This Junior Shall One Day Repay You!

What kind of name was Chu Yu? It was perhaps one of the most famous names in current times and perhaps the only name that had been passed from millions of years ago!

At the age of five, Chu Yu broke into the immortal realm! At the age of 10, Chu Yu broke into the realm of Saints and at the age of 15, he broke into the Divine realm! The world renowned number 1 genius across all eons!

When cultivators were still children, they would here fairy tales of Chu Yu's grand adventures such as the time where he made the imperial dragon families Emperor kneel beneath his feet just because his nephew didn't know the face of Chu Yu and slapped a lollipop out of his hand!

Another Tale was when the immortal fairy Mei Yang asked Chu Yu to marry her, he said no. Saying "How could I possibly marry you when I'm still so young? Do you think I'm lustful like those other men?"

After Chu Yu reached the age of 16, it was said he was killed when all of his enemies ganged up to kill him before he could reach an even higher attainment in cultivation!

Of course most people believed that these were all fairy tales because how could such a power person exist? A 16 year old reached the Divine realm of legends? Impossible! Even the Immortal Realm was something they dared not think about let alone the saint and divine realms!


Just like any other day in the Red Lotus Countries Branch Fire Sects territory, it was blazing hot reaching nearly 60 degrees Celsius!

The Green forest behind the Branch Fire Sect was a training ground open for outer court disciples to hone and sharpen their training and even perhaps find some rare herbs to refine and boost their cultivation. Currently a fatty with short black hair and similarly black eyes was panting while walking deeper into the forest. He was only 5'5.

"Damn it! I, Du Fan don't believe their isn't at least one heated nectar tree in this forest!" The fatty yelled towards the sky before a red object on the corner of the fatties eyes caught his attention.

Looking at the red object, it was actually the heated nectar tree!

"Finally at last! This daddy will finally be rich and my cultivation will reach the fourth realm of Mortal Resemblance, Wahahahaha!" the fatty looked at the tree as if it were a fat sheep, drool slid down his lips and onto the ground.

As the fatty walked closer to the tree, he noticed a very faint barrier surrounding the tree. Confused by what it was, the fatty tapped the barrier. As soon as he touched it, he felt a zap on his finger "Ouch! A mere weak barrier formation dares to hurt this fatty? Wait and see, I shall break you!" The fatty pointed at the barrier as if it were another cultivator.

The fatty took a step back a coiled his hand into a fist. He focused onto the spot which zapped his finger and yelled out his technique with no embarrassment for it "Black Turtle Arrogant Fist!"

The Fatties fist slammed onto the barrier. At first the fatty was met with some resistance in which he continued to push forward, not wanting to let go of the heated nectar tree. His fat jiggled as the barrier retaliated against him and his short black hair was starting to turn extremely messy and dishevelled. "Break for this Fatty!" Du Fan yelled after putting more force into the standstill between the barrier and the fatties technique


An explosion bursted from the barrier "Haa... Finally. Any longer and I would have had to give up! Now give me my beloved heated nectar tree. As the fatty looked at the heated nectar tree. the space around the tree started to distort as if it were an illusion. Slowly, the tree disappeared and what replaced the tree was a young man, who couldn't be any older than 16.

"My tree! Heavens why must you play games with me and replace my tree with a handsome nobody!" The fatty dropped to his knees making a large plop noise he looked at the ground while dramatic tears flowed out of his eyes.

As the fatty was facing down, the handsome teen opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the earth shook and the heavens bellowed in fear. An invisible stream of energy gushed out of the teens body and went in an uncoordinated direction until it disappeared.

The fatty, not realizing the events that just took place because of his sorrow suddenly looked up at the teen and yelled "Have you realized what you've done? You..! I don't even know what to say I'm so mad! Quick boy tell this Senior Fatty your name!"

The teen looked up at the fatty and an indescribable sense of discomfort went though the fatties body. The teens red eyes were just like that of blood. To sinister, to fierce!

The teen smiled, "Senior fatty, it seems I have lost the sensation in my legs could you help me up?" the teen said kindly.

The fatty looked at the teen and said again "Tell me your name first"

The teen then replied with the same handsome smile, "My Name is Chu Yu!"

"Wahahahahaahhaahahahaha! Chu Yu? Friend, isn't your family a bit to arrogant naming you Chu Yu? Well it's no matter since this fatty is benevolent and shall help you recover. Although this fatty lost a treasure, it was heavens will that we met today. The fatty than carried Chu Yu in a princess carry.

Chu Yu was startled being carried like this as his eye brows started twitching. His graceful and handsome aura breaking slightly.

"Chu Yu, my name is Du Fan and am a 3rd stage Mortal Resemblance Cultivator. Since you were in the forest alone, you must be a cultivator as well right?" the fatty asked as he started to walk back to his sect.

Chu Yu was still in discomfort. His handsome and Graceful aura breaking by the second. "It seems I'm in the 2nd stage of the Mortal Resemblance Realm. But no matter! this junior shall raise his cultivation again in no time!"

Chu Yu proclaimed as he started to regain sensation in his legs.

"2nd stage? And your family actually dared to call you Chu Yu? Wahahahaha! In my 20 years of life, I have never heard such a thing before!"

"Senior brother Fatty, where are we heading?" Chu Yu questioned as he started to swing his legs. Seeing this action, the fatty put Chu Yu down and let him walk himself.

"You really don't know where we are? Junior brother Yu, we're heading towards the outer court of the branch fire sect!"

"This Junior Brother seems to have lost some memories about this world and thus cannot remember much." Chu Yu shook his head. "Alas, being handsome doesn't buy knowledge." Chu Yu said as he looked into the distance, regret on his handsome features.

"Lost your memory? Interesting. Junior Brother Yu, I've noticed you have a storage ring on your finger. Although your parents are arrogant, it seems you truly come from a rich family, they can afford a storage ring! For 5 resemblance stones I can help you out until you regain your memories!"

"Resemblance stones? What colour are they?" Chu Yu asked as he started to look in his ring.

"Here I have one here." The fatty had a storage pouch and took out a resemblance stone. Resemblance stones were extremely helpful in cultivation for resemblance stage cultivators. Since he couldn't find the Heated Nectar tree, 5 stones could at least help a little bit.

"The junior brother has some!" Chu Yu exclaimed happily! Now he will have a companion right off the bat and not worry about being lost or something of the likes.

"Senior Brother fatty, now that I've given you the stones, how can you help me?" Chu Yu said curiously.

"Hehe, this fatty has been given one favour from an outer court elder! One word from me and you can enter the sect since your strong enough and won't need to take the entrance test!

Chu Yu fiddled with his short black hair as his teary red eyes looked at senior brother fatty.

"Senior brother fatty! You're such a good guy! I need a hug!" Chu Yu's nose has mucus running out of his nose as he hugged the fatty happily.

"Ah why! What have I, Du Fan done to offend you! No don't blow your nose on my robe ahhhhh!