So Scared of Hurting Me That...

The salesman was miserable. "Sir, I am extremely sorry. Please, you must forgive me. This is the first time I have seen such kind of shopping in our shop."

Adrianna was pissed by his change in behavior after seeing the money and their power to buy things. She requested the policemen, "He wanted to insult us right from the beginning. Please arrest him and we will lodge a complaint with you now against him." 

While the salesman kept pleading guilty, the owner of the shop was seen running around to help pack all the jewelry Dmitri had purchased. He wasn't even bothered to help the salesman. "Sir, would you like us to send the jewelry to your house?" 

"No, we will take it from here," answered Dmitri. Then he took the ring out of the box and made Adrianna wear it there and then. "This is how humans get engaged." 

Adrianna circled her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. "And this is how the deal is sealed."