Free spoken

Until their next meet Jason and Aria spoke over phone for quite a long time. Usually Aria used to make first call. Jason always sounded happy while talking. It was never a one sided conversation that's what Aria used to like about Jason. He was always ready to listen, analyze,enjoy, reply and at the end put his point of view too. Once Aria asked 'I am speaking since too long don't you get bored'. Jason ' I like listening to you I like your voice it's sweet... I can listen to you for hours. So it's been 2 weeks that they haven't met. It's Saturday evening and Aria texts him. It's the first time that Jason replied so late. Almost after 24 hours. And very convincingly he says' hey! Aria wanna go out? actually I was quite busy I hope u don't mind' Aria:It's completely fine no issues. So whats the plan?Jason: You get ready I will let you know. Aria: cool. At that moment Aria was with kate and she was super excited she asks kate 'What do I wear? ' kate reminds her of a nice dress and on the way advices things to be done on a date since Aria isn't that experienced. Aria gets ready more than any other days. Jason comes to pick her this time it was a double date. Still Jason finds space to flirt and make Aria feel special. They spend a quality time, they go to a restaurant, then to an ice cream parlour and then they walk for a while. Every moment was very romantic. Aria has built a special place for Jason in her heart. Whenever she sees him in college her mind just stucks over him on the other hand Jason was never so approachable in college, later he used to tell on phone that he is always occupied with work and that's the only reason of this behavior. Aria is convinced. There were so many such incidences where Aria had lot to ask to Jason but she always trusted him and believed whatever he said without questioning. Aria was so sure that she wants Jason in her life she prepares herself to confess it to Jason. And to say all this she calls him. Aria: hey! Are you busy? Jason: I am always busy, but tell me whats up? Aria: ok! I have a question for you. Jason: Go on. Aria: If someone wants to tell something special to anyone they should meet and talk or it it's fine to speak up on phone call. Jason: Doesn't matter to me, it's the same. Aria:You sure. Jason: Now come to the point. What do you wanna say? Aria: No, I want to meet and tell. Jason: hmm, then not possible because I am busy with college work. Can't meet today. Aria: How about tomorrow. Jason: Aria, you can say anything you want ,but on phone call, my schedule is jam packed. Aria:It's fine may be some other time. You continue your work. Jason: Please tell I insist. Aria: I like you Jason. Jason: Thank you !that's so sweet of you. But you know I am not looking for a relationship. Aria: Yeah! I know. but let's give it a try it might work. Jason : What do you like about me? Aria: You are sweet, handsome, thoughtful. etc etc I can tell about you whole day. Jason: (sounded happy) Good. Ok listen I gotta go. Aria: Yeah sure... talk to you later. Jason didn't say he doesn't like Aria and that's what added a spice in Aria's life which could have possibly stopped on that day itself.