No love, just played

August of 1999, Rajha Taylor is an ordinary twenty-two-year-old social butterfly and an accountant senior in college up until this morning she was a happy go, lucky Young Woman, but that's all about to change due to her father's failing fabric company.

Rein Holden is not only King of the Southern Kingdom but he is also a ruthless businessman who thinks money can buy the world and now his sight's set on Taylor's fabric company's land now Mr. Taylor doesn't care much for money unlike our King Rein and has no interest in selling his fabric company's land no matter what the offered Mr. Taylor's company and land is to be passed down to his one and only daughter Rajha to keep Taylor's fabric company going for future generations to come, but now King Rein's new idea is if you can't beat them just join them so now his mind is set on Taylor's company land what plan was he going to use to get Taylor's land just wait until the time is right for now we just wait.

Ashton is King Rein's best friend and bodyguard and today he has Sweet news for his King Ashton found out that Taylor has a daughter and Rein just smiled a plan was starting to come together.

Rajha is always a happy go lucky person who loves accounting and volunteers at the community center where they hold an accounting workshop for future accountants of the Imperial family.

King Rein is the head accountant who teaches at the community Workshop but he's never there but all that's about to change because now he knows Taylor's daughter volunteers at the same Workshop what better way to get his hands on Taylor's company land than to seduce Taylor's daughter and make her fall in love with him then he taught marriage is the only way let the games begin.

the afternoon sun was beautiful Rajha just finished two of her lectures and was ready to head over to her, accounting workshop she has always been on time but today everything was going wrong no cabs and her phone was acting weird it just died a few minutes ago it said 60% of battery life now it was just dead weird right, Rajha tried not to panic without realizing there's a guy, not just any guy but wow Mr. Handsome Rajha shrug off his handsome face and killer suit and looked at his cell phone when she said hey can I borrow that for a second and started calling her best friend Josh who she knew would go through hell and high water just for her any day that is who, Josh is at least to her, in a few minutes Josh was on the phone saying that he wouldn't be able to make it on-time Rajha was starting to feel uneasy she has never been late for anything in her life and she was not about to start today right there and then the handsome stranger offered her a ride at first she was cautious an suspicious but she had no choice she did not want to be late for her Workshop so she said sure to thank you and by the way my name is Rajha Taylor he said nice to meet you I'm Rein Holden, so where we heading Rajha said the community center at the Palace and then Rein said what a coincidence that's exactly where I'm heading to and without a moment's notice a black limousine with the country's flag waving in High color were at their feet Rein ask who she was meeting but Rajha said I'm a volunteer accountant at the workshop Rajha thought is this the king but she wasn't sure so she kept her thoughts to herself and she said this seemed to be a start to a beautiful friendship and Rein agreed yes let's be friends.

Rajha it's always a hard worker she never focuses on herself it's always about getting the job done right not paying attention until she heard a tap at the door ahead come into view it's Rein asking if she was hungry thinking back about the start of a beautiful friendship she says yes I can eat let's go after grabbing some food to eat Rajha and Rein heads back to the community center the night air smells sweet around this time and a cool breeze made Rajha mind relaxed she smiled and thought yes this is always the best time for my brain and my heart to unwind Rajha love being out in the late night air it brings back memories of her mom and dad but now it's just her dad and her at least it's better than being alone Rein was lost in Rajha's expression she was just beautiful but that taught lasted just a moment it was back to all the reasons he wanted her to fall in love with him, land money and power as they say the more power you have is the more power you want and that was King Rein's true nature the need for more power.

for the last four months, Rajha thought she was dreaming she was in a whirlwind romance with the King of the Southern Kingdom while Rajha was happy and having the time of her life there was someone else who didn't see this as a dream come true her dad Mr. Taylor didn't trust the king he just felt uneasy not quite sure how or what to say but Rajha was happy for the first time after losing her mom so when the king offered to marry Rajha her dad couldn't say no Mr. Taylor just wanted his baby girl to be happy and not have to worry about him anymore it was time for her to live her life and to be happy.

