I’m Not Crying!

She looked at him up and down, and saw the mole on his neck. 'The heck...it's really him.'

The purple-ranked sophomore briefly glanced at her badge. His eyebrows lifted up, and his deep voice played with amusement, "What? You're hiding behind a girl? Blue-ranked freshman, huh? She gave you the guts to disobey your owners?"

The well-built guy moved, and punched Cheng Tu in the face. His eye was hit, but he clenched his mouth, refusing to yell out any longer. Xi Lian, who was in a daze, suddenly woke up when she saw her friend get beat up.

'Ah...I forgot Little Rabbit was still in trouble.'

"Stop!" Xi Lian blocked the three, very tall guys, and the rest of them with her short height and held her palms out in a stop sign.

The well-built guy frowned at her, "I don't have a habit of hitting girls, but when it comes down to it I won't hesitate to. So move away."

Xi Lian was about to retort back when something caught in her eye. Her eye twitched and she couldn't help but rub violently. Then for some reason, she couldn't control the urge to rub her other eye, and soon both eyes became red and watery.

When she looked up, a bunch of startled faces appeared.

Cheng Tu choked up and his eyes also became red, "Bos---Boss Lian, you don't have to cry for me..."

She really wanted to say that she wasn't crying, but that piece of dust stuck in her eye was so annoying! She kept rubbing her eyes and her face became even more puffed up, causing the scene of a heartbroken beauty amidst the mass amount of fighting in the tent.

The well-built guy rubbed his neck violently and beckoned to the short boy, "You do it. I can hit girls, but not crying ones."

The short boy stiffened and shook his head.

"I'm not crying, something's in my eye!" Xi Lian's eyes hurt from the rubbing and tears fell down her cheeks.

She gently pulled at her eye and struggled with it, trying to get the dust out. Once her eye felt better, she looked at the purple-ranked sophomore and glared, "Yang Teng! You dare repay my graciousness by bullying my people?"

They were all startled once again. Boss Teng looked at her clearly this time, and his rapid blinking made his followers unable to decide what to do.

"Lian Lian?" His voice was in disbelief.

"Call me Xi Lian, we're no longer children now."

"Okay, Xi Lian! You've enrolled in #1 Elite High School but didn't tell me, I would have come right away! I've missed you so much!" His eyes were blurry and his excited smile contrasted with his cold persona from before.

The well-built boy beside him sputtered out, "Boss Teng, then do we let the boy go...?"

"Let him go!"

They freed the Little Rabbit, and the aching Chang Tu scrambled behind Xi Lian. Yang Teng frowned at him but replaced it with a doting smile whenever he looked at Xi Lian.

He ignored everyone else and hurriedly curried favor with her. "Xi Lian, you're just amazing as before. You've become a blue-rank so soon!"

Xi Lian tapped her foot with arms crossed, "Who was it that just asked my person if I gave him the guts to disobey his owner?"

"It was him, him!" He hurriedly pointed to the short boy that was besides him.

The short boy quickly stammered when he saw his Boss Teng turn him into cannon fodder, "Ye—Yes, it was me! Miss Lian, I was the one who said that! You can call me Pao Pao, in the future if you ever need anything then just come to me!"

He decided that he should play up to her when he saw his boss change his attitude a full three sixty degrees.

The rest of Yang Teng's followers swiftly did the same.

"I am Zu Zhi! You can also come to me!"

"Don't listen to them! I am—-"

"Move away, she can depend on me—-"

"I am the most reliable, Miss Lian—-"

Xi Lian laughed amusedly when she saw the group of cold students turn into docile bunnies in such a short while. Her gentle smile then turned uneven and the playful aura coming from her made them suddenly shiver.

Yang Teng gently asked, "What's wrong, Xi Lian?"

"You're their boss, right?" Her smile turned even more uneven.

He suddenly felt warning bells ring in his head when he responded. "That's right..."

"Well you heard them just now! They said if I ever need help then I can go to them.."

"Of course! I'll make sure they listen to whatever you say or else they'll be punished!Isn't that right, everyone?" His deep, cold voice took over and he glowered at his followers.

A group of voices simultaneously rang out, "That's right Boss Teng!"

'Ah, it's been years and Yang Teng is still trying to cover up his soft, and cute personality with such a deep facade.'

Xi Lian slyly continued, "That's great! Then I'll be taking half of your tags."

Silence hit them.


"Well, not for free. I have a way to steal a mass amount of tags, and if it works then I'll take fifty percent of all the tags we earn."

The well-built guy suspiciously said, "I'm Ting Ze, what happens if your plan fails?"

"If my plan fails, I'll give you guys my tag!"

He frowned, "Show us your tag, if it's a low number then I decline working with you."

Yang Teng also frowned, "Ting Ze, do you want to be punished? You're just a dog, I can throw you away anytime."

Xi Lian nonchalantly said, "It's fine," and took out one of the badges from her undershirt and flipped it to them. The boys all crowded around the badge and stared wide-eyed at the large number.

"Eight—Eighty points!"

"You...You're the one with the highest point tag?" Ting Ze couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, could I have it back?" Xi Lian couldn't help but wonder if they would steal her tag. But Yang Teng was here, so it would be fine.

Ting Ze tossed back the tag to her and asked, "What's the plan?"

A wicked smirk placed onto her delicate face, and she first asked them, "How many men do you have in total here?"

Yang Teng's cold voice responded, "We have twenty eight right now. A lot of them couldn't make it to the tent."

"That's alright, first gather your men here. Then I can explain what we're going to do."

All twenty eight students, twenty nine including Yang Teng, thirty including Xi Lian, and thirty one including Little Rabbit, huddled into the corner of the tent. The others in the tent would curiously look at them while fighting and think, 'Bastards! I'm fighting with my life here and they're just having a group chat!'

Xi Lian explained step one of the plan to them, "We'll begin by stealing the tags of the weaker students. After taking their tags, you'll make them stay in the east corner of the room so we'll now who's had their tag taken. We'll need one of you to guard them and make sure none of them escape."

"Then the real plan starts. Those wooden columns with ropes on them, does everyone see them? We'll need three people to—-"