She Felt Cathartic

Dmitri could feel the despair and misery in Adrianna's heart the entire day she had been participating in the competition. He could feel the fury in her and all the negativity that she had to deal with. He hadn't left his house, wondering whether or not he would have to go and get her. At this rate, she won't be able to cope. He felt like extracting her from the competition and bringing her back to his side. The feeling was writhing at his soul. By the end of the second day, when dusk fell, he could feel that she wanted to be with him - that she wanted to repair the dents that had marred her soul.

He knew that she yearned to be with him, so when he saw the portal open, he stood in front of the portal and received Adrianna in his arms. As soon as she was in his arms, he picked her up and kissed her passionately on the lips.