There, You Are Done!

Ed looked at Howard and said, "I had an urgent errand to run. Sorry about that. But here I am, and I heard that you are getting married today?" He looked at Dmitri and continued, "This is all too fast. What's the hurry?" 

"It was necessary," replied Dmitri shamelessly. 

Ed and Howard broke into laughter. 

"Dmitri, how are you baby?" said Adrianna as she petted her pet's head who snuggled into her as if complaining about her leaving him. 

"Adrianna, you cannot call him Dmitri," protested Dmitri. 

"Dmitri, my baby," Adrianna hugged her bear tightly, giving a side-glance to her alpha. 

Dmitri gritted his teeth. Her pet was about to become a huge issue in the future - he just knew it.