Little An having Déja vu

One-word conversations were really the best when it came to building up conversations or breaking them to nothing. Wang Shan really loved these one-word conversations. 

'Hm? what are you going to say?' Wang Shan lifted one of her brows

Little An was speechless because she did not know what to speak next. She stopped for a moment and thought about what she was supposed to say she went back from her last spoken words because right at this moment she was like a blank piece of paper.

'Hehehe heheh.. I know right this would happen' Wang Shan was secretly gleaming at the misfortune of Little An. 

"Miss who are you?" Little An asked this question knowingly to confuse Shan Shan her master

Wang Shan was taken aback by what Little An said because this was the question to which she hadn't prepared yet. She tried to think quickly so that she would be able to answer the question as soon as possible.