So Soon, My Darling?

Adrianna walked through the portal created by Fleur. After three days of being away, when she arrived in the bedroom, she found that Dmitri wasn't around. She became sad as she had been really hoping to meet him. She went to take a long bath. When she returned, she found him studying a few papers and standing by the glass window. 

"This is annoying. My husband ignores his one and only wife," she said as she went and hugged him from behind. 

Dmitri laughed softly and said, "Your husband is tired and needs a good bath. Either I ask my maidservants to give me a bath or my wife could do the honors?" 

"Do you mean to say that I am like one of your maidservants?" asked Adrianna, annoyed at him. 

"Of course not! When did I say that?"

"You implied it!" she retorted, leaving him and heading to the bed. 

Dmitri laughed. "Now what can I do if you wish to think that way, but I have never implied it."