then.....

She kissed him. It was really very deep and in spite of getting bitten on his lips, he continued to kiss her. After being parted due to lack of enough air, Jun Wang really couldn't control himself. But Wang Shan was dead asleep but her body was uncomfortable

Here comes again. Jun wang kissed her really hard until she was about to wake up. Jun Wang was really unwilling to part off. Since Wang Shan was hurt and unconscious he just left it.

But once she wakes up, with her willingness he would surely make out with her. She will be the one and only there won't be any other female other than her. The same way if anyone dares to pick on her then he/she is worth dying a miserable death.


Wang Shan when she saw KFC chicken she grabbed it and had a huge bite. nommmm.....nom..... this KFC, It felt so real to her but as she was biting she couldn't tear off the piece trying to pull off she was exhausted and she went out of breath.

And the chicken flew away as if it had artificial wings. Then again it came near and Wang Shan was in no mood to give up on that little piece of chicken. She took a small bite and started nibble. Then again she nibbled until out of breath but she was unwilling to part with her chicken. Though she was unwilling her body also felt very uncomfortable. How could she let go of that? Wang Shan started to cry her tears started to roll off her cheeks.

When Jun Wang saw that his little Bonny was crying, he was really feeling guilty. He thought several things of what could make her cry. Just as Jun Wang was thinking while watching the sleepy girl, Wang Shan woke up and stared blankly at Jun Wang.

What is going onn?? What happened to me and why is the man sitting in my bed and staring at me? Did I do anything wrong?

Jun Wang coming to senses asked Wang Shan in a cold tone "Why are you crying?"

'Me??? crying?? Oh, I thought it was a dream but I really cried?'

"Hahaha!! I just craved for chicken and I saw one in my dreams I took a big bite at first but it did not come so I started to take small bites yet I couldn't eat any but it flew away so I missed my chicken... Wait.... What happened to your lips? Why is it swollen??"