
You know when you agreed to let victor stay and travel with you, you didn't expect him to fucki'n talk so much I mean all he has been doing these past few hours is talk. It's not even that he talks but the topics he talks about. The most inane and boring things are the center of every. Single. Conversation.

So finally you told the guy to shut it and for the rest of the day you walked in silence only ever talking when needed. As night hit you and victor set up a quick fire and went about business as usual. Suddenly you got a notification screen in your face.

[Dear player, Hadrian Azzralian

We are sending you this to tell you that a new update is coming out that will revamp the game and add many new features, factions, and whole new areas of the map!

For this time period your character and all characters around you will be sent into a state of hibernation until the update finishes thank you for your continued play.]



Hours later…

'Uhh what happened?'

[Thank you for waiting player update has been installed please check on your new system.]

Name: Hadrian Azzralian

Race: Cyborg

Level: 3

HP: 150

ZPE: 60

Exp: 135/500


Attribute points: 0

Endurance: 30

Strength: 25

Intelligence: 20

Charisma: 5

Energy: 10

Reactor: 10

Stamina: 40


[Cyborg] - An organism made up of both organic and cybernetic marvel. This is the result of unconservative methods of evolution that results in an advanced being. Grants 5% damage bonus and has increased growth speed in stats per level of 5 per level.

[Novice Machine Understanding I] - The beginnings of understanding the fundamentals of mechanical concepts. Grants the ability to repair machines with the risk of destroying them completely if failed. Risk increases as Machine complexity increases by level.

[Blade Mastery V] - A decent understanding of the art of using blades. Grants +5% additional damage to piercing, slashing and cleaving attacks based on strength. May use energy to amplify effects further by 10:1 ratio.

[Sneak II] - This person has a slight understanding of how to move unnoticed.Reduces noise when moving by 2% and decreases movement penalty while sneaking by 5%.

[Mechanical Capability] - Parts made of Cybernetic enhancements will receive a base bonus of 15% added defense to the area. May be increased by upgrading cybernetic part.

[Hardware Maintenance] - Due to some parts being made of Cybernetic enhancements, the person will start to experience rapid degradation of performance and growth if parts are not regularly maintained. Performance decreases by 1 stat per 2 days without maintenance. Does not go below 20% of total stats. Stats will immediately be regained upon successful repair but will be permanently lost if Cybernetic part is broken due to degradation

As you look at it the first thing you noticed is how much more polished it looked as if it had been remade. What took your attention after that were the new traits as well as the updated traits and skill.

Seeing that hardware maintenance thing hurts though. I mean only two days before I starts losing stats?! Madness!

It would make him have to use his repair kits more conservatively than originally planned. After taking his attention off that he remembered the father and son duo in his company. You quickly turn towards there stats and this is what you see.

[Victor nolanhaslurg


Level: 2

HP: 140


EXP: 20/100


Attribute points: 0

Endurance: 20

Strength: 20

Intelligence: 17

Charisma: 9

Stamina: 22

Relationship: 10 cordial


[Traumatized]- This person has been tortured recently and is mentally scarred. Gives: *½ all mental stats.

[Survivor]-This person has survived a dangerous situation and is much more likely to survive them. Gives: +5 endurance, and +10 to all stats when receiving lethal threat. Cooldown: 24 hour.

[Adult]-an adult. Gives: Ability to procreate.

[Smith] - This person is a forger of the elements. Because of constant exposure to fire and hard labor +5 endurance, stamina and strength.

[Craftsman] - This is a person with creative wonder. Adds +7 to intelligence and wisdom and provides 3 charisma.]

[Anton Nolanhaslurg

Race: Cyborg/NPC

Level: 2

HP: 76



Attribute points: 0

Endurance: 8

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 5

Stamina: 2


[Lesser cyborg]- A being that has only slightly added machinery to their body but is still considered a cyborg. Gives: *2 reaction speed, and +30 health

[Children's Lullaby] - Characteristics of a being in it's juvenile state, eager to learn but with an underdeveloped body. Grants +100% Exp gain, reduces stats by 1/2. Stats will slowly start to complete after the completion of [Childhood].

[Innocence forcefully taken]- This person has had their innocence taken away from them forcibly and is forever scarred for it. Gives trait: [Partial sociopath]

[Partial sociopath]- This person is on the edge of sociopathy and if not taken off this path soon with only fall deeper into it until eventually becoming a full sociopath. Gives: Ability to torture without remorse

Relationship: 1010 True rock to rely on]

So it seems both of your companions got a makeover though Anton's was much lighter. I mean you could remember Victor's absolute crap stats now look at the man he's a beast! All you could do for hours was look at the stats board and wonder why this had even happened.

That night you went to sleep never knowing the eye's glowing in the dark.