Savior, I Will Follow You!

Xi Lian yawned. Last night she spent the last few hours searching for hidden points, but Bao Bao was right, it would become harder to get points now. She wasn't able to find any hidden points even after sitting in all the corner changing rooms of one of the malls. If not for her being so impulsively lucky yesterday then she would have still had zero points now.

Walking out of her dorm while holding a doughnut, she wondered if she should wake Bao Bao up next door. At that instance, the door of the dorm at the right side of hers opened up and Bao Bao came out.

Xi Lian faintly smiled, "Bao Bao, good morning."

"Eh? You woke up earlier too? Can I have half your doughnut?"

After splitting half of the doughnut with her, Bao Bao asked her, "So? How was your journey in finding hidden points?"

Xi Lian wasn't surprised she knew how she spent her few hours, "No luck at all, have you found any?"


Walking side by side out of the dorm building, the sight was wonderful to behold. A blooming, delicate young girl and a cute Lolita attracted the attention of quite a few students. However, in this era, most of the population were good-looking as well so there were only brief glances.

Then everyone's tags including theirs lit up. Simultaneously, many heads looked down and saw that their course schedules had been sent. Friends compared their schedules to see if they had any classes together, and those alone quickly walked to their classes hoping they would leave a good impression on their teachers.

"Quickly! Let me see your schedule, Lian!"

Xi Lian and Bao Bao looked back and forth between their schedules.

"There's only a few classes everyday? Wouldn't we have a lot of time left then?"

"It's probably meant for us to study instead of tire ourselves out everyday. The school must also want us to use our time to gain points. Eh, we have mathematics together as our first class everyday. How lucky, this means we can walk together every morning."

"That's right! We also have computer science together on certain days."

Xi Lian frowned, "Mathematics is listed as an earlier morning course. The schedule says it starts in ten minutes, shouldn't we hurry there now?"

"Ah, let's go then!"

Upon arrival to the classroom, the two of them similarly as others were amazed when they saw how luxurious the room was. It was just like the auditorium, only the balconies were a tenth of the size seen in the auditorium. The seats were made of the same material, and there were tiny commodities you were able to use even in class, including you were provided with any materials needed. It seemed that if you didn't have time for breakfast, you could eat while listening to lectures.

The moment the two girls sat down in a red area, was the time the teacher came in.

Bao Bao exclaimed, "Wow! Our teacher is so beautiful!"

Xi Lian agreed. She also appreciated good looks, their teacher had a calm aura around her and a delicate countenance. The way she conducted herself was with gentleness and although this was based on her appearance, Xi Lian felt that she should be a kind lady.

Behind the podium, a soft, elegant voice rang out, "Hello students, you all may call me Teacher An. I will be teaching you mathematics for the rest of this year, and will now be accepting any questions related to school. Does anyone have any questions?"

Several hands were raised, and the teacher answered each student one by one concisely. After a while, Xi Lian heard a question that she was interested in hearing the answer.

A boy with glasses asked,"Teacher An, I wanted to ask why there are only freshmen and sophomores here."

The teacher smiled and answered, "My mathematics class is only for freshmen and sophomores. Juniors and seniors have already learned our subjects when they were freshmen, but are free to visit if they wanted to sit in and listen in. This is also the reason why the higher balcony levels rarely have anyone to visit and only the red, blue, or purple ranked balconies will be occupied. As you can see since you're all freshmen and only some of you are sophomores, none of the purple seats are occupied."

Each course was an hour long. That hour finally ended and mathematics class was over. Bao Bao and Xi Lian both had language classes next, although in different rooms. After saying their goodbyes, they went their separate ways.

The room she found was exactly the same as the mathematics class. Choosing the same seat she had sat in the last class, it wasn't before long a boy sat next to her.

"Hey," a croaky voice greeted her.

Xi Lian turned her head to the side and was surprised. Wasn't this the scrawny boy she saw yesterday? "Ah, hello there, aren't you that boy from yesterday?" Observing him, she noticed that one his ears were pierced like a delinquent even though his entire outlook gave out the weak, behaving attitude.

He seemed to hesitate before answering her, "Yes, I am! I-- You--Thank you for saving me!" His face was red and he had to breathe hard after saying this. He looked down at his fidgety fingers not daring to look anywhere else.

She was amused, saying that must have really took his courage. He must rarely talk to others. "Hey, look up here. When you talk to someone, you look at their eyes and not your hands, alright? Since you've already said your thank yous then you're welcome. But I didn't duel with that guy to save you. It was for myself and his points."

The boy raised his head like a startled bunny rabbit, and his eyes shifted from side to side as if his nervousness would break out any minute. Xi Lian patted his shoulders a few times before taking her hand back and lazily said, "Relax, I'm not going to eat you up. I'm Xi Lian, what's your name?"

"Ch--Cheng Tu."

Xi Lian thought inwardly, 'Cheng Tu? Is he good at directions?'

Seeing her pondering look, his face grew even more red and his frustrated voice stuttered out, "I'm not good at directions or maps!"


"Actually---Actually you can call me whatever you want! You---You're my savior!"

"Ah, I told you I didn't save you. Whatever, I'll call you Little Rabbit is that alright?"

"Huh? Little---Little Rabbit?"

"That's right! You're so cute like a little rabbit."

He looked down and breathed in and out with a tiny smile on his face. "Actually—-I want to follow you! You can be my new boss!"

Xi Lian was dumbfounded. "No need, no need, just be my friend. Who was your old boss?"

The Little Rabbit was embarrassed, "Boss—-Boss Zhang was my old boss. But then he wanted to duel with me in a physical fight and take three points. When I refused, he..."

Ah...when he refused he got beat up.

"Little Rabbit, you have three points?"

He hesitated again before answering her, "Yes, do you know about hidden points? I actually only have three points though..." He showed her his badge and he really only had three points.

Xi Lian was shocked. At first she thought only a few people would know about hidden points but if lots of students randomly found them and shared the secret then wouldn't a lot more people know as the time passes by? "How did you find hidden points?"

The boy scratched his cheek, "Well—-Well I found three hidden points for being the first to damage school property. I broke a lamp when I was fighting too."

" ...So getting beat up also works."

He laughed, "Haha I guess so. I was just lucky, Boss Lian."

"I said we're friends! I'm not your boss!"

"Boss Lian!"

How despicable and shameless, why are you clinging onto to me and calling me your boss? Whatever, whatever, call me whatever you want but I won't acknowledge you as my lackey alright!

Once the teacher came in and introduced himself, the hour was spent asking and answering questions. When language class ended, Xi Lian decided to invite Cheng Tu to meet up with Bao Bao for lunch.