A Dead Professor

Adrianna eyes became wide with horror when she came to know that Professor Gregory was dead. Goosebumps lined her skin when she heard the news. She looked at Professor Ziu for explanation, but he was as cold as stone. She didn't know how to even react. When Ilsa left, Adrianna stuttered, "D- dead? A dead professor was here teaching me death spells? Professor Ziu, what is going on?"

Adrianna was spooked. In her entire life, she had never ever interacted with the dead. 

Ziu inhaled deeply. "Adrianna, Professor Gregory was the best wizard in the kingdom. He was very learned and a wise professor. He invented many types of deadly spells as well as protection spells. Unfortunately, while inventing one of his spells, it backfired and he died. With so much knowledge, he was able to keep his spirit attached to this world. He died long before you were born, but when he died, he heard a prophecy that only one person in this world could ever revive him."