Rajha's wedding came and went like an abyss of a dream when Rajha awaken she was the new Queen of the Southern Kingdom Life at the palace was no Cakewalk she barely saw her husband and it seemed like the only time the king would be available is when he wanted to talk about Taylor's company land he tried everything but Rajha just wanted to focus on being a wife and a queen to her people and with that the whole Kingdom and its people loved her she was the Kingdom's Queen with a heart after two failed pregnancies the time that the whole entire kingdom was waiting for had arrived the queen was finally pregnant the whole kingdom was celebrating it was joyous for the first time King Rein stayed at Rajha side without fail it's been a while since the queen has seen this side of the king for a long time now she truly felt like a queen that had the Kings love she was truly happy at last. nine months later the queen gives birth to a beautiful daughter her name princess Reighneice it was a cold November day when the princess was born the palace was buzzing with joy everyone was happy except for Ashton he didn't really understand why the king had to get married but he went along with the plan now everything was falling into place it was coming along perfectly now Queen Rajha was back to her regular routine volunteering at the community center and Ashton was in charge of protecting her especially when she had late nights at the workshop usually at the palace at night Ashton would be on guard right outside the King and Queens chamber but tonight was different when Rajha went out on her usual late-night walk she always did that when she was overtired and tense it was a clear and cool night with the moon shining beautifully but something was different there are no guards just the sound of dogs barking in the distance Rajha enjoyed these alone time she needed this late night walk she was happy she had everything she ever wanted a beautiful daughter and the love of King, but they're in the distance someone was walking closer and closer someone she tried to recognize was it a guard she couldn't tell but as she waited and look the queen could recognize the face of Ashton he was looking right at her face to face and that was the last thing the Queen ever saw right then and there in the courtyard the queen was dead about 6:30 a.m. all the palace staff were coming in for work and they're in the courtyard laid the body of the queen with the left side of her face smashed in with the question on everyone's mine who and why no one knew why this happen well at least that's what the rest of the palace thinks but Ashton knew for he was the one who murdered the Queen by orders of the king with that one late night walk the kingdom lost their heart they had lost a great light that shines brightest in the Kingdom. now on the last day of the Queen's funeral Ashton took his wife and son out of the country the King was left alone to raise the princess falling deeper and deeper in Despair and depression the King has finally gotten what he wanted Taylor's company land but having the land now he was never happy for he truly loved the queen but now it was too late and she was gone forever As Time passed the king Focus all his love and time on the princess making sure she was protected at all times never would he make the same mistake twice choosing money over love and family the King was a different man with a new goal and that goal was to make the princess happy.

18-year-old princess Reighneice was in every way like her mother she loves volunteering that she made it a life mission the princess volunteered at the Human Resource Center for Children without parents who else could better understand then the princess herself, the princess was just like them she lost her mother an never grew up having that motherly love that's what she misses the most not being able to have that one-on-one girl talk with her mom but she was lucky though she has a great dad the king who made sure that she never wanted for anything there was just one thing the princess wish for and that was her mother, Queen Rajha the light and heart of the kingdom. with one year left of college the princess focused all her attention on the Human Resource Center for Children who lost their parents she worked effortlessly and tirelessly for some reason the princess felt close to her mom that way the princess felt bits and pieces of her mother strongly growing inside of her, the more Reighneice volunteered is stronger her mother's presents were made in her heart and alongside her best friend Trey Collins volunteering was made fun Trey and Reighneice were joined at the hip they did everything together they even majored in the same human relations courses everyone in the Kingdom could tell that Trey Collins was in love with the princess but he wasn't the only one Myles Walker had a thing for the princess but not because of love because Myles Walker wanted power Ashton Walker and the king tried to keep Myles away from Reighneice but Myles was persistent I must give him that power and greed was his motivation when I think back he reminds me a lot of the king but that was then the king now was completely changed to protect the princess his only heir to the southern Kingdom. now the competition was getting Fierce it was Myles against Trey who will win the heart of the princess Myles pulled out all the stops he did everything in his power to capture the princesses heart he was getting closer and closer to gaining Reighneice heart, but what Myles always overlooked was the person who is always right by the side of the princess and that was Trey, Reighneice was having a hard time concentrating on volunteering and on her college classes there was something about Myles that tug at her heartstrings his smile was always inviting but his eyes were mysterious like he was hiding something like he knew things nobody else did but Reighneice heart was beginning to waver was she falling in love with Myles she couldn't tell up until a few days ago she always knew that Trey was in love with her, Reighneice was torn deep in her soul was it Myles or was it Trey she knew what the answer was Reighneice also loved Trey but she couldn't let him know that he was all her heart's desire Trey could never know that secret the princess kept in her heart.

