She Was Just an Untrained Half-witch

Adrinna shushed Dmitri and said, "Let me go find out about it." 

"No you better stay inside," ordered Dmitri. "I will go and see."

Without waiting for her answer, Dmitri went out. As soon as he was out of the cave, he became drenched in a torrential rain that was falling so hard that it seemed as though the gods had become angry. The visibility was very poor and he couldn't make out anything. Just as he was about to go back inside, a bolt of lightning fell a few meters away from him, making him jump behind a boulder to take refuge. It was really strange. 

The noise was so loud that it made Adrianna nervous. "Come back inside!" she reached out to him with urgency. 

He communicated back to Adrianna, "I am fine. Don't come out. I will be there in a minute."