Popular New Blue-Rank

It was now Xi Lian's turn to close her eyes and randomly choose a book. The book was in Russian, and the referee handed the other copy of the book to the opponent. Fiercely, they started translating at the same rate.

"The traditional beginning of Russian history is the establishment of ---"


Xi Lian looked at her opponent and asked, 'What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

The boy smiled bitterly and replied, "I've lost, I can't translate this word."

Xi Lian was surprised. "But this duel is for the multilingual, why did you come forward and accept my challenge if you only know a few words of Russian?"

The boy was speechless, "Sister, I do know Russian...I just don't know the professional terms." He pointed at the word in the book, "How would I know this word? Only you would know...just take my points..."

Her face glowed. 'That's right, I helped become a translator in business meetings for grandpa's events so I know more professional terms that others! How could I forget that? Now I earned three points in such a short time!'

Xi Lian laughed, "Haha, thank you then! I'll be taking these points now!" when the referee helped to transfer the points.

As if in a cycle, more and more students challenged her and each time the crowd would find her reading off a few books before her opponent lost. Her fast-paced speaking astonished the crowd, and they would count how many points she won.

Two girls in kimonos walked by and one girl exclaimed, "Isn't that Xi Lian? She was just playing chess at Mall B! Can you see whats on the board? I didn't bring my glasses."

The other girl in the orange kimono responded, "She's dueling with polyglots in translating books! Look, this crowd is even bigger than before!"

A purple-ranked junior in the crowd asked the two girls, "Do you know that girl?" The students around them waited for an answer.

The girl in the orange kimono nodded, "Earlier, she won three duels in chess. Were you here since the beginning? Do you know how many duels she's finished here?"

The junior shook her head but another student in the crowd pushed his way to them and said, "I was here since the beginning! It's only been an hour, and she's won four duels. If what you said was true that she won three duels in chess, and she won four duels now, then wouldn't she have twenty-one points?"

Hearing this, the crowd grew into a frenzy.

"Did you hear? That freshman is called Xi Lian and has twenty-one points on her second day."

"What? Really?" He started spreading it around the crowd.

"Monkey, did you know that freshman has twenty-one points?"

"Banana, what did you say? She has twenty-one points?"

"Lion, it's true! Her name is Xi Lian and she's proficient in chess and language!"

Xi Lian's fame started going around, from the inner circle of the crowd, to the outer circle and as people passed by Mall A, they would hear a crowd talking about a freshman named Xi Lian and she had many points. The newcomers that didn't believe her would challenge her to a multilingual dual. Soon, everyone realized by the end of an hour and a half that she knew all the words in all ten different languages. Since books were chosen by random, no one noticed at first. But as challengers grew, the amount of duels grew, meaning she had already read off every ten languages.

"She just finished her seventh duel!"

"She knows ten languages..."

"She's already read all the books, wouldn't that mean challenging her is useless?"

"God, good thing I didn't challenge her so soon or else I would have lost three points!"

"Are you joking? You only have three points and you wanted to challenge her?"

"How would I know she was so good...I heard her name was Xi Lian."

"I've never heard of that name."

"Neither have I."

Xi Lian thanked her opponent who walked away crying and checked her watch. "There's still a half hour left." Looking into the crowd, she shouted on the top of her lungs to be heard, "Is there anyone else who wants to step forward and challenge a polyglot duel?"

A blue-ranked sophomore shouted, "Sister, we already know you can read all ten languages already! Who would dare challenge you?"

She blinked innocently, "Ah? Is that true? Haha, oops. No one wants to challenge me anymore then?"

The crowd all responded with a "No!"

"Then what are you all still doing here?" Xi Lian was confused why no one left when there were no more challengers.

Someone in the back yelled out, "Sister, we want to ask you some questions!"

'Ah? Ask me some questions? Did they think I was cheating? Well technically I was...'

"Sister, what's your name?" another shouted.

Do I give out a fake name? But some of them might already know my name... "Xi Lian!" she decided to yell back. Then the crowd started to whisper to each other even though Xi Lian could clearly hear them.

"See I told you her name was Xi Lian, I didn't hear wrong."

"I got it, I got it."

'Ah....was there something wrong with her name?'

Suddenly, the hanging badge on her chest glowed. The red started fading away and blue came onto the entire screen. Xi Lian looked down at the badge and stared dazedly. The higher ranked students there had all witnessed the same phenomenon which happened to them when they became blue rank. The freshmen that had only settled in for two days were had to take a moment to respond.. The crowd exploded in a few seconds.

"I thought she only had thirty three points! She must have dueled before her chess matches!"

"She reached blue rank after only two days, isn't that the fastest record in #1 Elite High School?"

"It should be! It took me two months to reach blue rank and I was considered really fast..."

"There's always a mountain higher than you..."

Then another notification popped up on Xi Lian's screen.

Ding! Congratulations, you have found hidden points! As the first freshman to become a blue rank, you have found ten hidden points!

Ding! Congratulations, you have found hidden points! As the first student in this year to jump a rank, you have found fifteen hidden points!

Another blow was delivered to the crowd. Not only did Xi Lian become a blue rank, she found so many hidden points! The crowd screamed and yelled, creating a ruckus in front of the mall. The students passing by were all shocked at why such a large amount of geniuses would act like crazy madmen.

"This is insane! She found twenty five hidden points!"

"What are hidden points...?"

Someone ridiculed him, "Are you dumb? You don't know what hidden points are?"

Another girl was annoyed, "Isn't this a little too lucky? I found hidden points yesterday but it was just two points. Yet she gets twenty-five..."

"I've been recording her duels since the second duel and I caught her badge on camera just now! This is gonna be crazy when I post it on the school forum!"

"You want a collaboration? I recorded her chess duels before, we can partner up on the forum and get the prize for most explosive news!"

Xi Lian's heart was burning. She really didn't disappoint her family and even reached blue-rank so soon! A smile spread over her face, and she looked even more stunning. Students began recording and taking pictures, spreading her name all over the school forum. They also began approaching her and asking her for her forum username so that they could follow her.

"Ah? Username for the school forum? Actually I didn't know we had a school forum, haha. I'll make an account on the forum tonight, alright! My username will be Daoist_Food."

The surrounding students laughed. Daoist_Food? What a bizarre name! They made sure to keep a note in their mind to follow her tonight.

"Do you mind if we post your picture on the forum? You're really too great!"

Xi Lian rubbed her nose, "Ah, thank you! I don't mind at all!" Then, checking her watch again she realized there were still fifteen minutes until the meet up time. What should she do in this time? She didn't want to have another duel since she reached blue-rank already...too lazy.

An idea struck her when she saw the amount of people around her. They were all starting to disperse since they already took pictures and her duels had ended.

"Wait! Don't leave yet, everyone!"

The dispersing crowd stopped and looked at her.

'How embarrassing...' Xi Lian thought. Then she asked everyone, "Fellow classmates, how about we exchange contacts on our badges? If I ever need help, I can reach out to you, and if you ever need help, then just reach out to me!"

The crowd nodded along and formed a line to exchange contacts with not just her but each other. Grandpa always said that having a wide amount of contacts would help her someday. This should be a good idea right?

In the end, Xi Lian met quite a few students she had a good impression of and her contact list expanded from two students to sixty students.