Zarashi and Oberon faced each other down as they stood within the area. The Sorrow 13 gathered as they prepared themselves for the "fiesta".
"Those two are so damn childish!" Sazuki said while pulling her pigtails and shouting out loud. "I've got actual things that need to get done and then these 2 complete IDIOTS have to just get themselves in this situation! and they call themselves Sorrow 13! pathetic!" Sazuki said in anger
"Relax Sazuki. We must have this duel as so their egos will be silenced for the time being." A voice was heard next to her as Sazuki turned around.
This lady was of course, the Empress of the III. She had beautiful,red hair tied in a form of an empress alongside being in a chinese-like white-robe with red flowers on it with a weird crystal-like tattoo on her forehead to go along with her makeup and red-crystal necklace around her neck. To finalize her gear was of course...sandals...
"Ah!...Iris-Sensei! I-I didn't expect you to seriously be here for such a foolish duel!" Sazuki said in surprise as well as being caught off guard.
"Quite the contrary Sazuki. I've told you before that I will always attend events or anything that correlates to what Gigas has told us." Iris calmly stated.
"B-But to watch these two idiots fight!...Iris-Sensei don't think you think such a scene is completely-"
"Sazuki. Enough. You have quite the volatile personality but you must work to realize that you must maintain true peace with yourself. I understand how you feel but you must realize that such feelings need to be restrained before they only begin to harm yourself." Iris said in a scolding tone to Sazuki.
"I...I'm sorry Iris-Sensei...I shall learn to restrain myself more." Sazuki said while looking at Iris.
"I hope you do Sazuki. Now let us sit down and watch the duel between Zarashi and Oberon." Iris said relaxingly. Iris and Sazuki both sat down as they themselves got ready for the match ahead.
*Meanwhile...within the arena.*
"I wonder what shitty excuse you'll make about your honor when you lose this duel...Oberon..." Zarashi said with a grin on his face
"I'm not exactly sure Zarashi...I know you'll resort to your cheap excuse of saying the opponent was cheating...but then again, We are talking about you so its no surprise. Oberon said with no expression change.
"Tch...You'll pay for that one you damn rat..." Zarashi said as he got into a battle stance.
"A rat?...that's a new one...but let's make one thing clear Zarashi." Oberon said
"I was a king with great power. Feared and respected by all. I was a terror to all."
"The only form of terror you had...Was by being a common street rat with 0 value."
Zarashi shot off immediately as he pulled out his sword. His sword was a rusted,sharp sword. It was built almost like a regular sword albeit sharper and rustier. It had definitely seen many battles.
Oberon remained at his spot as he prepared his hand signs. "What a fool" He though to himself.
"Samurai Style: Samurai of Venus!" Oberon called out. A red Samurai formed not even a second later. The samurai was covered in flames alongside a flaming sword. He looked on at Zarashi as he moved forward. He blocked the attack from Zarashi as they went head to head.
"Hmph! Get out of the way! "Water Style: Gunshot!" Zarashi called out as the water went directly went onto the Samurai. The Samurai fell to the floor as he burned up and vanished from the water's damage. Zarashi looked and found Oberon was no longer in the same position he was in prior. He noticed too late as Oberon was behind and had roundhouse-kicked him from the behind as Zarashi came crashing down to the floor. Oberon stared down as he called out Zarashi.
"I expected nothing from you Zarashi! And yet not even a minute in and I'm already feeling robbed of my expectations! Oberon mockingly said. Zarashi flew out of the rubble with sword in hand, Essentially charging at Oberon who stood waiting.
"Samurai Style: Samurai of Jupiter!" Oberon called out. A Samurai formed, this time he was brown-colored and had a huge shield in hand with a very bulky body. He protected Oberon with all he could as he easily deflected all of Zarashi's attacks.
"Should have expected this from one of the most cowardly of the Sorrow-13! You damn bastard!" Zarashi said in anger as he continued to try to strike through it.
Samurai Style: Samurai of Uranus and Samurai of Neptune!" Oberon once again called out. The 2 samurai's were both blue in color. Neptune had what appeared to be large,powerful,punching gloves. While Uranus seemed to have a hook to hook someone in. Uranus threw out a hook to Zarashi, which Zarashi noticed in time and backed up from...
"Like I'd fall for something like that!" Zarashi said with a grin.
"Of course you'd fall for it. In fact...You just did fall for it." Oberon said with a huge grin.
"Wha-" Zarashi couldn't finish as he was punched in the back once again, by Neptune this time. He was in the middle of the arena lying on the floor in pain.
