The Wizard Academy (5)

She had entered Ziu's mind and he didn't even know about it, which was very unusual for a wizard because it wasn't easy to enter their minds. It took exactly five minutes for Adrianna to understand Ziu. She realized that he wasn't her enemy - all he wanted was to prove that he was the best. She smiled faintly while Ziu became more and more agitated at the other students. All of them shook their heads and the more intelligent ones understood that there was something weird about the whole thing. Lia's daughter, Zola, had been watching Adrianna from a distance. There was a lot to report to her mother. 

When none of the students committed to the deed, Ziu said, "I know how to get the truth out of all of you. I hope you realize that." Even though Ziu could enter the minds of the students, he wanted them to suffer.