The private talk after engagement

Little An on the other side shrugged her shoulder with an 'I can't help you' face and continued to enjoy the scene that was taking place before her.

Wang Shan thought 'Finally everything's over thank goodness he didn't kiss my lips or else I would have been cooked by my own heat'

Jun Tian Yu went near Wang Shan's ears and whispered to her saying "Mmmmm… I wonder how soft your flat poached eggs feels like"

Wang Shan felt like ripping off the mouth that was flirting with her. she did not change her line of sight or move her face abruptly leading to some mishaps to happen. She quietly moved to her sides getting herself away from this dangerous man.

'Hey wait, where are his mom and dad?' Wang Shan thought as she looked around to find out if there were any people who looked like her Master's parents. Jun Tian Yu observed her but said nothing because it was unnecessary cause they are watching them right now.