Now King Rein is trying everything in his power to keep Myles away from his daughter but Ashton had a few Choice words for Rein don't forget what I gave you, only the king would know what Ashton was talking about there was nowhere to keep Myles away from the princess unless the King was prepared to break his daughter's heart forever and lose everything including his kingdom Trey was curious he wanted to know if Ashton and King Rein are best friends why was the king against Myles dating the princess something was just not right Trey was losing sleep something was wrong he couldn't quite put his finger on it but he smelled something fishy he had to find out more and was it a possibility that the princess would be hurt Trey had to find out no matter what it was for the protecting the princess and the kingdom finally Trey was putting the pieces together he worked long and hard to find what the Walkers were hiding and why the king will not give his Blessing to Myles and now the truth was out in the hands of Trey the letter with the king's seal and Ashton stamp now Trey knew why the king would never give his Blessing Myles father Ashton Walker had murdered the queen by the king's order how was Trey going to tell Reighneice, how was he going to tell his love that her beloved father had her mother murdered Trey pondered over and over did he have the strength did he have the courage to break her heart to see her world shattered into pieces Trey wasn't sure he didn't think he was strong enough but the truth has to come out there was no way he could put the truth back in the closets, so first Trey had to speak to the king when Trey met with the King it seemed that the king had already known the secret was out now he had no choice but to confess to everything the king knew it would be hard he didn't want to lose his daughter his world was crumbling just because of greed and power he had lost the love that was right in front of his eyes the queen was his first and last love What a Sad life he lived the princess was the only good thing he had remaining and thanks to Myles he was about to lose that too the king felt so lost but he was King and held his head high what else can he do he was already sorry ten thousand times over what tray and the King did now was just wait it's all we can do,

Myles had it all planned he was throwing a surprise engagement party he was so sure that the princess was going to say yes to his proposal Myles plan was to blackmail the princess into marrying him knowing very well that the king had ordered his father to murder the queen that was Myles ultimate goal to secure his position his wealth and his power marriage through blackmail what a low life Reighneice and Trey showed up at the proposal party Myles was smiling from ear-to-ear Reighneice was smiling her eyes glistened with joy as Trey looked on he couldn't believe he was losing his first love the love of his life to Myles that monster. but he just wanted her to be happy because her being happy was what matters most to him that was what true love was at least to him as soon as the ring what's on the princesses finger Trey walkover and congratulated them both wishing them all the best that life had in store for them and right before the happy couple kiss the king walking alongside Ashton they both stated Myles this is not right, this is not love this is pure possession right there and then the princess wanted to know what was going on she wanted to know why her dad was so against Myles and why was Myles dad even more against them being together the princess needed answers but no one was talking the king's eyes filled with tears and then he said I have to tell you the truth and you will hate me forever but I was a different person back then I was driven by greed and power I never knew what love was until it was too late and there was no turning back the truth is I ordered Ashton to kill the queen your mother I am so terribly sorry back then it was all about money I've regretted it ever since. Reighneice face was completely pale the truth was too much the princess couldn't comprehend what was being said she felt loss she couldn't believe her dad was a monster all the princess could say was Dad get away from me and then she was gone. the whole Palace was in chaos when the news broke that the king had the queen murdered the monarchy was in trouble the kingdom was looking for a new king and the princess was nowhere to be found Trey was worried it was three weeks since the engagement party Myles was gone and so was Ashton and Reighneice was not answering her phone, Trey missed her, he wanted to be by her side he wanted to hold her and comfort her and to let her know everything was going to be alright and she needed to come home she needed to know she couldn't run away was about midnight Trey's phone rang it was a number he didn't recognize but when he said hello it was a familiar voice on the other end it was Reighneice saying she needed him and without any further words needed Trey knew where Reighneice was Trey pray to God to give him wings just so he could be there within minutes and in no time he was standing beside her looking at her deep into her eyes and she was looking at him with love he prayed for moments like this when he heard the words she needed him not just needed him but wanted him not as a friend but as a man to a woman and then Trey knew Reighneice was his forever, he knew their love was Unbreakable so here they are all alone Trey finally said the words he has dreamt of saying all this time Reighneice I love you will you marry me I guess pulling him close in her arms was all the answer Trey needed, they kissed and made each other's body as one, it took Trey and Reighneice a whole solid week to stop making their bodies one with each other being joined to the hip had a whole new meaning for the Kingdom's lovebirds.

two months later Trey and Reighneice are back to their usual life well not completely the Queen and Sovereign leader of the Southern Kingdom Reighneice Holden, oh my apologies Reighneice Collins and her husband are expecting their first child as we all know the kingdom is truly celebrating, the queen and her husband still have fun volunteering and spending all their time together their bond becoming stronger than it ever was their love more secure their trust as Everlasting, they don't know what the future holds but they will be facing the future hand in hand together. in the words of Reighneice and Trey, this is the start of a happy ever after or just the beginning of our happy future together forever and always.

❤ the beginning ❤