
It's a Sunday morning and Aria is too early for her coaching class, Toby walks in 'hey! Aria.. please talk to me. Aria: Please dont come near me, I don't want to talk to you, I don't even want to see you around. Toby: See people do face difficulties in relationship that doesn't mean you just give up on that. Aria: I can't do this anymore. Toby: I am just asking you for one chance our exams are near if you are angry on me I won't be able to focus on studies. Aria: Ok but only for studies just consider I am in talking terms with you. Toby: That's enough for me right now. Aria and Toby are done with their high school exams and they are looking for colleges. Toby decided to get into college where as Aria decides to improve her rank and take an year off. They both went to different city. And now the newly built relation has turned into a long distance one. Aria is focused on her studies but still finds time to talk to Toby no matter if it is for 5 mins only. Aria is with Alison though they never fight but whenever Aria is upset with her she shares it to Toby and he makes her feel better. Toby is totally into this relationship he does everything possible to be with Aria. Phone call is the only source of them keeping together still Aria has given up on it many a times but it's Toby's exam which keeps on popping up and everytime it's not a good time to break up. Aria decides to call it off once and for all. It's been 4 days that Aria hasn't called Toby neither Toby did. This unusual behavior of Toby puts Aria in a situation to call and check upon him. Aria : hey !Toby how have you been? I am worried for you, why didn't you call me. Ok! look this break up is permanent but that doesn't mean we should be angry upon each other or ignore... Toby: Aria.. Hold on, are you standing or seating. Aria : I am standing but why? Toby : Please sit, and listen to me. Aria: Toby.. Is there anything bothering you. You sound so low. Toby :My dad passed away. Aria gets freezed. There is silence, utter silence. She plucked up courage and said 'Toby take care, I know it's a tough time but you will get through this. And I am with you just stay strong. Aria thought it would be last time that she is calling Toby and she had made her mind to say him goodbye. After this Aria never talked about breaking apart but she stayed with Toby and she got college in the same city and they used to meet every weekend. Two hours distance didn't matter for Toby as he always loved Aria. Aria on the other hand thought it's her fate to be with Toby and she can't call it off ever after until Aria steps into an Amorous phase but not with Toby. It's Jason and he is from her college.