The Powerful Rules All

City A, #1 Elite High School

Tens of hundreds of students walked through the school gates. Some had grim smiles, some had contemptuous auras, and some had an excited gleam in their eyes. All in all, everyone had their backs straight and an incredible standing. After all, these were the top geniuses in all the countries known.

Xi Lian stood there and looked up What a massive gate..with such a big plaque labeling the school as the number one elite high school.. This school bragged even more than that old man did, alright.

Right when she was about to head in, she heard a massive boom right above her. By reflex, she dodged, sliding to the side and and tilted her chin upward. Other classmates around her area did about the same movement, showing their upbringing was just as tough as hers. Danger lurked everywhere, and all of them understood that they had to do whatever they could to protect themselves in this dog eat dog world.

However, what she saw next made the corner of her lips twitch.

A foreigner jumped off a helicopter with balloons in hand, wide smile and shouted to his audience, "Hello, my fellow classmates! I am Mike, but you can call me Mai!" Confetti splashed through the air and he twirled a full three sixty degrees before landing.

Xi Lian was surprised, the foreigner clearly had yellow hair and pale skin yet his Chinese was still so fluent. Her grandpa was right, this school could be her first battlefield. That old man, I wonder how he's doing now. He keeps telling everyone that he won't send me off because I've grown up. Only I know he's just afraid of crying when he sees me leave. Turning around, she stepped through the gates, her long silky hair fluttering through the wind.

Following a large amount of signs lead her to an auditorium. Taking a seat on the balcony above, she observed for the following half hour that even with hundreds of students filing into the room every few minutes, the room still didn't seem crowded. In fact, this room would never be full even if thousands more came in. There was space between each row or table of seats, and the staircases lead to an amount of balconies of seats. In fact, the balconies each seemed like cafes for comfort.

Right now, she was an incoming freshman. Only the first set of four balconies would be available to her as she had yet to have any achievements here. Unless she performed good merit, earned the school some benefits, or accomplished anything, her seating rights would stay the same. In other words, those that were able to showcase their skills would eventually keep moving up the floors while the worthless students would have to sit in the same few spots every year.

The first set of four floor balconies had red leather seats and small coffee tables. The second set of balconies only had three floors instead of four, indicating that as your status went up, there would be fewer people with a matched status. The second set had blue leather sofas and a few set up mini fridges for comfort, like a warm living room but much larger. Xi Lian strained her eyes to catch a glimpse at the upper levels but they were too high up to be seen.

Sitting down, the softness of the red seat surprised her. If even the first set of balcony levels had such comfortable furniture, then what about the second and the third? How much did this school spend per year? Not that her Xi family didn't have such comfortable commodities of course..but the expense this school used was imaginable.

Suddenly, the entire room's lights shut off. The darkness engulfed everything but little signs of commotion or turmoil were heard. No one here was alarmed.

Then the stage lit up, and a middle aged man dressed in swim wear revealed himself. His both hands waved to the audience, and his sunny expression showed no discomfort in face of so many arrogant geniuses.

Rubbing his neck with his hand, he spoke with a clear voice, "Hey-o! First, I would like to apologize, it seems that I haven't changed out of my swim wear yet, haha. It's still the first day so don't mention this to the principal when he comes back. Anyways, let me introduce myself! I am this school's assistant principal. Unfortunately, the principal has been slacking off away on a vacation in Italy and will continue staying there for a period of time. Don't worry, you'll get a chance to meet him!"

"Ah..ah..? What am I supposed to say now? Haha. Right, I know this is an elite school, blabla bla for you geniuses. Let's get right to that then! As you have seen, once you came in you may have seen those that have tried to access a higher level balcony and have been denied entry simply do not possess the qualifications to sit in those seats yet. As the levels or sets of balconies go higher, the status of the people with the rights to sit there will also increase, yet the amount of people with the right will decrease. Including this level ground, there are a total of thirteen floors for this auditorium."

The assistant principal's eyes instantaneously sharpened like a hawk watching its prey. "I will say this once and only once for all of you! This same concept for the seating arrangement of the auditorium called the "powerful rules the weak" will stand as the same for any other facility in this school. Only the most talented of you geniuses can rule this school! If you are talented enough, you can do whatever you want. If you are simply too weak...then too bad. You can only let the powerful ones stamp their soles on your face and you won't dare to utter a single complaint!"

"Rank is the only thing that matters here! Red for the lowest level, is followed by blue, purple, gold, and then silver for the top of the pyramid. For example, if you are a purple ranked freshman and wanted the seat of a red ranked senior in the lunch room, that senior could only politely agree and blame himself for being worthless."

"The last few things are also important. The first is that once you've stepped into this school you are forbidden from dropping out unless we kick you out due to various reasons. The second is that we don't care whether you come back to the dorms at night. You're free to handle your own safety and are able to stay overnight at your families. The third is that physical violence is allowed only in some situations. Lower ranks can challenge higher ranks to either a duel, or group fight and the higher ranks can't reject the challenge. Higher ranks will not be allowed to challenge lower ranks if lower ranks don't feel confident about themselves. However, this is only subject to physical violence; battles between students in any other subject area is always allowed."

The sharp gaze of the man disappeared like it was never there and he reverted back into his jolly-old self. With a warm smile that didn't seem all that warm anymore, he whispered, "Well then! This concludes my speech! All the other hundreds of rules will have to be read by you in the freshmen guidebook later. I hope you kids enjoy your stay."