Speaking Like His Luna

Adrianna was shocked to hear Fleur speaking like that. "What do you mean I can't go? Just because of an incident, you expect me to stay confined inside the royal palace with some royal protection? Am I so weak that I can be threatened by just one attack?" Adrianna spoke harshly. 

"Adrianna, you misunderstand me. The academy is closed for all students. It is not safe and Professor Ziu has declared a day's holiday. We have been able to find the person who was behind the attack on royal carriage yesterday. He belongs to the third level of the wizard kingdom and was loyal to Cy. However, after Cy left the kingdom, he has been doing menial jobs since he was fired from his job because the ministry suspected that he might be a spy. We also know that he was working for Mihr. However, we have never been able to gather any solid evidence.