"Samurai Style: Samurai of Saturn!" The yellow samurai that formed seemed to be floating in the air with a large spear. He then dove somewhat further into the air, then came pouncing down feet first onto Zarashi. Zarashi coughed out blood from the power of the fall. The Samurai then backed up after the attack.
"Samurai Style: Samurai of Mercury!" A purple colored Samurai was spawned. He was incredibly quick, as he dashed around the arena before kicking Zarashi into the air, jumping into the air and then doing a harsh-kick to him as he fell right back down to the same spot he was in.
Zarashi at this point, was completely shocked. Absolutely shocked at how much stronger Oberon had grown and how much he himself had been slacking off.
"I would love to prolong your suffering for your poor attitude...but I'll just end this now so I can go do something that may be worth my time..." Oberon said as he put his hands together.
Suddenly, the Samurai of Venus returned. He himself didn't last long though as a black hole formed within the air which sucked up all of the samurai's within the arena. The power of the black began to manifest and grow wild as enormous winds came out of it alongside innate electrical damage and power!
"Damn it why go through all of this! He could have just ended this now! Sazuki said while holding her hands up from the power being emitted.
"..." Iris simply stared with no expression change.
Gigas merely had a smile on his face and was completely unaffected.
The black hole began to shape itself as it became a figure. The figure began to manifest and showed itself. It was a hulking samurai in all black armor with a mask that covered it's face. It also had a large cleaver and was emitting large amounts of power while simply standing and awaiting orders. Zarashi slowly got back up as he stared in shock.
"Sanesame...destroy him..." Was all Oberon said as the figure short forward and slammed his hand into Zarashi's chest.
"GAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Zarashi said in tremendous pain from merely one punch. This punch was followed by another.
And another.
And another.
It went on and on for a good few minutes until Oberon told it to stop. Oberon then spoke.
"Realize your place Zarashi...You were at one point one of our most lethal members but your own complacency and laziness got the better of you...You've become our most rotten and disgusting member...You serve nothing to us besides being folly because of your long-standing within the Sorrow-13. You've turned from a cocky,upstart, with incredible potential to back it a cocky, distasteful, piece of trash...I expected nothing after so long and yet I still feel let down...You've truly become an utter-waste of garbage...What a shame..."
Oberon grabbed Zarashi by the throat as he lifted him up and threw him away a little, as to stand up and take his blow.
"Stand and face your defeat! Abide by the honor that I! The lord! Am giving you! Filthy street rat! Oberon commanded. Zarashi simply stared at the floor. Sword in hand. He was bloodied and looked in an awful state. His clothing essentially gone, the only thing left were his pants.
"This blow won't be this arena...It's not my fault if you die outside of it..." Oberon lifted his sword and aimed.
"Goodbye! Zarashi of the Thirteenth!" Oberon shouted at.
The targeted blow was aimed as nearly everyone looked on in interest at the events that were about to occur.
"Zarashi!" Sazuki shouted out
Iris remained quiet on the outside...but on the inside...
"Oberon. You made a fatal mistake not ending this as quick as possible...I warned you..."
"Oberon. I must let you know before you go in there...end the fight quickly and do not get'll pay the consequences..."
"Why is that?...I doubt he's developed anything that'll help him in such a situation but i'll hear you out empress..."
"His power now is nothing to scoff at, but he has definitely gotten weaker then he once was...That doesn't mean you should go into this without care...or you'll pay the consequences..."
"Oh?...and why is that?" Oberon asked with a sneer.
"It's because..."
Oberon grabbed the blade that was aimed for him.
"Wha-What?!..." Oberon asked in utter shock
"When Zarashi takes damage. His power converts the damage he takes into power. The way the damage converts in turn corrupts him and awakens a state..."
Zarashi slowly got up as a menacing smile was on his face began to show.
"Where his Bloodlust takes control...and in this state..."
Zarashi slowly put his head up. His hair was now a shinier green, as he stared at Oberon. He now had red dash marks under his eyes, and a red cross now replaced his pupil within his left eye.
"He becomes beyond thought"
Zarashi laughed.
"He becomes beyond imagination"
Zarashi began to open his mouth.
"He returns to the form he was brought in from..."
Zarashi was about to speak.
"The one who destroyed a whole shinobi-village by himself..."
"The Blood Seeker Zarashi!"
Zarashi spoke
Hey there!...It's been a while...I didn't think you'd forget such a handsome face...My liege...