Night 01:10 (Act)

After the Gulag Boyz massacre, Clayton leaving the crack house and rides his car and go straight to the night club called Midnight Palace, inside the place it's look empty no youngster, no drunks and no girls, it's just nothing, then Clayton go straight to the bartender and order a drink

"I want 2 shots of vodka, I need to relieve my pain after work"

"Here you go, sir 2 shots of vodka" the bartender say politely to Clayton

"Thanks, my man, it's a tough day isn't it ?"

"Yeah, boss bad business after all, nobody even came here anymore I think I really need to close this business anytime soon" say the bartender.

* back to Gulag Boyz's crack house

There is so many police sirens near the crack house, some of them investigating and some of them are blocking people from nearing the crime scene, 10 minutes later a female detective entering the crime scene.

"So you guys find any casualties ?"

"Yes, Miss Reynolds 15 all of them are males, 10 of them are killed by gunshot wounds, 4 throat sliced and stabbed to death, the only diffrent is this guy, he got shot through pelvis, cause of death probably bleed to death" say the poice officer reporting to Detective Natalie Reynolds

"Thank you, I'll take the rest from here"

After investigating, Natalie starts doing her own testimony

"Strange but somehow interesting, the wound on all of them is similiar each other, 15 men killed single handed? It can't be..." Natalie murmuring to herself.

* 10:00 a.m. at Clayton's apartment

Clayton woke up from his bed with his "job" attire

" head...guess I'm really pull all nighter, I think I need to rest a little while then take a shower..."

30 minutes later, Clayton's phone ringing again

"I guess another job again"

Clayton pick up his phone

"Hi, this is Bob from Cookies and Cream Café, we need some hygiene technician right now! The payment already been transfered to your bank account so we hope you do your job well. Our address at 201th Berry Street near the Blueberry Station, the job start at 11:00 p.m., so DON'T BE LATE!"


"Hmm...I need to get used to that strange voice message after all, need to prepare my tools first, this time it's gonna be a bomb!" Clayton murmuring to himself while preparing to buy his new tools at near local gun store.

After buying his supplies not only his tools, Clayton checking his total balance at the bank he registered, PIGGIE BANK. Then he go to the TOTAL BALANCE page and it says


"So the payment is $600K huh, that works for me"

* Midnight 10:30 p.m.

"Time to go to work and also try my new tools for new job" Clayton murmuring to himself while driving his car, finally Clayton arrives at

201th Berry Street and find the building near the Blueberry Station and also you guessed it, the place isn't a café called Cookies and Cream instead it's a strip club called Naked Cows & Cats.

"Well well well well, looks like I'm gonna enjoy this midinght job as "hygiene technician" after all this place REALLY need to be cleaned!" Clayton says while preparing his brand new fireman axe, a Winchester Model 1901 shotgun, a pipe wrench, a crowbar, and also a mini electro-chainsaw.

After finish preparing Clayton start walking to the backyard of the nightclub and destroying the backdoor that cause some of the staff that works there start to panic and readying they're weapon like Uzis and Micro SMGs, while the staff preparing for Clayton appeared they don't see nothing and finally after the situation start to calm down, Clayton appeared with his Winchester and shot one of the staff causing them to panicked because they're not ready to fight a veteran soldier.

After 30 minutes clearing all the staff and guards from the back room to the main room, Clayton reach the VIP room and start hewing his fireaxe through the door causing people inside VIP room to panic and begging for mercy after that Clayton pulling off the chinsaw from the door and pulling a one liner from his favourite horror movie

"HERE'S JOHNNY!!" Clayton says through the hole he makes from the fireaxe, the he kick the door with all of his might causing the door crashed into the glass window inside VIP room.

"Hmmm...what a nice place you got here but, shame I broke the door and the window. But! back to bussiness first then I can enjoy this luxuries this place can give."

(speaks in Russian) "Who da fuck are you?! Who send you?! You think you can get away from this?!" the owner ask Clayton

(speaks in Russian) " I don't know you and I don't even FUCKING care!! Your blabbering about revenge against me isn't scaring me because there will be no revenge for you, cause you about to enjoy your life in Rainbow Bridge with your friends!" then Clayton starts pulling the trigger and BANG! the soul of the strip club owner start leaving his body.

Then Clayton starts staring at the girls who works there, they're crying and begging to him and even offering everything to not kill them, Clayton opens his mask and ask one of them

"Are you girls still in high school?"

The girl answer with tears running through her face and stoned "yes mister, we only work here for our expenses because our parent are poor so we must help them, PLEASE MISTER DON'T KILL US!!"

Clayton then spotted one of the girl who looked diffrent than the other and came to her

"You look different than the others, you're such cutie, I like you and I want to take you home"

The girl only said " I'm a boy mister, you really want to take me?"

Clayton replies to him and ask his name and Clayton finally found out his name, Kylie Lionheart

Kylie begs to Clayton that he can take him home but release all his friends, Clayton told them to go home and find a better jobs to support their parents and also remind them that high schooler responsibility is to study not working, Kylie be thankful to Clayton for his kindness

Clayton replies with one of his chivalric code

"I never hurt a girl in my whole life, but when they're evil I only ask them, do you ever see a hungry beast?"